Elevate School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday June 19, 2017 at 5:30 PM
2285 Murray Ridge Road, San Diego, CA 92128
The public comment portion of the meeting is set aside for members of the audience to make comments or raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda or those items that are on the agenda. These presentations are limited to three (3) minutes per person and the total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.
Directors Present
Carol Leighty, Freda Callahan, Jerry Beckwith, Jill Soule, Mike Kuypers, Tom Keliinoi, Virginia Eves
Directors Absent
Guests Present
Kellie Hooper, Matt Eisenberg, Ryan Elliott
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Tom Keliinoi called a meeting of the board of directors of Elevate School to order on Monday Jun 19, 2017 at 5:31 PM.
Public Comment
No public comment
Approve Agenda
M Kuypers motioned to approve
J.Beckwith seconded
with agenda item II. H removed
J.Beckwith seconded
with agenda item II. H removed
The board VOTED unanimously to approve
Approve Minutes
S. Hanson recommended correcting item D to note he was absent and for agenda and minute vote and his name is misspelled in 1 place
C. Leighty motioned to approve with corrections
V. Eves seconded
The board VOTED unanimously to approve
C. Leighty motioned to approve with corrections
V. Eves seconded
The board VOTED unanimously to approve
II. Agenda Items
Principal's Report
R. Elliott reported
-students had a great end of the year
-Field Day was a success with military volunteers as well
-96.2% attendance for the year
-6 of our 9 teachers will be returning
-still room for enrolling students in 4th grade
-students had a great end of the year
-Field Day was a success with military volunteers as well
-96.2% attendance for the year
-6 of our 9 teachers will be returning
-still room for enrolling students in 4th grade
Financial Update
Matt Eisenberg reviewed the financials
ADA was above budgeted
Expenses that were over were PE and LVN staffing
Cash reserve is strong at 36%
Governor's final budget proposal shows LCFF gap getting closer to closing the gap
STRS and PRS costs will continue to rise sharply
Elevate's 5 year forecast budget is strong
ADA was above budgeted
Expenses that were over were PE and LVN staffing
Cash reserve is strong at 36%
Governor's final budget proposal shows LCFF gap getting closer to closing the gap
STRS and PRS costs will continue to rise sharply
Elevate's 5 year forecast budget is strong
Approve 2017-2018 Budget
J. Beckwith made a motion to approve
C. Leighty seconded
Board discussed
board VOTED unanimously to approve the budget
C. Leighty seconded
Board discussed
board VOTED unanimously to approve the budget
Approve 2017-2018 LCAP
R. Elliott shared the findings of the LCAP and the goals developed
V. Eves made a motion to approve
F. Callahan seconded
Discussion re: addressing areas where LCAP shows an area for growth and using the LCAP to focus the direction of the academic task force
Board VOTED unanimously to approve
V. Eves made a motion to approve
F. Callahan seconded
Discussion re: addressing areas where LCAP shows an area for growth and using the LCAP to focus the direction of the academic task force
Board VOTED unanimously to approve
Approve 2016-2017 Spring ConApp
M. Eisenberg shared the Con App
F. Callahan made a motion to approve
C. Leighty seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to approve
F. Callahan made a motion to approve
C. Leighty seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to approve
Approve 2017-2018 ExEd Contract
R. Elliott shared that ExEd has been providing support for Elevate and new contract is an agreement for 2 years
J. Beckwith motioned to approve
M. Kuypers seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to approve the contract
J. Beckwith motioned to approve
M. Kuypers seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to approve the contract
Approve 2017-2018 CharterSafe Insurance Proposal
R. Elliott shared the CharterSafe Insurance Proposal-increase in cost is a reflection of student and staff increases.
Board discussed and requested further details on the "auto" coverage, noting we may need more coverage
C. Leighty motioned to approve
J. Soule' seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to approve
Board discussed and requested further details on the "auto" coverage, noting we may need more coverage
C. Leighty motioned to approve
J. Soule' seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to approve
Approve Enrollment Resolution
CEO Evaluation
T.Keliinoi shared that Board on Track's previous review was not available, a comprehensive review was developed and review found that CEO is overseeing great growth and is doing a great job. Board discussed the many great strengths of our CEO:approachable to students, staff, and parents, well liked, humble, organized, knowledgeable of data, exceeded expectations, great attention to details of students, staff, and parents.
Accept resignation of Board Vice-chair Michael Kuypers
M.Kuypers shared his resignation letter with the board.
Board discussed their appreciation for his guidance and presence of mind in meetings.
S. Hanson motioned to accept
F. Callahan seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to accept his resignation
Board discussed their appreciation for his guidance and presence of mind in meetings.
S. Hanson motioned to accept
F. Callahan seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to accept his resignation
Discuss 2017-2018 Board Meeting Schedule
T. Keliinoi shared that we will need to meet in August
Board terms will expire
Parents will vote for the 2 parent vacancies in the fall
Board terms will expire
Parents will vote for the 2 parent vacancies in the fall
III. Consent Agenda
Approve At-Will Agreements
R. Elliott shared that there are 19 at-will agreements that are reflected in the budget
V. Eves motioned to approve
F. Callahan seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to approve
V. Eves motioned to approve
F. Callahan seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to approve
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
M. Kuypers motion to adjourn
J. Beckwith seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to adjourn the meeting
J. Beckwith seconded
Board VOTED unanimously to adjourn the meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:29 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jill Soule
Tom Keliinoi
Mike Kuypers
Carol Leighty
Virginia Eves
Jerry Beckwith
Scott Hanson
Freda Callahan
Jill Soule'
Matt Eisenberg