Spokane International Academy


Regular Board Meeting

Zoom meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday July 23, 2024 at 11:30 AM


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Meeting ID: 863 6245 0133
Passcode: 122486


Alternate in-person location:

SIA School Building

777 E Magnesium Rd

Spokane, WA 99208 

Directors Present

Bob Castle (remote), Cassie Anderson (remote), David James (remote), Guillermo Espinosa (remote), John Pell (remote), Mary Velazquez (remote), Matthew Hoag (remote)

Directors Absent

Jeff Hyslop, Josiah Lara, Ken Vorhees, Maureen Rosette

Guests Present

Ashlee Lent (remote), Morgen Flowers-Washington (remote), Sam Schweda (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Mary Velazquez called a meeting of the board of directors of Spokane International Academy to order on Tuesday Jul 23, 2024 at 11:32 AM.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Previous Minutes

Matthew Hoag made a motion to approve the consent agenda including minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 06-25-24.
David James seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Monthly Financials

III. Enrollment


Enrollment Update

Morgen updated the board members on the current status of enrollment. There are now 859 students enrolled for the 24-25 school year.

IV. Head of School Updates


Updates from Morgen regarding hiring for 24/25

100% of teaching jobs are now filled but still need to hire a custodian, IT Manager, School Nurse, plus IA. Instructional Aides will be hired closer to the start of the school year. Also still hiring for a Community Organizer, Psychologist and  the sub pool but Morgen feels hiring is in good shape for this time of the summer break.

V. Development


Foundation Update

Matt thanked the board members who responded to the Foundation's request for donations earlier this year. 

The Innovia Endowment Fund balance is $8300, with $7000 in contributions and $1300 in interest earned.  We have a commitment to contribute a total of $10K within 10 years from the establishment of the fund (2021) so we are well on our way to that goal. The Foundation has an additional balance of approximately $9000 in savings with Numerica. Some funds were distributed this year to pay for t-shirts for the students who traveled to Peru.

Matt is working on a financial planning tool in conjunction with GU that students/families can use to begin saving for their international trip from the time they enter kindergarten.

Morgen stated that next year's 8th grade class has chosen to travel to Costa Rica. The high school students (who missed out on int'l travel due to covid, and lost their travel money because the agency SIA worked with at that time would not give a refund) will also be invited to join this group going to Costa Rica. It would be extremely helpful if the Foundation could contribute some of the cost for the HS students to travel, due to their unfortunate circumstances. 

Guillermo asked what the approximate cost per student is for the trip and Morgen responded that it is about $3400-$3500, not including passport expense. 

Cassie asked if there are ideas for fundraising and Morgen responded that there are lots of ideas.

Cassie asked about the current make up of the Foundation board. Matt replied that there in addition to himself, there is one SIA parent and two community volunteers. He also said that additional school board members are welcome and needed to join the Foundation.

Morgen stated that she would like to see a big fundraiser planned to celebrate SIA's 10 year anniversary during the 24/25 school year. Mary agreed that 10 yrs should be celebrated and she would be happy to help with the event.

VI. Finance


Budget Extension

The board members entered executive session at 11:58 am to briefly discuss the budget extensions for the school and the ASB, as well as the 24/25 school year budget.


The board returned to open session at 12:02 pm.


23/24 Budget Extension - ASB

Mary Velazquez made a motion to approve the 23/24 School budget extension and the ASB budget extension, as both are presented to the board today.
Bob Castle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


24/25 SY Budget Approval

Mary Velazquez made a motion to approve the 24/25 school year budget as presented to the board today.
David James seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Governance


Executive Session

The board members entered executive session at 12:10 pm for up to 10 minutes, to discuss HOS evaluation.


Return to Open Session

The board members returned to open session at 12:15 pm.

Matthew Hoag made a motion to approve the HOS 23/24 school year performance evaluation.
Cassie Anderson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. New Business


Facilities Updates

Sam updated the board on some facility improvements which are happening over the summer break. These include updating the cooling tower, the heat pumps on the roof, and insulating exterior walls with blow insulation. These three projects upgrade the facility and should afford us better insurance premium and deductible rates in the near future.

Jeff updated the board on talks with the apartment developer and the church pastor regarding a second access point for the school property. The developer is willing to hear a board proposal for how to utilize a portion of his property. Now that Dakota is fully open, wait times in drop off and pick up lines should be less as families use the right turn out of the parking lot to circle the block and use the signal at Jay to turn onto Nevada.

IX. Other Business


Update on Annual Retreat / August Board Meeting

Cassie updated the board regarding the annual retreat. The date is set for August 9th from noon to 5 pm. Lunch will be served from noon to 1:00, with the retreat facilitated by Sheri Steinway taking place between 1 pm and 5 pm.

Mary suggested that new board members be nominated and voted in prior to the retreat so that they may fully participate in the planning for the 24/25 school year.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Guillermo Espinosa