STEM School Highlands Ranch


Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 5, 2023 at 5:30 PM


P-tech Building

8920 Barrons Blvd

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

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Link to Meeting Presentation Slides

Directors Present

C. Gustafson, E. Quigley, G. Shick, I. Kalra, K. Reyna (remote), L. Davison, R. Lukez, R. Theret (remote)

Directors Absent

M. Horne

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

R. Lukez, R. Theret

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Cartier

Non Voting Members Present

M. Cartier

Guests Present

A. Westfall, L. Kovalesky, N. Bostel

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Gustafson called a meeting of the board of directors of STEM School Highlands Ranch to order on Tuesday Dec 5, 2023 at 5:30 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance


Reciting of the Mission Statement


Approve Minutes

I. Kalra made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Directors Meeting on 11-07-23.
L. Davison seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
R. Theret arrived at 5:33 PM.

II. Academic Excellence


Student Updates

Student updates- STEM FRC and Academic Excellence will be made in January.




Executive Director Report - STEM

L. Kovalesky- 

Shared school activities that occured over the past month and through December. Basketball season opener is tonight and the all staff Holiday Party is on 12/21- all BOD members have been invited to attend both events. 


Parent and staff surveys have been completed. There were about 340 responses. There were a lot of positive responses and provided areas of improvement and identifying SBL Priorities. 


Enrollment- Admin has attended middle school enrollment and recruitment events.  STEM Tours have remained steady. We are now using raptor to pull reports of the families who attended the tours so that we can follow up with them. This is the 2nd year doing Shadow days. The intent to return forms have been fairly positive, we are on the high end of students reporting intent to return. While this is encouraging, January 19th will provide solid numbers for the 1st round, and Jan 23rd would be the 2nd round. 

EV Pathway Update/ Discussion- The BOD expresses approval of the EV Pathway. They feel excitement over the opportunity to outpace the district, expand PTECH, and develop more of a focused partnership with ACC including incorporating adult night classes. 


BOD Question: Are we competing with Douglas County for grants?- Yes. The Legacy campus has only finished one phase, and this grant will not be enough for them, but it will be a great move on our part as an organization, if granted. 

III. KOSON Schools


CIO Updates

M Cartier-

The monthly written report was shared in the board book. 

The National Blue Ribbon School award is given by the United States Department of Education to recognize exemplary public and non-public schools on a yearly basis. The award is given to schools that are academically superior in their state or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement. National Blue Ribbon Schools serve as models of effective school practices for state and district educators and other schools throughout the nation3. The award affirms and validates the hard work of students, educators, families, and communities in striving for – and attaining – exemplary achievement. A National Blue Ribbon School flag gracing a school's entryway or on a flagpole is a widely recognized symbol of exemplary teaching and learning.

STEM will be submitting our name to be awarded a Blue Ribbon. 

BOD Questions/ Comments: 

- Who nominates us to be Blue ribbon?- We put our name in ourselves and they determine whether to nominate us. 

- This has a lot of positive aspects Parents coming from elsewhere will know what that means and be more inclined to enroll

- When can we expect to hear if we have been awarded?- Most likely January 2025


Passage of the MLO- STEM stayed on the DCSD payscale and hourly and salaried staff received 11%. Additionally the admin team promised a stipend in December and May. Staff will receive 1.5% on the 15th. Retro pay was discussed before - we have decided not to do this due to declining enrollment. CIO did not receive a raise or stipend- this is up to the Support Evaluation Committee to decide. 


5-year renewal- recommendations will be coming shortly


Bellweather Consulting (see Nov. Minutes)- From the got a grant for Colorado League of Charters grant we were able to have Bellweather come in and observed our school, conduct meetings with parents, and give us a written direction for growth. 1 year from now we would like to have an updated strategic plan. 


Introduction of Chris Damour- New Facilities Director


Director of HR- Narrowed down search to a few people, hope to fill by Jan 2nd, 2024


Enrollment update- 1396 is the current enrollment- keeping a close eye on who is not responding and who is enrolling. We have heard that there are140 Kindergartners and 239 1-12 graders who have expressed interest in enrolling in STEM for the 2024-25 SY.


State of STEM- This year we are completing an Ask, Thank and Report cycle- more information to come on this. 


Budget Update- We were not able to meet as a finance committee on Thanksgiving. The BOD has been provided with the updated budget now that we have been granted MLO money. However there will be some more changes made and the BOD Vote to approve the updated budget will be during January 9th Meeting. 


Questions and clarification about the Budget update. 

Evolv is showing on the expenses but I wasn't sure where it was on the income. Can you highlight it so that we can see it clearly. 

M. cartier- pointed out it is under Categorical Revenue- under grants. 


The BOD requested that a column be added to show the previous recommended budget so that it can be easily compared with the updated recommended budget. 

R. Lukez arrived at 6:11 PM.

IV. Board Committee Updates


Governance Committee - Board Policy Updates

Annual Review- BOD review the policy addoption process 


Equal Access to Facilities Policy - for approval

This is based on Federal law and states that secondary Students have the right to meet and use school space for meetings. They will be assured proper supervision. This is internal, incidental and not Community use. 

G. Shick made a motion to approve Equal Access to Facilities Policy.
E. Quigley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Academic Excellence Committee

There were New Proposals added with the addition of a Business Teacher. (included in Board Book) the BOD will vote to approve the 4 additional classes into the course selection : 


BOD Discussion/Feedback-There should be more detail added in the prerequisites and description of the courses, but we can move forward to approve this. 

R. Lukez made a motion to approve the 3 Business and 1 PE courses based on the title, Subject to completion and submission of the associated paperwork.
C. Gustafson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Advancement Committee Update

The Advancement Committee One-Pager is included in Board book. 


We are working torking toward an annual fund that would be on the website where the community can see where we are on fundraising goals and and view ways to give. 


There was a great meeting with the Booster Club leaders and will be meeting with other committees shortly. 

V. Board of Directors Update


Board Profile Review 2024-2025

Board Profile review for 2024-25: Use tool on BOT 


Class B- Linda and Ish- term expires May 2024

Class A- Michelle Horn Term expires May 2024- Parent election planning.

Class B- Member Ryan Theret vacancy or 1 year to complete the term 2024-2025- Treasurer.


Discussion that the BOD work with SAC for Board Member pipeline.


Upcoming Agenda Items

January 9th, 2024 Next BOD Meeting

Facilities Update

2023-24 Final Budget Vote

State of STEM 

VI. Public Comment


Public Comment Sign up link

No one signed up for public comment

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
R. Lukez