Spokane International Academy
January Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 22, 2025 at 4:30 PM
Monthly Board meetings will be held in person every 4th Wednesday of each month at the Spokane International Academy campus, lower level in the Media Center (unless the day falls on a holiday or break). A virtual option is available via Zoom.
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Meeting ID: 863 7352 5000
Passcode: 598005
Directors Present
Cassie Anderson, Charina Carothers (remote), David James (remote), Guillermo Espinosa, Jeff Hyslop, John Pell (remote), Ken Vorhees, Matthew Hoag (remote), Maureen Rosette (remote)
Directors Absent
Ashlee Lent, Bob Castle, Josiah Lara
Guests Present
Angel Troutt, Caryn McGee, Chandalee Wood, Chandalee Wood, Christine Chavez, Italiana Hughes (remote), Mathias Sanders, Mathias Sanders, Morgen Flowers-Washington, Myra Keast, Sam Schweda, Zachary Wolflick
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Consent Agenda
December Board Meeting Minutes
December Financials
III. Enrollment
Full Time and Head Count
Enrollment Update
2400 postcard mailers were delivered in early January in targeted zip codes.
As of January 21st, 115 applications were received. The numbers are lower compared to the last two years. The enrollment window opened on January 6th.
Tours started today at 10:00 am and 1:00 pm; the Primary Academy Information Night is also tonight.
The goal is to receive 600 applications.
6th grade enrollment was up in 2024 due to Pride Prep closing (27 vs. 9).
Guillermo Espinosa asked when enrollment closes. The window closes through March 17th for priority enrollment.
How can the board show their support? One way is through social media - like and share the school ads and posts.
SIA also participates in various events in Spokane: MLK Day, AIER School Choice Fair, and the Lunar New Year.
Ken asked if the parents signed photo waivers? Yes we have parental permission; particularly in the postcard that's being circulated.
IV. Academic Update - 2nd Round of MAP Testing
Winter MAP Testing (December) reported by Caryn McGee, Director of Curriculum and Instruction. See the full presentation here.
Goal: 50% of students who tested in the bottom 0-40% in ELA and Math
Only targeted students took the test
Goals met in reading and math
Areas of concern: Middle Academy 45% (69%) not meeting the goal in reading; and 38 (48%) in Math.
See data of students in the bottom 40th percentile for both reading and math
Caryn provided the teachers a MAP Planning template that they can use to support students.
Ways to address gaps:
1. After-school tutoring - 2x a week; small groups this time for targeted intervention
2. Rewards Program - will start in 6th grade (Covid year is a big factor)
3. Reading Intervention
4. Overhaul of planning time for primary teachers- 150 minutes per week for planning and collaboration
5. Instruction Partners - working with coaches
6. Grade level sub-out days
David James asked when does reading intervention take place. They sually take place during special classes; solid core in the classroom; small groups with Instructional assistants; and additionally a more intensive intervention with the coaches.
SPED students receive services from SPED teachers and SPED IAs.
Caryn leaving at 5:07 PM
V. Discipline Data and Student Life
Reported by K-5 Associate Principal, Mathias Sanders and Associate Principal, 6-12 Dr. Chandi Wood.
SIA uses a web application (app) called MTSS. Teachers submit their request for support regarding a student, in real-time, using their phones. The admin team responds to referrals submitted. Before using this app, the school used walkie-talkies which were very disruptive and lacked privacy. The phone app is more private and directly contacts the admin team; the response is more effective.
As of today, there are 243 Just-in-Time referrals from the beginning of the year.
Student information and demographics are from Skyward, which is the school's information system. Morgen, Sanders, and Wood are the only ones with administrative access to the app.
The busiest time is usually after lunch.
Think Time is another discipline tool used, which is a Google form; retroactively completed by teachers.
These disciplinary tools provide documentation that can be used during family meetings. Each referral averages 2 to 3 hours of the principal's time. Usually Sanders and Wood; Morgen helps when the load is heavy.
New teachers get support from their mentors; we also have 3 counselors; and a mental health counselor onsite.
In middle school, some factors that contribute to disciplinary referrals can be that students deal with a higher number of adults daily. There are plans in place for students in tier 2 and tier 3.
One of the Community Organizers asked whether there are ways other staff members can do to alleviate the burden of discipline (from the Administration). Sanders responded that
the counseling team can assist sometimes; however, it can be tricky since the administration does not want the students to see their counselors as disciplinarians.
On the secondary level, instructional assistants can also assist. There are more this year than in previous years.
Guillermo Espinosa asked if there is a relationship fracture when trying to build a rapport with the student as the associate principal versus a disciplinary person. Morgen replied that the principal effect is the students behave better. But also being part of a K-12 school is the fact that teachers and the Head Of School have built a relationship with students and families. The main focus is how the team can help the student be successful.
VI. Board Business
Board Profile on School Website
Please work with Myra and send pictures and updated board members' bios to her.
It’s a compliance issue.
The board requested individual email addresses as well. Myra will work with IT.
VII. Head of School Update
January Written Update
There were no questions asked regarding this month's HOS update.
VIII. Facility
Committee Report
No committee update this month.
FTE in January 816.30 ; budgeted 819. Total 820
New students start January 28th; Semester 2 starts on January 28th.