STEM School Highlands Ranch
Board of Director's Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 7, 2025 at 5:30 PM
8920 Barrons Blvd
P-TECH Mechatronics Room
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
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Directors Present
C. Gustafson, D. Lomelino (remote), G. Shick (remote), G. Wing, K. Reyna (remote), L. Davison, R. Lukez
Directors Absent
E. Quigley, I. Kalra
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
K. Reyna
Ex Officio Members Present
M. Cartier
Non Voting Members Present
M. Cartier
Guests Present
A. Westfall, Cortney Crouch, L. Kovalesky (remote), M. Pritchard, Ryan Mehaffey, Sean Milner
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Reciting of the Mission Statement
II. Approve Meeting Minutes
Approve Minutes 12/3
Approve Minutes 12/9
III. Public Comment - Moved earlier due to Executive Session
Public Comment Sign up link
IV. STEM School Highlands Ranch Updates
Facilities Update
Facilities update discussion moved to Budget review section.
AP Diploma Program Approval
Here’s how it works: 1. AP Seminar: In this course, students explore real-world issues through multiple perspectives, research various topics, and develop arguments through written essays, presentations, and team projects. 2. AP Research: Following AP Seminar, this course allows students to design, execute, and defend a year-long research project on a topic of their choice, culminating in a research paper and an oral defense. 3. Additional AP Exams: Students must also pass four additional AP exams in any subject to qualify for the diploma.
V. KOSON Schools
CIO Update - Strategic Updates
Matt presented updates to potential growth in DCSD. Letter of Intent will be sent to DCSD later this week to start the process and formal discussion with the District. Potential areas include Sterling Ranch and the Canyons. John Adams school has a goal to open in 2026 in Sterling Ranch through application to CSI.
VI. Board Committee Updates
2024/25 Budget Update Presentation and Approval
Matt Cartier with Chris Damour presented the proposed facility improvements based on DCSD Bond approval and requested reserve funding
money set aside toward playground- all elementary kids
750 broken into 2 buckets- we can get them done by end of July
bond money- working with liaison - that money will be spent over 2-3 years
What percent of that 750 would hit next year? 60 percent by the end of June, and the rest after, but we'll know more moving forward
Secondary and elementary lobby- updating and refreshing
Elementary cafeteria and gymnasium acoustics has been on the list 5-6 years- other rooms could use
Some numbers are earmarked, and we can discuss changes as needed.
Matt, Darrell, and Finance Committee presented update 24/25 Budget for Approval. The proposed budget utilizes $1.5 million from reserves, $750K for facilities capital projects and $750K for legal expenses. Ryan Mehaffey reviewed the key changes from the Draft updated budget presented in December. Matt described the $311K decrease due to student count discrepancy which required the updated budget to be adjusted. This $311K funding will need to be requested through the appeal process, which is currently a 2 year process.
Discussion that Matt and team have some flexibility to balance and adjust, as long as the adjustments are within the approved budget. Discussion on how to streamline the approval process going forward.
Board Approval of Revised FY 24/25 Budget
Be it resolved by the Board that the amounts shown in the attached schedule
be appropriated to each fund as specified in the REVISED ADOPTED BUDGET
for the ensuing fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025.
Board Approval to spend reserve funds in FY 24/25
Be it further resolved, in accordance with C.R.S. 22-44-105, the Board authorizes
the use of a portion of the Fiscal Year 2024/25 Beginning Fund Balance from the
General Fund in the amount of $ 1,495,770.
Be it further resolved, that the use of this portion of the beginning fund balance for the purposes
set forth above will not lead to an ongoing deficit, provided the use of funds from fund balance is one time.
Governance Committee Update
Staff Handbook Presentation
Jan 15th is the next Governance meeting. The BOD should look through the Handbook and provide feedback to Gov committee if there are questions/comments. We can allow more time for discussion at the next Board meeting, if needed. The goal is to approve the policy sections of the Staff Handbook at the February meeting.
Advancement Committee
Matt Cartier and Greg Shick presented the proposed plan to rename the Advancement Committee to the Fundraising Committee and setup a Replication/Expansion Task Force. Board approval requested to rename the Committee and setup a new Task Force.
We are requesting another board member to join the replication and expansion task force. If anyone is interested, reach out to Matt and/ or Greg.
We can vote on changing the name and setting up the new taskforce (Greg as chair) at the next meeting. No vote was taken at this meeting.
VII. Executive Session Discussions
Convene Executive Session
Executive Session went from 7:10 to 9:06 pm.
Matt Cartier and Eric Hall were present in addition to Directors.
Public Session
Public session resumed at 9:07 pm.
There was no need for a vote.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- AP Diploma Program.pdf
- AP Diploma Programming.pdf
- Douglas_County_Growth_Strategy.pptx.pdf
- STEM_FY25_Revised_Budget_Final_for_Board_Adoption.pdf
- Staff Handbook Presentation.pdf
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