STEM School Highlands Ranch
Board of Director's Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday September 10, 2024 at 5:30 PM
8920 Barrons Blvd
P-TECH Mechatronics Room
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
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Directors Present
C. Gustafson, D. Lomelino, E. Quigley, G. Shick, G. Wing, I. Kalra, K. Reyna, L. Davison, R. Lukez
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
M. Cartier
Non Voting Members Present
M. Cartier
Guests Present
L. Kovalesky
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Reciting of the Mission Statement
II. Approve Meeting Minutes
Approve Minutes
Roll Call | |
I. Kalra |
G. Shick |
G. Wing |
L. Davison |
D. Lomelino |
R. Lukez |
C. Gustafson |
K. Reyna |
E. Quigley |
III. STEM School Highlands Ranch Updates
Present Staff and Student Surveys from 2023/24
2025/26 Academic Calendar Presentation and Q&A
ED Updates
- Teacher of the Year Finalist Tera Johnson-Swartz
- 5 NMSQT students
- Increase of 4.3% to 88.1% on SPF
Michelle Gasser
- Three calendar options or 2025-2026 academic year, based on DCSD and parent feedback
- Cannot pre-plan remote days
- Delaying start time would have to adjust soccer field time, traffic management plan
- Calendar 3 is staff's 1st choice (52.7%), Calendar 1 is staff's 2nd choice (129 responses)
- Calendar 3 is parents' 1st choice (52.4%), Calendar 2 is parents' 2nd choice (353 responses)
- Board needs to make a decision by October 1st, due to DCSD by October 15th
Student Government Spotlight
Student Government Officers introduced themselves and shared their goals for the semester
IV. KOSON Schools
Strategic Plan Discussion
Matt Cartier
- Must celebrate improvements on facilities, enrollment, retention, community surveys, etc.
- Proposed growth goals are moderate increases year over year
- Many growth opportunities, even if 5A passes
- Wants to propose applying for an additional location in 2025, take 3 years to build out
- Wants to look at Golden and St. Vrain for other opportunities due to CU Boulder and School of Mines for higher education opportunities
- Parallel build of sustainable infrastructure system and processes concurrently while planning for future
- LD expresses concern that board has not had a lot of information on the items that have been historically neglected
- KR requests specific steps and more concrete information to show narrow focus on advancement to share with the board and to share changes that
- CG asks board to discuss and approve general strategic plan, and to discuss details and updates as we approach them
- The work to build STEM brand and KOSON shared services has helped to inform strategic goals
- MC believes that we have the right people and right resources to grow
- Discussion about subcommittee structure and goals
- Strategic Plan in Advancement Committee meeting open to public 9/24
- Will have a refined strategic plan for board vote for Oct 1st meeting
V. Board Committee Updates
Academic Excellence Committee
Created one-pager
Meeting on 9/17 with SAC-UIP to discuss SPF/UIP
CIO Support and Evaluation
Discussion around draft CIO goals for 2024-2025 year
- general consensus on themes and goals, need some specifics on systems and implementation
- what evidence will be shared periodically?
- ask for feedback
Will include a 360 from shared services team
Will have a mid-year review and provide evidence
Advancement Committee
GS provided update
- Met on 8/27 to go through and update one-pager. Discussed annual fund campaign and events at school, golf tournament and gala for 2025-2026 academic year
- Established recurring meeting and is available on All School calendar
- Developing fundraising strategy will be this year's goal
Finance Committee
Finance committee met with financial advisor
- discussed and decided to not to exercise bond call until rates improve
- working on finance work flow and systems
Governance Committee
Highlighted changes to financial policies to vote on.
- Clarifying language
- Check in excess of $10k, clarifying oversight/transparency/fraud prevention workflow
- No $ values changed.
- Consultants will help further refine and update policies later in the year
- KR highlighted need to make sure that auditor selection process is clarified
KR moved to approve Financial Policy, RL second, approved unanimously
VI. Board of Directors Updates
Douglas County Bond Resolution
EQ motions to approve resolution to support 2024 5A , IK seconds.
Passed unanimously
Consent Agenda
RL motioned to approve, and DL seconded.
Passed unanimously
Chair Update
Requesting feedback on committee one-pagers
IT policies up for review
Complete CDE nondiscrimination policy certificates
Next Board Meeting on Oct 1, have executive session on Oct 8th
Discuss Proposed Annual Calendar for Board Meetings
VII. Public Comment
Public Comment Sign up link
No public comment
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
GS left early (8:32pm)
RL motioned to adjourn, KR seconded. Approved unanimously.
- Abridged Student Survey Report 23-24.pdf
- Calendar1.pdf
- Calendar2.pdf
- Calendar3.pdf
- September Board Presentation 24_25.pdf
- Board meeting slides.pdf
- STEM Strategic Plan GROWTH Essential Slides for 20240910 Board Agenda.pdf
- 2024-2025 CIO Goals (DRAFT).pdf
- 2024.09 Financial Controls Policy Revisions_CLEAN.pdf
- 2024.09 Financial Controls Policy Revisions_REDLINE.pdf
- 1stem_financial_controls_policy_updated_2022-2023-signed.pdf
- Board_Resolution_declaring_support_for_Bond 2024.pdf
* Only student and parent survey data was presented
Student Advisory Group
Michelle Gasser shared Parent survey data from Fall/Spring
LynAnn shared enrollment update - 1399 total students