Brevard Academy


Board Meeting

Work/Training Session and Regular Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 15, 2025 at 5:00 PM


Brevard Academy Music Room


The Mission of Brevard Academy is to prepare its students to achieve academic excellence through the Core Knowledge Sequence. Through a partnership involving students, teachers, and parents the school strives to create citizens with strong moral character and active intellectual inquiry.


Brevard Academy: A Challenge Foundation Academy (BA-CFA) a K-8 public charter school develops and encourages motivated, intellectually curious students who are skilled in critical thinking, individual expression, and problem-solving. From their diverse backgrounds, students accept our challenge to pursue personal and academic excellence. Through this pursuit, they become confident members of their community who lead by serving others.


Strategic Goals:

  1. Ensure Academic Success for Every Student
  2. Provide Effective & Innovative Learning Environments
  3. Recruit, Hire and Retain Highly Effective Personnel
  4. Use Resources Effectively & Be Fiscally Responsible
  5. Engage Our Communities

Directors Present

Abe Pallas, Brandon Smith, Jamie Atkinson, Jennifer Silva (remote), Mark Franklin, Paul Cooper, Tyree Griffin

Directors Absent

Mark Campanini

Ex Officio Members Present

Ted Duncan

Non Voting Members Present

Ted Duncan

Guests Present

Ali Liubenov

I. Board Work Training Session--Open to the Public


Board Training

Ted reviewed the information on open meeting law compliance and navigating several documents in Board on Track. The board also discussed the need for bi-annual review of board nominations. 

II. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Jamie Atkinson called a meeting of the board of directors of Brevard Academy to order on Wednesday Jan 15, 2025 at 5:30 PM.
Jamie Atkinson called a meeting of the board of directors of Brevard Academy to order on Wednesday Jan 15, 2025 at 5:31 PM.


Record Attendance


Pledge of Allegiance

Brenna Iden led us in the Pledge of Allegiance


Approve Minutes

Paul Cooper made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 12-18-24.
Brandon Smith seconded the motion.

Tyree was remote and was marked absent


Mr. Duncan corrected some action items that were passed.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Regular Meeting Business


Student Spotlight

Camy Stirling gave an update about what is happening on the K-2 hallway. We have not been able to go on as many field trips this year because of the hurricane. We celebrated winter break with Polar Express day, had a 50s day for the 50th day of school, Pumpkin Day, Thanksgiving Family Picnic, Fire Prevention class.


Kindergarten has started Plants Domain, drew model of what they have learned, and OutDoor Ed has complimented this domain well.


1st Grade finished up with Egypt Unit, and a walk around in their amazing costumes


2nd Grade finished up Greek Unit and celebrated with a Greek Day


Have some exciting events coming up such as 100th day of school etc.


Staff Spotlight

Several of our teacher were in top 25% of the state for Growth in EOGs

Rachel Coykendall - 3rd Grade Reading

Carly Hendrix - 4th Grade Math and Reading

Jen Iden - 4th Math and Reading

Jennifer Kelly - 5th Grade Reading

Sarah Kidston - 6th Grade Math


Nicole Gorry - 7/8th Grade Math and Math 1 -- National Board Recertified this year (independent board reviews this work/submission of work and certifies on national level)


Community Partner Presentation

Tykhina Jones Thomas - with Blue Ridge Health (Director of Operations)

Launched on campus last week (1/7/25)

School based health care on campus T-Th, RN 2 days a week, Nurse Practitioner/ Behavioral Health on Thursdays. 

This service is open to students, families, and staff.

Fully comprehensive, operates as a dr's office, can write scripts. 

This way students are not missing school for wellness visits etc. If someone is too sick to come in the building curbside visits are available.


Potential for offering Community Health Drives?


Opportunity for Public Comment


IV. Committee Reports



Budget Report - we are looking at having $78,000 surplus. $30,000 payment from unecumbered funds for bus. 


USDA loan - will keep posted


Governance and Policy

Abe, Brandon, Jen will be working on Board recruitment policy, but nothing to report right now.



Nothing to report, next meeting in February.


Upcoming event in March - State of the Charter Dinner - someone come in to discuss AI and how it is changing things in school


Long Range Planning

Strategic Planning - 1 response from SIT team - it is a plus to know the board on a personal level, we should hold regular events to recruit students/staff and this would set BA a part from other schools. 


Dr. Pallas suggests that we should have dates or follow up to make sure that things are happening along the 5 year plan. What is the goal this year? This way we have accountability.


Mr. Duncan said that each committee should make goals for the year, and when they are accomplished. 


Change wording on Strategic Planning 

First section from Goal to Priority

Second Section from Action we will take to Goals


As an Action Plan we should review our goals and where we stand/where are we behind?/what do we need to do to bump up? We should have biannual reviews by each committee on moving towards our goals.


If there is any more feedback we can bring it to February's meeting.




Academic Excellence Update

Did not have Committee meeting on Monday because of snow.


Benchmark testing was completed. Have closed the gap for Tier Support in both Math and Reading from Beginning of Year (BOY) Tests and Middle of Year (MOY) tests.

V. Director Report


Director Report

Good News - concluded 1st semester, Blur Ridge Health School Based Health is up and running


Next year's calendar will wrap up the same as we did this year, because we have year long classes. 


Current enrollment is 421 students, lost 13 students this year. 


Lottery opened for 2025-26 school year, already have 46 applicants. 


Community Engagement - have added on website Community Tab on website, with community resources, free of charge we have added a parent business directory for families to browse to find local/in house services.


Open teaching positions have been advertised. 


Action Items needed

1. approval of Title 1 grant writing contract

2. approval to submit Title 1 assurances

3. approval to hire new academic tutor positions - mostly in middle school, but ability to move around for interventions



Important Upcoming Dates


  • 13--Counselor Book Club on The Anxious Generation Begins
  • 14--Enrollment Opens
  • 20--MLK Jr. Holiday--Shcool Closed


  • 1--Global Day of Play
  • 4--Parent Information Night and 100th Day of School
  • 6--2nd/3rd Grade CKLA Night
  • 10-11--Basketball Tournament
  • 17-18--School Closed for Workdays and PD
  • 19--Parent Conferences and Board Meeting

VI. Items for Board Approval


Committee Consent Items

Tyree Griffin made a motion to approve the Master Grounds Plan as it is presented today.
Paul Cooper seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Other Business


Announcement of Next Meeting

February 19, 2025 as next meeting

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Brandon Smith made a motion to adjourn meeting at 6:52pm.
Mark Franklin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:56 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ali Liubenov