STEM School Highlands Ranch
Advancement Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 28, 2025 at 6:30 PM
Committee Members Present
C. Gustafson (remote), G. Shick (remote), M. Cartier (remote)
Committee Members Absent
K. Reyna, L. Davison, R. Lukez
Guests Present
Alisa Jodeh (remote), David Beamer (remote), Kate Jackson (remote), L. Kovalesky (remote), Laurie Veldhuizen (remote), Valerie Hopkins (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
G. Shick called a meeting of the Advancement Committee of STEM School Highlands Ranch to order on Tuesday Jan 28, 2025 at 6:33 PM.
II. Sub-Committee Structure Review
Sub-Committee Structure
Identify Chairs for Sub-Committees
- Schedule coffee meeting with Laurie Veldhuizen, Matt Cartier & Greg Shick re: leadership for Events & Accelerator Fund
- Follow-up with Lori Kingman re: chairing Industry Sponsorships
III. Upcoming Promotion Opportunities
Upcoming Promotion Opportunities
- Post Matt's video in the STEM Parents Facebook page
- David Beamer is handling social media posts for STEM now
- Use targeted requests via social media to request volunteers for events / fundraising
- STEM is now using Galaxy Digital platform for parent volunteer hours
IV. Updates on Details & Logistics
Updates on Details & Logistics
- Soft launch of Accelerator Fund in May 2025, messaging to new families over summer and full launch in 2025-26 school year
- Website for Accelerator Fund and fundraising is now complete and ready for launch
- Matt C. suggested that PTO to be involved on the Academics (parents supporting teachers), Susan Jones and John Monroe for Athletics and Melanie Fitzroy for Enrichment
- Tentatively 9/12 (Friday), 9/25 (Thursday) or 9/26 (Friday) for golf tournament date, Matt is researching if 9/12 is available; STEM has already paid a deposit during the FY22-23 school year
V. Closing Items
Action Items / Topics for Next Meeting
Consider moving next meeting to daytime or immediately following school hours for additional engagement
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:33 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
G. Shick