Spokane International Academy
December Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday December 19, 2024 at 4:30 PM
Due to Christmas/Winter Break, the December meeting has been moved to Thursday, December 19, 2024, as agreed upon by the Board at the November meeting.
Monthly Board meetings will be held in person every 4th Wednesday of each month at the Spokane International Academy campus, lower level in the Media Center (unless the day falls on a holiday or break). A virtual option is available via Zoom.
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Meeting ID: 863 7352 5000
Passcode: 598005
Directors Present
Ashlee Lent (remote), Bob Castle, Cassie Anderson, Charina Carothers (remote), David James, Guillermo Espinosa, John Pell, Ken Vorhees, Matthew Hoag (remote)
Directors Absent
Jeff Hyslop, Josiah Lara, Maureen Rosette
Guests Present
Brad, Brad DeJager, Morgen Flowers-Washington, Myra Keast, Sam Schweda, Zachary Wolflick
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Consent Agenda
November Board Meeting Minutes
November Financials
III. Enrollment
Enrollment Update
IV. Head of School Update
December Update
The Head of School provided a written update for the month of December. The following were briefly discussed:
1. MAP testing - is currently in progress. Morgen will provide an update in January and a report on student growth.
2. Fundraising Update - the 10 Year Anniversary Gala Fundraiser event will be held on Saturday, June 7. We have partnered with an event planner, Spark Events, which will be paid for by a grant. Spark Events will be onsite to meet volunteers and to see the venue some time in January.
3. December Community Highlights -Community Engagement has been high this month. Clubs and after-school activities are in full force. After-school tutoring just concluded.
4. Legislative Session - is coming up and SIA will send parent representatives to Olympia. The long session (105 days) focuses on creating a biennial budget, making it a critical time for funding decisions that impact public education, including charter schools.
5. Transitional Kindergarten - SIA will not offer Transitional Kindergarten next school year but will look into 2026-2027. This will allow the school time to research facilities for this program.
6. Marketing and Enrollment - the enrollment window will open on January 6 and run through March 17. School marketing and advertising is underway. The goal is to ensure robust enrollment across all grade levels to maintain financial sustainability and support SIA’s growth and mission. Certain zip codes in Spokane will receive direct mailers in January.
7. Senior Update - 4/ 6 of our seniors have been accepted to a 4-year university, so far. WSU, Whitworth, and EWU. This year’s graduation is scheduled for Sunday, June 8th @ 4:00 pm at Spokane Community College.
Guillermo Espinosa asked about the school's marketing strategy. Morgen responded that the school would target the Kindergarten and 1st grade levels since these grades are easier to fill. She hopes the direct mailer in January will attract other age groups as well, specifically middle and high school.
Calendars were provided for Board members as an open invitation to join school events.
Cassie Anderson will attend the College and Career Cafe in February
V. Clean Buildings Act
Clean Buildings Act - Reported by Brad DeJager, Director of Facilities
The deadline for SIA to comply is on June 1, 2027; however SIA work has to be completed by June 1, 2026 (Tier 1).
Current energy audit number: 53 EUI
Needed for compliance: 47 EUI
Brad, Morgen, Sam and Ken met with Custom Energy Consultants on December 13th to discuss their proposal. The approximate cost is $62,300.
Brad will apply for available grants to help cover some of the costs. Custom Energy Consultants will help submit the grant and help SIA find other grants as well.
Estimated out of pocket expense: $50,000 to $58,000 (if needed, this cost can be covered)
Some examples of items that can be updated to gain compliance:
- water source heat pumps
- LED lighting upgrades
- Lighting control systems
- Remote access to HVAC systems
- Insulation
- More items can be added during energy audit
Cassie Anderson: Will Custom Energy Consultants help find grants? Yes
Cassie recalled that compliance was discussed last year. However, SIA did not move forward with the company/consultant the Brook Wilkerson (former COO) presented last year.
Ken Vorhees: When was this building built? 1987
Ashlee Lent: How many grants are included in this proposal? We are eligible to apply for one grant at this time.
Cassie Anderson: Do we need to look at three (3) bids? Sam said no, since this proposal is for services only.
VI. Governance
Board Compliance with Training
Cassie Anderson sent reminders to individuals who needed to complete the required training.
We need to submit to the Commission before January 1st (extension granted).
Please submit certificate completion to Myra Keast
VII. Development
Committee Update
Matt Hoag reported on endowment.
Goal is $10,000
As of December 2024 - $8,915
The funds were used mostly for students' travel in previous years.
The Development and Foundation committee is looking into growing the endowment fund.
Matt stated that there are funds that can be used towards the Fundraising Gala, if needed.
Guillermo Espinosa: Is the the gala separate from the Foundation? Yes
Morgen stated that some proceeds from the fundraiser can possibly go towards the international travel (for example: as a specific ask or raise your paddle item)
Endowment funds come from direct contributions from Board members. Matt invites everyone to contribute. If anyone is interested in contributing to the foundation, please reach out to Matt.
Ken suggested a certain percentage of the gala go to the Foundation (10%); 90% stays with the school. Morgen responded that this is certainly something to consider.
Will provide update in the new year.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- Average Enrollment 12-24.pdf
- Head of School Update- December 2024.pdf
- Clean Buildings Act.pdf
The school is meeting its budgeted FTE currently:
24-25 budgeted 821.30 avg 819
23-24 budgeted 774 avg 752
We have better retention this year in Middle and High School this year compared to last year.