STEM School Highlands Ranch
Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday September 5, 2023 at 5:30 PM
P-tech Building
8920 Barrons Blvd
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Directors Present
C. Gustafson, E. Quigley, G. Shick, I. Kalra, K. Reyna, L. Davison, M. Horne, R. Lukez
Directors Absent
R. Theret
Ex Officio Members Present
M. Cartier
Non Voting Members Present
M. Cartier
Guests Present
A. Westfall, L. Kovalesky, N. Bostel
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Reciting of the Mission Statement
Approve Minutes
Linda Abstained
Roll Call | |
L. Davison |
R. Theret |
C. Gustafson |
G. Shick |
E. Quigley |
I. Kalra |
R. Lukez |
M. Horne |
K. Reyna |
II. Academic Excellence
Student Updates
Executive Director Report - STEM
LynAnn Kovalesky- STEM Updates
Early drop-off has been moved to 7:10 AM and Secondary movement has resulted in less tardiness.
Access Classes are underway and have been well received by students. During Access, students will be able to elect to go to other classes for assistance, college visits, assemblies, etc.
Student engagement on campus has increased.
Student support needs are higher, and STEM is well-staffed for support.
Superintendent Kane visited STEM and recorded a video with Jeff Maher describing the benefits to STEM if the Bond passed.
Evolv Security is moving through pretty well. Students are adapting well and the staff and students feel safer. There hasn't been any feedback from parents. There will be key indicators that will be shared with the district. So far, the biggest concern is manpower; the expense and time required to have someone to work it.
Enrollment is down to 1417. There will be more updates on the reasoning behind this in the future.
Staffing update- STEM is looking to hire a new 1st grade teacher since there are 27 in each class.
2024-25 School Calendar Discussion
LynAnn Kovelesky presents PD Day adjustments for the 2024-25 calendar.
The current problem is that teachers are not having enough time in the day to complete Professional Development and ES teachers are consistently staying beyond their contracted time.
The proposed solutions to the calendar: Late Starts/Early Release days.
This was shared with the BOD and Lunch planning, snow days, instructional minutes, etc. were discussed.
The calendar was sent to all the committees. There is a parent and staff survey that is ready to be sent out. There will also be meetings with Staff to get their feedback. Information will be shared with the BOD so that we can move forward in the process if selected.
III. KOSON Schools
CIO Updates
Matt Cartier has completed transition into his role as CIO.
STEM 5-year renewal is approaching
The open staffing positions are HR manager and COO,
A neighborhood parking plan will be developed to help increase accountability, structure and improve upon existing systems.
Facility Expansion Finalization- We paid the remainder of what we owed and have $100K for future projects.
IT Director Mike Pritchard will provide an update on Securly during the October BOD Meeting.
Committee Meetings
Strategic planning
Yearly goals and operational plan
Future Updates and Reporting
IV. Communications Update
2023-24 School Year
Nicole Bostel- Communications Director
Presented the communication plan updates including data, outreach, and goals.
The goals will be evaluated and represented to the BOD in future meetings.
As the new head of the Business Clubs, Nicole Bostel will be coaching DECA and FBLA through communications and improve communication to students.
V. Mill Levy Bond Override
Board Resolution 2023 Mill Levy
Bond and Mill Levy Override will be on the 11/5 ballot
Roll Call | |
I. Kalra |
K. Reyna |
G. Shick |
M. Horne |
R. Theret |
R. Lukez |
L. Davison |
E. Quigley |
C. Gustafson |
VI. Board of Directors Update
2023-2024 Board Calendar Outline
Board noted that the board calendar outline looks accurate.
Streaming Board Meetings
Now streaming today - Public Comment will be in person
Committee Expectations
Carla Gustafson
Committees will submit 'one-pager' on structure, goals, etc
Upcoming Agenda Items
VII. Public Comment
Public Comment Sign up link
VIII. Executive Session
Convene to Executive Session
Kelly: The Board may enter into executive session pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(h) to discuss a student incident, in which public disclosure would adversely affect the person or persons involved, and pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(b) to conference with their attorney and ask specific legal questions related to the student incident.
Ryan absent
BOD met with legal counsel from 7:16pm-7:53pm
Moved back to public session at 7:55pm
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Ryan absent
Kelly Myrick- College Counselor/ Student Government and Senior Class Administrator gave updates on behalf of Student Government's current and upcoming events.
Student advisory could not attend this month.