STEM School Highlands Ranch


Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 9, 2024 at 5:30 PM


P-tech Building

8920 Barrons Blvd

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Webinar Link: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:    Please click this URL to join.  Passcode: 919339



Link to Meeting Presentation Slides

Directors Present

C. Gustafson, E. Quigley, G. Shick, I. Kalra, K. Reyna, L. Davison, M. Horne

Directors Absent

R. Lukez, R. Theret

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Cartier

Non Voting Members Present

M. Cartier

Guests Present

A. Westfall, L. Kovalesky, N. Bostel

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Reyna called a meeting of the board of directors of STEM School Highlands Ranch to order on Tuesday Jan 9, 2024 at 5:34 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance


Reciting of the Mission Statement


Approve Minutes

C. Gustafson made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Directors Meeting on 12-05-23.
E. Quigley seconded the motion.

Approval contingent upon one edit:  The 12/5 Board Meeting was called to order by Carla Gustafson since Kelly Reyna was remote. Edit made and minutes approved and published.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Lukez
I. Kalra
E. Quigley
K. Reyna
L. Davison
C. Gustafson
G. Shick
R. Theret
M. Horne

II. Academic Excellence


Student Updates

HS Student Government:  Updates to Student Government Officers- Luke Brevoort has been replaced with Alex Rogers as President. 

-Covered Fall Semester Events: Community board, Pep Rally, Spirit week, Homecoming, Trunk or Treat, Nerds Night Out, Sports Night. 

-Upcoming events: Winter Formal- 1/27, Wish week and Talent Show (in partnership with NHS), Prom- 4/26


BOD Question: Do we have a Wish recipient?- Yes, but it has not been announced publicly yet. 




FRC- Team 4418 Impulse:

Presented activity so far this school year, specifically their mission to pass a bill in CO that will help financially struggling STEM Extracurricular programs access Colorado State Grants, including FRC teams from other schools and Best Robotics. It is our hope that the STEM BOD can assist us in creating connections to promote our goals. 


Additionally, FRC has been having trouble sustaining our financial goals for this year and needs to raise $45,000 for next year. We have not fundraised enough to meet our current goals and current plans and we are worried that if we don't raise $45,000 this year we will not be a club next year. We want to ask the BOD for any support during our time of need. 


BOD Questions:

How much do you raise in a year?- We typically raise $10,000 but many of our sponsors have pulled out. We go through about $30,000 in a season and also sponsor other FLL teams. 


Have FRC registration costs gone up?-Yes, the competitions have gone up significantly. 


What are some of the challenges of funding you have come across over the years?- Keeping sponsors, completing grant application and submissions. Lockdown caused trouble for us and we lost students in our organization. We fell short financially last year and this year and now we are feeling the effects of that because we raise money for the upcoming year in the current one. 


How much do you have now?- $20,000 is what we have right now, and $30,000 is what we really need, but if we can raise $45,000 we can at least continue in some capacity. 


Who goes out to get the sponsors?- The Business team, which is currently just one person.  


Next Steps: We can put it in the newsletter, we will need the story to go with it. On the DCSD side, STEM staff can help connect the club with the appropriate contact regarding the proposed Colo bill. FRC can also work together with other clubs to coordinate with each other regionally.  


Executive Director Report - STEM

L. Kovalesky- Presented updates:

-Holiday events and staff party were a huge success!

-Virtual teacher workday included LEP- (English Lang.) Training and SBL Brainstorming session. 

-Secondary Course Selection sheets and the Academic Course catalogue will be available to view online this week. 

-Students will complete the Student Fall Survey this week in Access, We have 100 responses, but we expect far more

-Special kudos to Chris Damour and his team, there has been noticeably less sickness in the ES level due to the efforts of Chris and his team! 

-Enrollment update- 1395- 9 withdrew in December, 4 withdrew 2nd Semester, and 7 enrolled.


Focus and Goals for teacher support team- Improve school culture, SBL, Data driven instructions, 

New Teacher inductions- All teachers who are new to teaching have the ability to attend in our building. - 20 new teachers needing induction and 13 Mentors- 

Including 1 monthly observation, one monthly meeting

PD Support-We measure its effectiveness through feedback during coaching, staff retention and surveys. 


III. KOSON Schools


CIO Updates



Faculty update- Introduce Brian Chaput our new Human Resources Director


General updates- Charter Renewal approval vote by DCSD Board occurs on 1/23/24 and there may be negotiations. The Students who spoke at the renewal presentation to DCSD Board  were amazing. We watched the Admin team work through difficult topics. 


Bellweather updates- We were able to turn in all our due diligence paperwork. They will meet with us on the 11th to go over the site visit. The goal of this meeting is to look at our school and get a growth plan and strategic plans. We are building the budget from the ground up. 


Communications- We will be working on our messaging and marketing to show who we are and what value we bring to the community.


Advancement committee- Working on a structure of what it looks like to raise money from the school. Academics, Enrichment and Athletics- Coordinated plans to raise the money


Facilities update- Chris Damour-introduction/Facility update- 70% of time spent in the building

Construction punch list, Fire and safety systems, door repair and maintenance, Past due invoices, HVAC issues, Maintenance, custodial, staff observations, meeting/evaluations of vendors and subs. 

Big Items: Roof, HVAC, RTUs, PTECH build out, Playground, Fencing, Parking lots

Utility savings: LED Lighting, preventative maintenance agreements with vendors.


BOD suggestion- Try looking for grants that can assist with the utility savings and preventative updates.


State of STEM- February 5th, 2024 at 8 AM and 5:30 PM - In person, Recorded

Purpose- To provide detail on the current condition and future work of KOSON/STEM Topics: Academics, Finances, Survey results, Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities and next steps.


BOD: February the 5th works. 8 AM should be well attended. Having the 2 options to access and the recorded meeting is good for people with work schedule confilicts. 6:00 PM is recommended instead of 5:30, because it gives people a chance to eat dinner first.

IV. Board Committee Updates


Governance Committee - Board Policy Updates

The Community Use of Facilities Policy and Use of DCSD Policies were in the board book.


L. Kovalesky will review these policies and then we can bring it to the board for a vote next month. 


Finance Committee

The 2023-24 budget is in the board book. It was due tomorrow and was ready to review. 

Annual Budget- Board discussed line by line and asked questions. 


The Nov 2023 Review- No Vote

I. Kalra made a motion to Approve the Budget Changes as stated.
G. Shick seconded the motion.

The approved budget will be posted on the website

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Davison
R. Theret
K. Reyna
I. Kalra
R. Lukez
E. Quigley
G. Shick
C. Gustafson
M. Horne

V. Board of Directors Update


Upcoming Agenda Items

February 6th BOD Meeting:

The 2024-25 Bell Schedule will be presented in February BOD

The Community Use of Facilities Policy and Use of DCSD Policies- Vote

VI. Public Comment


Public Comment Sign up link

No one signed up for public comment

VII. Executive Session


Convene Executive Session

Mid year check in and review with the CIO.


Note: Zoom of public session ends here.

C. Gustafson made a motion to enter into executive session at 7:15.
I. Kalra seconded the motion.

Kelly cited law: The Board may vote to recess into executive session pursuant to:

Personnel matters except if the employee who is the subject of the session has requested an open meeting, or if the personnel matter involves more than one employee, all of the employees have requested an open meeting. With respect to hearings held pursuant to the “Teacher Employment, Compensation, and Dismissal Act of 1990”, article 63 of title 22, C.R.S., the provisions of section 22-63-302 (7)(a), C.R.S., shall govern in lieu of the provisions of this subsection (4).

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

Executive session lasted 7:24pm-8:31pm.

Ryan and Rudy absent.

Matt in attendance.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Public session resumed at 8:33pm.

C. Gustafson made a motion to adjourn public session at 8:33pm.
L. Davison seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:33 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Horne