Elevate School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 26, 2016 at 5:30 PM


2285 Murray Ridge Road, San Diego, CA 92123 Teleconference Location:24 S Railroad Ave, Camden Wyoming Delaware: Heather Ness
Reasonable accommodation for any individual with a disability - Any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in a board meeting may request assistance by contacting the Elevate School Office at(858)751-4774.
The public comment portion of the meeting is set aside for members of the audience to make comments or raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda or those items that are on the agenda. These presentations are limited to three (3) minutes per person and the total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.

Directors Present

Carol Leighty, Cassandra Bahr, Heather Ness (remote), Mike Kuypers, Tom Keliinoi

Directors Absent

Freda Callahan, Jerry Beckwith

Guests Present

Amy Evangilista, Jill Soule, Kelli Malki, Matt Eisneberg, Michelle Mitchell, Nicole Johnson, Ryan Elliott

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Tom Keliinoi called a meeting of the board of directors of Elevate School to order on Thursday May 26, 2016 at 5:32 PM.


Public Comment

Several parents spoke in support of the school and how their children are thriving.


Approve Minutes

Mike Kuypers made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 04-20-16 Board Meeting on 04-20-16.
Cassandra Bahr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Carol Leighty
Mike Kuypers
Freda Callahan
Jerry Beckwith
Tom Keliinoi
Cassandra Bahr
Heather Ness


Approve Agenda

Carol Leighty made a motion to approve the agenda with item H removed.
Mike Kuypers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Mike Kuypers
Heather Ness
Carol Leighty
Cassandra Bahr
Freda Callahan
Tom Keliinoi
Jerry Beckwith

II. Discussion/Actions Items


Principal's Report

Thank you to parents for coming out to support the school.  One of our mottos is meaningful partnership with the parents.  212 current enrollment.  Big Highlight is that SBAC testing is done for 3-5 graders.  K-2 was super quiet during testing.  Lower grades will be having a popsicle party and will be able to bring a teddy bear to school.  Upper grades will have a few kids picked to have a free dress day.  The 3rd 7H workshop will be tomorrow.  There will be 4 workshops next year.  PCSGP Review was held this past week.  We have 1-2 key action steps to work on for this coming school year that came out of that review.  Discovery unit is now happening.  We have had a few field trips.  We hope to have a few more field trips next year.  MAP Testing will be next week.  June 8 will be our exhibition night.  


Financial Report

There was a CFO finance review task force meeting last week.  The school is now through the P2 period and ended with a really good ADA percentage.  P2 ADA is 203.8  This is our last year to spend the last of the PSCG funds.  Other state revenues are projected to be higher.  It is projected that the school will have a net income of 336, 341.  Fundraising will be 15K over budget.  Salaries are expected to be 25k under budget.  Other local revenue is:  before school care funds, field trip payments, uniform, yearbook.  16/17 budget: the May revision of the Governor's budget is usually what if finally passed in June.  School funding for next year is still looking good.  We plan on being 96% of the way to the LCFF funding we want.  Sustain and maintain is what the Governor stressed.  Still working on the proposed budget that will come out in June.  216 students fore casted for next year.  LCFF will see an increase for next year.  The only other federal revenue we will get next year will be special ed.  Expenses for next year will remain the same as this year.  STRS is underfunded and will be going up next year.  It will jump from 11%-13%.  The school is looking ahead to expanding.  It is hard to sustain a school with only 200 students.  We need to grow to be sustainable.  We have rent that is going up, but the student numbers aren't. Expended to end the year with 493,626 in cash.  We need to have a conversation to pay of our debt strategically.


Fundraising Task Force Update

Mike acknowledged the incredible amount of work that the parents and task force have put into raising funds for our school.  The TF met last night with goal to wrap up the last few items.  One dine-out left for the year.  They are looking at making some money at the Exhibition Night.  They want to have fundraising dates for next year in June.  They plan on having another pledge drive this fall, sometime in the October time frame.  It was very successful this year. The Gala will be in Feb/March time frame.  New fundraising items for next year:  100 in 100 event, fun run (jog-a-thon), add gift cards as an option for parents, add a vendor event for parents with home businesses, grants will be a key element next year (Carol will be helping with that).  TK said that we will have to have a plan in order to re-engage for the 100 in 100. Mike gave a reminder to the board to donate to the school before the end of the school year.  


LCAP Update

Ryan referred to the summary sheet.  We have a consultant that we work with.  We had 4 Goals 1. Certificated teachers.  2. Common core instruction.  The team talked about this during Professional Development and identified two key areas, writing and STEAM.  Decided to hire a full-time staff member that will cover STEAM for next year.  3.  Assessments.  Looking at the systems for meeting the needs of ALL students.  4.  Parental participation.  The school put out a survey for parents, teachers and students.  Urged everyone to provide feedback.  (Want to increase parental involvement for fundraising help).  SIT Team meets on a monthly basis.  The school wants to have more community events for families to connect.


Facilities Task Force Update

No Report.  Facilities TF will meet once Freda returns.


Brown Act Training

Carol explained that we (the board) do our meetings in public.  Our bylaws need to work in conjunction with the Brown Act.  Threads of emails can constitute a mtg.  We need to be careful of that.  Agendas need to be posted 72 hours in advance.  There is an exception for 2 or more board members to meet and that is through a task force.  Mike had a question about the 2 or more board members meeting vs a majority of the board meeting.  Cassandra said there would be a clarification for next board meeting.


Approve At-Will Agreements

Mike Kuypers made a motion to approve the at-will agreements.
Carol Leighty seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Mike Kuypers
Carol Leighty
Heather Ness
Cassandra Bahr
Tom Keliinoi
Freda Callahan
Jerry Beckwith


Approve Con-App


Review Draft of 16-17 Budget

Information was already covered in Matt's presentation under section B.


Review processes for Business Operations and Employee Discipline

All employees receive the Employee Handbook at the beginning of the year.  Staff needs to indicate by signature that they have read. If the employees have a complaint, they address it with the principal.  Ryan, looks at all sides and then does an investigation to get all sides of the story.  From there, Ryan sits down with both parties and tries to work it out.  Usually it ends there.  If there is an instance that a staff member does something unacceptable, there is a form that is filled out which indicates what the sanction is.  This form has been filled out at elevate.  This form goes in the staff member's file.  All these issues are confidential.  TK reminded board and parents the we do have a complaint process.  It starts with parent and teacher, then principal, then the board.  In the two years we have been in operation, we have had someone come to the board twice.  The Chair's decision is final.  Mike said that it is important to know that we adhere to our policies.  

III. Closed Session


Mediation Request

Received a request for mediation in April for a student that no longer attends.  


CEO Performance Evaluation

Reviewed the results of the CEO Evaluation report.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Mike Kuypers made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Carol Leighty seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Tom Keliinoi
Mike Kuypers
Jerry Beckwith
Freda Callahan
Cassandra Bahr
Heather Ness
Carol Leighty
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:56 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cassandra Bahr