Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School
August Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday August 13, 2024 at 5:00 PM
CMCS Office
115 E Stevens Avenue
Valhalla, NY
Trustees Present
Angel Audiffred (remote), Carolyn Telesmanich (remote), Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy, Dr. William Ursillo, James McCarthy, Sr. Patricia Broderick
Trustees Absent
Guests Present
Christian Adamkiewicz (remote), Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio (remote), Kamlesh Singh (remote), Lynsey Bailey (remote), Missy Couch (remote), (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Resignation of Trustee Jennifer Vasquez
The board recognized the resignation of Trustee Jennifer Vasquez and expressed its
appreciation for her service to the families and students of CMCCS.
Approval of Agenda
Directors reviewed and discussed the board agenda items for the meeting.
Election to the Office of Treasurer of CMCCS Board of Trustees
Approve Minutes: June 4, 2024, Board Meeting
Mr. McCarthy presented the minutes from the June 4, 2024, board meeting.
II. Principal's Report
Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio presented the Principal’s Report. Keynotes included:
• The Summer Boost program via the Bloomberg Grant has ended. Over 100 students
attended. The data has been uploaded to BoardOnTrack.
• The new website has received over 4,000 views. There were more than 1,000 hits for
student work over the summer. A videographer will be present at Meet the Teacher
Night to conduct short interviews with parents to add to the site.
• Summer PD sessions begin on 8/15 for new staff members. All staff returns on 8/16, and
professional development will run through 8/28. The PD schedule is on BoardOnTrack.
• The Teach for America Institute was a huge success. The school hired four TFA
candidates from the group. The school will partner again next summer.
• One veteran teacher has relocated to NH, but no other staff resignations.
• ICT classrooms have been added; there will be one licensed general education teacher
and one special education teacher.
• Parents have been informed that all students will receive a CMCCS backpack with school
• TA placement as bus monitors is in progress to help support bus drivers.
• Teacher placements have been shared with parents via letters.
• A 5th Grade Academy is in its planning stages, as three additional 5th grade classrooms
have been added.
III. Committee Reports
Academic Committee : Dr. Bill Ursillo
Dr. Ursillo, chair of the Academic Committee, formally appointed committee members: Dr. Bill
Ursillo, Sister Patricia Broderick, and Principal Mary Anne DeVivio.
Finance : Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy
Dr. Gershen Lowy, chair of the Finance Committee, formally appointed committee members:
Angel Audiffred, Treasurer Carolyn Telesmanich, and Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy.
The following will be discussed at Tuesday’s meeting:
• June Monthly Financial Report: Year is expected to end on a surplus. Books should be
closed out by the end of next week. Key notes include:
o Enrollment reconciliation: 455.325 General Ed and 87.925 SPED (20-50% - 2.3 students; 60%+ - 72.375 students)
o Total revenue for FY24 expected to be $12,436,305.
o Total expenses for FY24 expected to be $10,905,359.
o Nets assets for FY24 expected to be $1,456,991.
• Approval for CSP Grant SY20 Write-off: If the write-off is approved in FY24, then the
anticipated surplus will increase. The auditors will need approval. Dr. Ursillo made a
motion to approve the CSP grant write-off once he receives a letter stating CSP will not
be paying out the grant as planned. The motion was seconded by Sister Patricia and
carried unanimously. Dr. Gershen-Lowy requested a letter from CSBM specifically
outlining what is needed by the auditors.
• ARP Q4 Spending Report & ARP Amendment: Ms. Cruz reviewed the ARP grant summary
of how the fund were used and fully spent for FY24. All funds will be fully spent by the
9/30/24 deadline.
• June PA Account Bank Reconciliation: There are plans to recruit PA members, so the
committee requests bank records continue to be shared at future meetings.
Governance Committee: Mr. James McCarthy
Mr. McCarthy, chair of the Governance Committee, formally appointed Dr. Ursillo, chair of the
Academic Committee and Dr. Gershen-Lowy, chair of the Finance Committee, as members of
the Governance Committee.
IV. Action Items
Bylaws Revision
The bylaws currently state that the Treasurer of the board serves in ex officio as the Finance
Committee chairperson. The committee recommends amending the bylaws to remove the
reference of the Treasurer having to serve as the Finance Committee chairperson.
Appointment of Committee Memberships
V. Partner's Report
CMCS Report
Dr. Ursillo provided the CMCS Partner’s Report. CMCS is partnering with local health service
agencies to provide additional health services to the school community.
There are still some grant funds to be used towards student benefits (i.e. shirts, etc.). Dr.
DeVivio already has ideas for how to use the funds.
VI. New Business
Board Self-Evaluation
Board members are requesting an evaluation. An email was sent to the board of trustees to
review the questions on the evaluation draft.
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- CMCCS Board Meeting Minutes_June.4.2024.DRAFT_sealed ExS minutes.docx.pdf
- Principal Update.pdf
- Summer Boost Growth - Charts.pdf
- 24SummerPDsched.pdf
- CMCCS Monthly Report June 2024..pdf
- Journal Entry - Write Off Approval Needed.pdf
- FY24 ARP Grant Tagging_FINAL.pdf
- Parent Association_June Rec.pdf
- R-13d By-Laws.jfm.docx.pdf
The Chairman greeted all Directors and guests. Roll Call was conducted by Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy.