Spokane International Academy


Regular Board Meeting

In Person with Zoom Option

Date and Time

Thursday December 21, 2023 at 4:30 PM


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 863 6245 0133
Passcode: 122486


Alternate in person location:

SIA School Building

777 E Magnesium Rd

Spokane, WA 99208 


Directors Present

Cassie Anderson, David James, Guillermo Espinosa, Jeff Hyslop (remote), Mary Velazquez, Matthew Hoag, Stacy Hill

Directors Absent

Bob Castle, John Pell, Ken Vorhees

Guests Present

Cassey Buchmann, Jayde Albright, Mathias Sanders, Morgen Flowers-Washington, Myra Keast, Nate Pelton, Sam Schweda, Tabatha Copeland

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Mary Velazquez called a meeting of the board of directors of Spokane International Academy to order on Thursday Dec 21, 2023 at 4:36 PM.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Previous Minutes

Stacy Hill made a motion to Approve the minutes.
Matthew Hoag seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Stacy Hill made a motion to approve the November minutes Regular Board Meeting on 11-28-23.
Matthew Hoag seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Monthly Financials

Stacy Hill made a motion to approve the consent agenda.
Matthew Hoag seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Enrollment


Enrollment Update

As of this date, the enrollment count is at 768; two students were withdrawn. The kindergarten count remains at 72. 


IV. Development


Update on SIA Foundation

Foundation Chairperson, Matt Hoag, presented.

SIA Foundation is a nonprofit initiated in 2020 to support SIA and student travel. The long-term goal of the foundation is to acquire an endowment, assist in marketing, fundraising, and build community such as at local community events.


The foundation aims to financially support students with the opportunity to travel by offering scholarships. Currently, the Foundation has about $5000 in the bank, in addition to the funds in the endowment account.


Matt will provide quarterly updates and the Foundation hopes to be able to hold a fundraiser at the end of the 2024 school year.


Additional fundraising will kick off in September for 2024-2025 school year. Matt will provide a summary and year-end report in December.



V. Facility


Plumbing Update

The plumbing issue occurred on December 8th. PE teachers reported flooding and water coming through the walls of the first-floor storage. Associate Principals, Pelton and Sanders investigated and worked on clean-up. The issue originated from the upper floors' bathrooms. Repair service came immediately to clear up clogs and they did a thorough cleanup over the weekend. 


An insurance claim was filed for both repairs and cleanup. However, since students caused the damage, the repair not be covered by insurance. The cleanup will be covered though. 


SIA administration will remind students about proper bathroom use.

VI. Finance


SIA 2021-22 Financial Performance Framework from State Charter Commission

Document was presented to board members for review.

VII. Governance


Required Trainings/Items for Board Members

Morgen stated that SIA is currently out of compliance with board-required training. Mary Velazquez led the Board members with step-by-step instructions on how to access their Action Items. Bob Castle (absent) prepared a list of all board-required training. 


OPMA and PRA trainings are due. Once completed, Mary advised the Board members to email Myra Keast their date of completion. 


Mary indicated that all Board members completed the OPMA training in September this year.



Succession Planning for Officers for 2024/2025 School Year

Board President, Mary Velazquez, informed the board that her second term on the board will end  at the end of the school's fiscal year (July) and that she will not pursue a third term. 


Board Secretary Stacy Hill, will also complete her current term at the end of the school's fiscal year (July) and she will not pursue another term. Stacy has been on the board since the inception of the school and has been instrumental in the creation and development of SIA. Mary expressed her gratitude to Stacy for her many years of valued service.


Anyone interested in filling these positions, please contact Mary as soon as possible. The goal is to vote on a director to fill a President-Elect position in March or April 2024, to begin working with Mary to ensure a smooth transition for the 2024/2025 school year.

VIII. New Business


SIA Culture and Environment

Associate Principals, Nate Pelton and Mathias Sanders shared updates with the Board on SIA's culture. 

Primary Academy students (K-5) start their day in the cafeteria with the Morning Meeting, led by Nate Pelton, and the Secondary Academy meetings led by Mathias Sanders and Jayde Albright, Counselor. Morning meetings comprise positive affirmations, school announcements, reminders, and REACH Shield recognition. 


Mr. Pelton and Mr. Sanders also talked about school discipline in their departments. Overall, there are 302 recorded Think Times (disciplinary issues), with 27 students receiving 3 or more since the start of the school year. 


In Middle and High School, the following are the disciplinary steps used: 


1. Restorative Action

Mediation, guided conversation, restorative practices


2. Progressive consequences

Reflection time, family meetings, behavior agreements, safety plans, suspensions


3. Ongoing support

Counseling service, supplemental services (ABA, WISE)


Attendance improved this year, whereas attendance was challenging last year due to off-calendar family vacations, illness, and tardiness (missing morning meeting count). 


Here are a few examples of Student Life in Middle and High School

1. ASB plans school dances, approves clubs in Secondary Academy, spirit weeks; and House Teams (friendly competitive activities, kicked off a week ago)


2. Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS)


3. REACH - Students demonstrating the school's REACH values are recognized at the Morning Meetings. 


4. Nature Bridge - Students participate in nature and science field trips.


5. International trips - This year, participants will be taking a trip to Peru. 


6. Community Service - Phoenix Love headed by Mr. Grainger. Currently, our students have 1200 hours logged. SIA has partnerships with Second Harvest and World Relief where our students sign up to volunteer. 


7. Community - such as the MLK Day Parade


The report may be viewed here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kCxMkjvSE9JadXea7CF4jczDxwviYkYdb-RiWYn1-7g/edit?usp=sharing


School Counselors, Jayde Albright (Grades 4-7), Cassey Buchmann (Grades K-3), and Tabatha Copeland (Grades 8-11)  also presented at today's meeting. They each shared their roles as counselors, from running small groups, and bi-weekly sessions focusing on zones of regulation and managing an anxiety group (Success Bound), meditation and individual counseling. Students are either referred to counseling by their teachers, or parents, or self-referred. 


View complete presentation here,https://www.canva.com/design/DAF3cetNNLM/KPh6gAQGh143Bv4HcggRbA/view?utm_content=DAF3cetNNLM&utm_campaign=share_your_design&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel



Request For Proposals for Next Bus Contract

Brook Wilkerson (COO) and Sam Schweda (CFO) are working on the RFP for transportation in the future. SIA current contract with Harlows ends this school year.



WA Charters Organizational Restructuring + Gates Foundation Creating Excellent Schools Washington

Changes are happening currently at WA Charters. Former SIA CEO, Travis Franklin, works for the Gates Foundation. Together they have created an intermediary organization called Excellent Schools of Washington.  WA Charters will now focus on political advocacy and communication. Both WA Charters and the intermediary group are looking for new leadership.


SIA recently partnered with Education Partnership through the Gates foundation They will be visiting SIA in January 2024. 


IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:02 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Stacy Hill