STEM School Highlands Ranch


Board Meeting - Working Session

Mid Year Working Session

Date and Time

Tuesday January 21, 2025 at 5:30 PM


8920 Barrons Blvd

P-TECH Mechatronics Room

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

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Passcode: 340226

Directors Present

C. Gustafson, D. Lomelino (remote), E. Quigley, G. Shick, G. Wing (remote), I. Kalra, K. Reyna, L. Davison (remote), R. Lukez

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

M. Cartier

Non Voting Members Present

M. Cartier

Guests Present

Evan Coughenour (remote), L. Kovalesky

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Gustafson called a meeting of the board of directors of STEM School Highlands Ranch to order on Tuesday Jan 21, 2025 at 5:32 PM.

II. Board Governance Strategic Discussion


Bellwether Consulting presentation with Q&A. Focus on Board governance related to replication.

Evan Coughenour (remote) - Bellwether

Facilitated discussion around Board Governance and Growth Planning

RL joined 5:36 pm

EQ joined 5:45 pm

DL joined 5:50 pm



Question: Any data that shows geographical distance and success rates correlated with that?

Want enough distance to capture non-overlapping markets; other factors include density of students, distance traveled to school, other choice schools, demand for programming, etc. to make sure we're capturing landscape accurately.


Question: What else do we need to do to align with strategic plan goals?

Continuous checking in with status of indicators to greenlight roadmap. Pitfalls to look out for: moving goalposts


Question: How to communicate reasons for growth to community?

Detail the case for growth in the current landscape and long term growth and sustainability. Increased opportunity for staff (PD, classes, geography), increased resources (economy of scale)


Question: Advantage/disadvantage of the scale of growth

Right size for near term, and long term.  Needs are different, but in general, single site schools get larger organically and lots of factors, redundancy/succession plan, need clarity on network leader/building leader/teacher development.  Phased approach easier to manage risk.


Question: Typical board structure for charter network

Engagement more important than number. Need enough for commitment and subcommittee work. Entrepreneur, finance, lawyers, facilities, local regulations/districts


Question: Budget building

Evan will share more resources


Reviewed strategic priorities and greenlighting document

Anything to add or take away? 

Governance needs to be clarified, add stakeholders/community forums (possibly part of Growth Task Force) to communicate to current and future community members, industry partners, letters of intent/waiting list, authorizer board member support, org structure/plan and budgeting structure/plan and policies for each school, budget priorities (How are we funding Koson and new sites?)

III. STEM Strategic Priorities


Review 24/25 STEM Strategic Priorities and preview proposed 25/26 STEM Strategic Priorities

Matt shared current opportunities, threats, strengths, weaknesses.  Matt asks for feedback and communication


Matt shared his conversations with CSI, DCSD Board regarding window of opportunity


Strategic Task Update/Progress so far

Focus on branding, identity, marketing, materials, core values

Focus on academic rigor, student and staff experience, communications, events

School store, vending machine, brand guidelines being followed for future apparel, technology integration, data dashboard (for admin, for student, for board)


Continued tasks for 25/26

Apply for grants, build relationships, student showcase, fundraising, software solutions (systems and processes), fundraising, data dashboard, change management plan, mission/vision, pedagogy/curriculum, standards, PBL, website, Blue Ribbon

IV. 25/26 KOSON Strategic Planning Discussion


25/26 KOSON Strategic Priorities

Colorado Schools Fund Grant Proposal, $50k (verbally confirmed; want a written up scope of work), up to $2M for Year 0 and Year 1 for new schools (based on per student)

Also Colorado League of Charter Schools has grant funding available

Grant funding is focused on people and programs rather than capital funding

Discussion around budget/governance structure/org details, recommendations and clarity around budget from Finance committee.  Need to develop process/clarity for separate budget for expansion.  Matt also points that technology integration across different sites. Might need a strategic plan for Koson.



Priority will be to start a preschool, Matt will present business plan (will be vetted through Growth Task Force). Need to look at political landscape, next priority is location


DL and LD left early

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
I. Kalra