STEM School Highlands Ranch

Board of Directors Meeting

Published on September 29, 2023 at 4:22 PM MDT
Amended on September 30, 2023 at 9:38 AM MDT

Date and Time

Tuesday October 3, 2023 at 5:30 PM MDT


P-tech Building

8920 Barrons Blvd

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Webinar Link: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:    Please click this URL to join.  Passcode: 919339


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Kelly Reyna 5 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order  
  C. Pledge of Allegiance Ishmeet Kalra
  D. Reciting of the Mission Statement Erin Quigley

Never Stop Innovating! We envision a world of exponential possibilities where every child develops the innate knowledge, skills, creativity and character to thrive, lead and succeed in an ever-changing future.


  E. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Kelly Reyna
    Minutes for Board of Directors Meeting on September 5, 2023  
II. Academic Excellence 5:35 PM
  A. Student Updates FYI Student Gov President 5 m
  • Student Government Spotlight
  B. Executive Director Report - STEM FYI LynAnn Kovalesky 10 m
  • General School Updates
  • 24-25 School Calendar
    • Present Survey results and final recommendations
  C. 2024-25 School Calendar Board Vote Vote Carla Gustafson 5 m
III. KOSON Schools 5:55 PM
  A. CIO Updates FYI Matt Cartier 10 m
  • 5 Year Renewal Update
  • IT Follow- up from August meeting, Mike Pritchard
  • Support and Evaluation Process
  • Strategic Planning Process
  • CIO 23/24 Goals
IV. SPF and UIP Overview 6:05 PM
  A. School Performance Framework FYI LynAnn Kovalesky or Michelle Gasser 15 m

2022-23 SPF Results

  B. Unified Improvement Plan FYI LynAnn Kovalesky 15 m

UIP Overview and Recommendations

  C. Curriculum Updates FYI Michelle Gasser 15 m
V. Board Committee Updates 6:50 PM
  A. Governance Committee - Board Policy Updates Vote Carla Gustafson 10 m
  • Discuss/Approve new Volunteering Policy.  New policy created based on content from Student and Parent Handbook and Volunteering information on STEM website.
    • Volunteering Policy 
  • Discuss/Approve revisions to Enrollment Policy.  There were comments from STEM Admin team that weren't correctly addressed in the version the Board approved in August 2023 meeting.  Other updates are also needed to align with clarification on DCSD Enrollment process.
  B. Governance Committee - Concurrent Enrollment Credit Waiver Vote Carla Gustafson 10 m

From DCSD review of STEM Charter renewal, DCSD provided feedback that a waiver is required regarding high school credit for Concurrent Enrolment in college courses. Therefore, STEM Administration has prepared a Waiver to DCSD policy on High School Grading and Transcripts to align with the STEM High School Academic Planning Guide.  STEM awards a higher credit hour equivalency for high school credits for Concurrent Education college classes compared to DCSD.  STEM is requesting a waiver for existing 9th through 12th graders only. 


The waiver is provided to the Board for review and approval to submit to DCSD.

  C. Governance Committee - Annual Policy Review FYI Carla Gustafson 5 m
  • Discuss/Review following policy docs as part of annual review.
    • Op-in/Opt-out Policy
    • Viewpoint Neutrality
  • In preparation for November meeting, review technology policy docs.  These policy docs will be discussed/reviewed in November as part of annual review.
    • IT and Student Data Privacy
    • Electronic Device Monitoring
  D. CIO Support and Evaluation Committee Update Discuss Erin Quigley 5 m
  E. Finance Committee Update Discuss Ryan Theret 5 m
VI. Board of Directors Update 7:25 PM
  A. Upcoming Agenda Items FYI Kelly Reyna 2 m
  • November
    • PTO Bi-Annual Update
    • Finance Quarterly Report
    • State of the School Report - moving to January
    • Teacher/Staff Support update
VII. Public Comment 7:27 PM

This is the time to voice opinions and provide feedback about specific agenda item(s) prior to any Board action. Speakers must complete the Public Comment Form and submit it electronically no later than 12 p.m. the day of each Board meeting. If written testimony or a handout is submitted, presenters are asked to supply one (1) copy via email to

  A. Public Comment Sign up link 3 m
VIII. Closing Items 7:30 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Kelly Reyna
