Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday November 19, 2024 at 4:00 PM
115 E Stevens Ave.,
Valhalla, NY 10595
Trustees Present
Angel Audiffred (remote), Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy, Dr. William Ursillo, James McCarthy, Sr. Patricia Broderick
Trustees Absent
Carolyn Telesmanich
Guests Present
Christian Adamkiewicz (remote), Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio (remote), Kamlesh Singh (remote), Leslie Cruz (remote), Lynsey Bailey (remote), Nicole Morrissey (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
The Chairman greeted all Directors and guests.
Record Attendance
Approve Minutes
II. Principal's Report - Dr. DeVivio
Principal's Report
III. Committee Reports
Academic Committee Report: Dr. Bill Ursillo
Dr. Ursillo, Chair of the Academic Committee, reviewed the Academic Committee report. Keynotes included:
- Mr. Christian Adamkiewicz gave a Sanctuary update and progress report on the certification process.
- Mr. Jesse Ronda presented the Fall 2024 iReady assessment results.
- Ms. Zully Fernandez shared updates on the professional development program.
- Dr. Ursillo shared updates on CMCS services and the Union Health services that are still to be determined based on need.
Finance Committee Report: Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy
Dr. Gershen Lowy, Chair of the Finance Committee, presented the Finance Committee report. Ms. Leslie Cruz, CSBM, provided updates on financials.
a. FY24 Audit Updates: The audit showed no findings, and the report has been submitted prior to the November 1, 2024, deadline through the SUNY portal. The report declared a net asset of $1.4M for last fiscal year. Grants were not included in predicted revenue and the school planned accordingly for the lack of ESSER funding this year. BDO representatives included Adam Cole, Jimmy Vora, and Shubham Deshpande.
b. September 2024 Monthly Financial Report:
- Revenue is projected to be overbudget by $17,000.
- Expenses are projected to be overbudget by $1,000.
- Net assets are projected to be $7,986, with the budget projecting $7,980, therefore on budget.
- Enrollment is based on the November/December per pupil invoice and shows a small variance.
- Revenue is overbudget due to the Mt. Vernon and Yonkers student collections.
- Expenses variance due to open positions. Increases include afterschool program, furniture and supplies, student services, and professional development.
- CSI has recommended a budget amendment to account for updated figures since the school year has begun.
c. September 2024 PA Account Bank Reconciliation: There has been no recent activity. The current balance is $4,300.45. Documents have been sent to the bank to change signatories due to recent elections on the PA. The Finance Committee will discuss PA financial procedures at the next meeting.
d. Final Spending Report for ARP Grant: The FY 22-FY25 ARP grant of $1.3M is fully spent. The final report has been submitted.
Governance Committee Report: Mr. James McCarthy
Mr. McCarthy, Chair of the Governance Committee, reviewed the Governance Committee report. Keynotes included:
- PS protocols to codify PA responsibilities are being developed.
- The committee is aware of the need for an additional trustee.
- A communication plan for the new signage is being developed.
IV. Action Items
Approval of Updated CMCCS Student Application
Mr. Adamkiewicz presented the updates on the student application and application process. 116 student applications have been submitted since the application has gone live on the website.
Mr. Adamkiewicz presented the updates on the student application and application process. 116 student applications have been submitted since the application has gone live on the website. Sr. Patricia motioned to approve the updated CMCCS student application, Dr. Ursillo seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Adamkiewicz presented the updates on the student application and application process. 116 student applications have been submitted since the application has gone live on the website.
2024-25 District-Wide Safety Plan
Mr. McCarthy presented the SY2425 district-wide safety plan, which now included a remote instruction plan.
V. Partner's Report: Dr. William Ursillo
CMCS Report
Dr. Ursillo presented the CMCS Partner’s Reports for September 2024 and October 2024. Keynotes included:
- Ms. Ibet Hernandez is available to support with Sanctuary certification as needed. Ms. Fortunata DiMarco is available if the school needs additional support with implementation as well. Mr. McCarthy requested that Dr DeVivio ask Ibet to follow up with Andrus Sanctuary Institute regarding alternative certification possibilities.
- The Union Federal Health program is offering services.
- Grant monies of approximately $1,000 are still available for large group benefit.
- The lease amendments and space allocations are still in progress but will be finished soon.
Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio presented the Principal’s Report. Keynotes included: