Pan American Academy Charter School
January Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday January 13, 2025 at 4:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Feuer-Edwards (remote), C. Gorman (remote), D. Espinosa (remote), D. Nuccio (remote), J. DuCette (remote), J. Garcia (remote), N. Flores (remote)
Directors Absent
H. Guzmán, M. Gonzalez
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Diaz (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Diaz (remote)
Guests Present
B. Eglin (remote), D. Russotto (remote), E. Munoz (remote), J. Fineberg (remote), L. Kelly (remote), M. Mason (remote), R. Burgos (remote), W. Jackson (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Testimony
School Connections
II. Action Items
Website Redesign – The current backend system does not support a website redesign. A website update is necessary. Nikki Johnson from MTG provided the school with a vendor and cost analysis. Based on school needs, approval is requested for the KarmaDarma quote. The school aims to begin the transition in the spring.
Other Items
III. Governance
Approve Minutes
Espinosa abstains.
Approve Special Meeting Minutes
Committee Updates
Governance Update – The last meeting was rescheduled. Nuccio will follow up with a board candidate regarding a recommendation. Flores is unable to attend this year’s Congreso Gala; last year’s event was well received, and other board members are encouraged to attend. Russotto proposed announcing the new high school at the gala, as the application decision will be known by then. A summer retreat is tentatively planned for July 14th at La Chinesca.
Advancement Committee – No updates at this time.
Audit and Finance Committee – Presenting an update during the review of the financial forecast.
IV. Finance
Monthly Report - November & December
Eglin provides the November and December monthly financial statements and presents an overview. The current ratio is 0.52; cash on hand is 82.79 (exceeds the required 45 days); debit ratio is 0.64; total margin is 9.90% (above the CSO standard of 0%); debt service coverage is 3.69 (exceeds the required 1.15).
Financial Forecast
Eglin presented the financial forecast, which was reviewed with the Audit and Finance Committee before being shared with the Board. Moving forward, this forecast will be updated monthly. Eglin stated that the school remains in a strong financial position. Fineberg provided enrollment details from August 1st to December 31st, noting a 60% increase in enrollment after August. Fineberg also resolved last month’s discrepancies with the SDP finance office.
V. High School Planning
Next Steps in Application Process
Russotto provided an update on the recent public hearing with SDP, where the school presented its application within a 15-minute window with a limited number of representatives. Public comment followed, including testimony from current PAACS parents.
The second hearing is scheduled for January 28, 2025, where officers and SDP representatives will ask questions. A report will be provided at least 30 minutes before the hearing to help the school prepare responses.
The school continues outreach efforts for public comment. Written public testimony is accepted until January 31st and must come from Philadelphia residents.
Russotto and Eglin are meeting with Impact Services to support real estate planning.
VI. Development
Grants, Partnerships, Fundraising
Russotto provided an overview of current grants, pending submissions, and their statuses. Recent grant efforts have focused on playground updates.
VII. School Report
School Report
The school report was reviewed. A strategic discussion on achievement data is scheduled for the next meeting.
VIII. Executive Session
Human Resources
The Board entered into an Executive Session at 5:47 PM to discuss personnel matters and compensation. The Board resumed regular session at 5:54 PM.
The board retreat included a memorable outing hosted by Vetri Mobile Kitchen. Jackson and Muñoz shared highlights of their experience, accompanied by photos showcasing the event. Vetri Mobile Kitchen hosts free cooking classes for the community. Espinosa attended one of the free cooking classes with her daughters and noted the strong turnout from the community, reflecting the program’s wide appeal.
Muñoz provides also shares that Vetri programming for students continues to make an impact in classrooms. Students in grades 3-5 participated in mini-lessons led by a Vetri Mobile Chef, where the chef cooked alongside the class, creating an interactive learning experience.
Burgos provided updates from the School Advisory Committee (SAC). During the last meeting, SAC addressed concerns about recess during inclement weather. In response to the increased frequency of such days, the school has developed an indoor recess schedule to keep students active and engaged. This schedule will take effect in Trimester 2. The committee also reviewed the professional development calendar and the assignments for Half-Day Data Days.
A recent misunderstanding regarding an administrative directive for grade teams to collaborate on report card data review and entry has been resolved, with clarification provided to staff. Additionally, in response to staff feedback, furniture has been added to staff bathrooms, and procedures for bathroom access during dismissal have been clarified. Espinosa expressed gratitude for the indoor recess initiative, emphasizing the importance of recess for students' well-being. She also commended the SAC for its effectiveness in addressing concerns and resolving problems, highlighting its role in fostering a supportive school community.
Garcia followed up on the 6th-grade concerns raised during the previous board meetings. Munoz has scheduled plans to address these concerns during the week of January 20th, following a delay caused by a snow day that fell on the original date. An update will be provided at the next scheduled board meeting.