Elevate School
July Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday July 31, 2024 at 2:00 PM
Elevate Middle School Campus, Room 102
8404 Phyllis Place
San Diego, CA 92123
The public comment portion of the meeting is set aside for members of the audience to make comments or raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda or those items that are on the agenda. These presentations are limited to three (3) minutes per person and the total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. Individuals wishing to speak please complete a Public Comment Request Form by 10:00am on the day of the meeting.
Directors Present
Becky Madeja, Chancellor Brown, Cheryl Gorman, Veronica Maxwell
Directors Absent
Guests Present
Ryan Elliott
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes from June 24 Regular Board Meeting
Chancellor Brown abstained from vote.
Core Values and Board Meeting Protocol
Non-Agenda Public Comment
Veronica Maxwell asked Board to consider keeping cameras on while zooming in for a Board meeting. Board agreed.
II. Agenda Items
Executive Director Report
Ryan Elliott provided an overview of current activities and developments at Elevate School, highlighting the following key points:
- Strategic Plan Alignment:
- The school is moving forward with a strong strategic plan, which was developed with input from the board and various community educational partners. This plan serves as the roadmap for the school's operations, in conjunction with the LCAP.
- Team and Staffing Updates:
- The leadership team returned to the office early in July, marking the beginning of preparations for the upcoming school year. A successful staff welcome event was held at the Serra Mesa campus, where 18 staff members were greeted by the leadership team.
- Staffing changes include the departure of a valued middle school counselor and art teacher. Despite the loss, the school is excited about the new hires and the upcoming teacher retreat scheduled for Thursday and Friday.
- Enrollment Status:
- Current enrollment stands strong with 472 confirmed spots, 22 applications in process, and 10 offers pending. The only potential concern is in the 7th and 8th grades, where a few spots remain open. More definitive enrollment data will be shared in September.
- Investment Plan Update:
- An unexpected issue arose with the previously approved investment plan, as the initial brokerage firm was unable to accommodate the school's public status. As a result, an interim solution was implemented with Bank of America, where a portion of the funds was placed in a 7-month CD with a 5% return. The team is exploring alternative options for the remaining investments.
- Board Candidate Process:
- A potential board candidate has been identified, and their application has been shared with the board members for review. The next steps involve coordinating an interview and following the established candidate evaluation process.
Ryan concluded by expressing optimism about the team’s direction and the upcoming school year, noting that the earlier start this year will become the norm, allowing for a longer summer break in future years.
Approve 24-25 Student/Family Handbook
Ryan Elliott presented the updated 2024-2025 Student/Family Handbook for board approval, highlighting the following points:
Annual Updates:
- The handbook undergoes updates each year, with this year's changes focused on clarity and transparency. The specific updates were detailed in the link provided to the board members prior to the meeting. Most changes were minor and aimed at improving communication and understanding between the school and families.
Contributions and Collaboration:
- Acknowledgment was given to the Deans and Lindsey for their significant role in updating the handbook, drawing from their direct interactions with students and families on campus. Their insights ensured that the handbook remained relevant and practical.
Discussion on Artificial Intelligence (AI):
- A board member raised a question about the absence of a policy regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, in the handbook. The conversation highlighted the growing importance and use of AI in education, particularly in relation to academic integrity and student learning.
- Ryan acknowledged the relevance of AI and noted that while it hadn't been a focal point in the current handbook, it would be a topic for future discussion. He suggested that the school leadership team would need to deliberate on how AI should be addressed, especially as it becomes increasingly prevalent in both educational and professional contexts.
The board was asked to approve the handbook with the understanding that AI policy discussions would be an ongoing process throughout the academic year.
Approve 24-25 Personnel Handbook
Approve 24-25 Board Meeting Schedule
Board members agreed to change the upcoming Board Retreat from September 14 to October 5.
Election of Officers: Chairperson, Vice-Chair, CFO, Secretary
The following officers were elected:
Cheryl Gorman - Chairperson
Veronica Maxwell - Vice Chairperson
Becky Madeja - Secretary
Chancellor Brown - CFO
The Elevate School Foundation (TESF) Collaboration/Partnership Discussion
The discussion focused on the collaboration and partnership between The Elevate School Foundation (TESF) and the Elevate School Board. Key points included:
Foundation Overview:
- TESF was established in March 2022, and recent changes in its leadership prompted a review of the foundation’s bylaws and relationship with the Elevate School Board.
Bylaw Review and Oversight:
- It was noted that the foundation operates as a supporting organization to the Elevate School Board, which holds oversight responsibilities. A specific bylaw stating that the foundation acts "at the pleasure of the board" raised questions about the level of oversight and the need for possible revisions to clarify the board’s role in the foundation's governance.
Proposed Bylaw Changes:
- The foundation may request board approval to revise its bylaws, particularly regarding the designation of directors and the extent of the board’s involvement in appointing foundation members. Although no specific changes were presented at the meeting, the board discussed the importance of maintaining a balance between oversight and autonomy for the foundation.
Collaboration and Accountability:
- The board emphasized the need for regular communication and transparency between TESF and the Elevate School Board. Suggestions included scheduling regular reports or updates from TESF to ensure ongoing collaboration and accountability. The board also discussed the value of having a designated board member consistently attend TESF meetings to provide continuity and maintain a strong connection between the two entities.
Approve BP 6001 Independent Study Policy (Revised)
Approve Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
Approve Agreement with Third Plateau: Culture Planning
22-23 Teacher Assignment Monitoring Outcome (TAMO) Report
The 22-23 Teacher Assignment Monitoring Outcome (TAMO) Report was reviewed with the Board.
Core values were read aloud.