Bronx Charter School for the Arts


Monthly Board Meeting - In Person

Date and Time

Tuesday September 12, 2023 at 6:00 PM


1440 Story Ave. Bronx NY 10473



If you are not able to meet in person a Zoom link will be available below. 




Trustees Present

Arlene Bascom, Barbara H. Scott, Charles Whites, Dan Vislocky, David Barnard (remote), Denise Brecher (remote), Susan Geisenheimer

Trustees Absent

Andrea Zayas, Eric Osorio, Evette Stair- Radlein, Katherine Trager, Lori Biancamano

Guests Present

Jasmin Abbatiello, Kathy Ortiz, Krisann Vega, Lesly Garcia, Loretta Cargill, Melanie Hok, Ryan McCabe

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Barbara H. Scott called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bronx Charter School for the Arts to order on Tuesday Sep 12, 2023 at 6:37 PM.


Approve Minutes

Susan Geisenheimer made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board Meeting on 08-08-23.
Charles Whites seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Susan Geisenheimer made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 08-08-23.
Charles Whites seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Board Chair


Welcome new board member Loretta Cargill

Barbara H. Scott introduced parent representative Loretta Cargill who was approved by NYSED as of September 1.  

Furthermore Ms. Scott informed the board of Kathy Trager's resignation. Barbara H. Scott and the board accepted Kathy Trager's resignation.   


Intent to Apply to Zombie Charter

Barbara H. Scott revisited the conversation regarding whether or not the board and school will move forward with a new charter. Discussion ensued around cost, timeline, and how it impacts staffing and other school priorities. Kathy Ortiz, Loretta Cargill, Krisann Vega as well as Ryan McCabe shared their thoughts about this opportunity. 


Discussion concluded with Ms. Ortiz sharing next steps which will include sending out a survey to the board along with cost proposals from the consultants who would support with the application efforts. 


III. Executive Director Report


Enrollment Update

Kathy Ortiz provided the board an enrollment update for the current year which reflected a positive variance against the budget. She furthered shared additional student demographic information such as attendance, SPED, and ELL/MLL percentages. 



Discipline Policy Resolution

Arlene Bascom made a motion to approve the updated Student Discipline Policy and Code of Conduct as presented to the Board.
Barbara H. Scott seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Family Handbook Resolution

Arlene Bascom made a motion to approve the updated Family Handbooks as presented to the Board.
Charles Whites seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


The First Days of School

Both principals at each campus shared their highlights from the first weeks of school which included Family BBQ, 6th grade orientation, and strong student attendance. 


Academic Goals for the Year

Kathy Ortiz shared the academic priorities for the year.

  • STEAM- in preparation for the NEW 5th & 8th grade exams which this year will be online.
  • Writing- all students will be administered on-demand writing assessments.  Focusing on the 6+1 Rubric. 
  • Math- playing catch up. Greater focus on skills; building fluency K-8 Vocabulary; Number Talks School created Fluency benchmarks 
  • Ensuring students are reading on grade level. 

IV. Finance



Melanie Hok reviewed the five year renewal budget (FY25-FY29) with the board, highlighting assumptions and staffing changes. 


V. Development and Communications



Jasmin Abbatiello opened by sharing a 10 minute video to be used for brand awareness, recruitment, and fundraising efforts throughout the 2023-2024 school year. She noted that the new website and video would be shared during the Back to School Night events at both the elementary and middle schools later in the week (after being shared with teachers/staff during Launch Day). 


Jasmin mentioned a significant increase in social media followers and profile activity over the past several months and noted over the last 30 days Bronx Arts:

1. Reached Accounts 21.7K (+418%)

2. Engaged Accounts 524 (+356%)

3. Increased Followers by 6.9% (1,407 in total). 


Jasmin discussed private contributions:

1. In FY23, projections totaled $350,000 and $398,000 was raised. *This number is subject to change following reconciliation with the Finance Department and completion of the Audit. 

2.  In FY24, projections total $425,000 and the amount raised to date equals $63,363. 

A. Summer Boost appeal approved for $57,000

B. Citibank contribution of $5,000 

C. Various grants pending, including a $50,000 grant funding opportunity with Ponce de Leon (program officer assigned) and up to $20,000 from Sax LLP Foundation (invited to attend award ceremony at the end of September as a top finalist).  


VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Geisenheimer