Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 5, 2024 at 5:00 PM


Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School

685 E 182nd Street

Bronx, NY 10457


Trustees Present

Angel Audiffred, Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy, Dr. William Ursillo, James McCarthy, Jennifer Vasquez, Sr. Patricia Broderick

Trustees Absent

Carolyn Telesmanich

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Angel Audiffred

Guests Present

Christian Adamkiewicz, Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio, Grace Bendick, Leslie Cruz, CSBM (remote), Lynsey Bailey, Nicole Morrissey (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

James McCarthy called a meeting of the board of trustees of Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School to order on Tuesday Mar 5, 2024 at 5:02 PM.

The Chairman greeted all Directors and guests.


Record Attendance


Approval of Agenda

James McCarthy made a motion to approve as presented.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Mr. Carthy motioned presented the minutes from February 6, 2024, board meeting.


Approval of Minutes

Dr. William Ursillo made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 02-06-24.
Jennifer Vasquez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Principal's Report



The Principal’s Report was submitted by Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio. Dr. DeVivio reviewed the report, highlighting the following keynotes:

● Middle School Fair: 80% of families attended. 12 schools presented.
● Bloomberg Grant: grant allows for providing the summer program for students. 150 students will attend for 20 days, five hours per day.
● February Academy: 62 students attended for extra support in preparation for NYS tests.
● NWEA MAP Assessment: each student has been given a progress report. Every student has shown academic progress.
● iReady Assessment: administered in February. Full report to come in April, but in summary, students have made progress.
● Mock NYS Assessments: students in grades 3-5 taking mock in preparation for state testing.
● Attendance: attendance has increased from 83% to 88% since December 2023. Schoolefforts include telephone calls, emails, and letters to families regarding attendance. Fourstudents have received an award for perfect attendance. 
● NYS Testing Preparation: 89 students are attending after-school tutoring and AprilAcademy will focus on extra math and science support.
● Enrollme ents. Some were recently selected for a field test.
● Special Education: 85 students with IEPs. 13 are currently waiting for an evaluation. Two speech providers will start soon.

● Teacher Certification: Ms. Grade Bendick is supporting teachers through the certification process. Most TAs are in the process to get certified.
● Behavioral Support: Two behavior specialists are starting mid-March, and family outreach and support will be part of their role.
● Website Updates: redoing the website to provide access to various resources.
● Technology: student laptops are being purchased for students to have access to online platforms at home.


Mr. McCarthy asked about enrollment and the waitlist at this time last year. Currently, there are the highest numbers for Kindergarten, and the school typically sees an increase in applications towards the deadline in April.

III. Committee Reports


Finance Committee: Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy

Dr. Gershen-Lowy submitted the Finance Committee report. Members discussed the summary of the January 2024 Finance Report. Highlights were provided in the board packed for Directors to review. Dr. Gershen-Lowy provided an update on the Parent Association account, including
the balance as of January 31, 2024. Each month, there will be a note added to the account in order to monitor transactions. Members reviewed the RFP process for potentially using a new audit service provider. Examples of RFPs are available for review.


Mr. McCarthy reminded Directors of their ability to download (and print) the board packet on BoardOnTrack.


Academic Committee - Sanctuary: Dr. Bill Ursillo

Dr. William Ursillo submitted the Academic-Sanctuary Committee and the Partner’s Report. He reviewed what was discussed at the Committee meeting. A new platform for language translation for family communication has been launched. A new tracker for professional development has been launched. New curriculum for next year is being considered. iReady and NWEA assessments will remain. School surveys are now being tracked. Dr. DeVivio worked with the team to provide a response to the SUNY report.


The recent Sanctuary event with fifth did not go well, as reported by Ms. Ibet Hernandez and Ms. Fortunata Lardo-DiMarco at the Committee meeting. Students and staff had difficulty understanding the process. Behavioral support for students and family support about the Sanctuary practices will be provided by new staff Behavioral Supports.


A second clinician is necessary to support the number of students in therapy. CMCS could possibly provide the additional space.


Governance Committee: Mr. Jim McCarthy

Mr. McCarthy submitted the Governance Committee report. The Committee is working on the family and employee handbooks. The school policies will be reviewed as well. The Board would like to review the handbooks when complete, and approve the school policies and procedures. Job descriptions are also being updated.

Angel Audiffred arrived at 5:22 PM.

IV. Partner's Report: Bill Ursillo


CMCS Report

Dr. Ursillo reviewed Ms. Lardo-DiMarco’s experience at the January 2024 cultural diversity Sanctuary session. More activities and behavioral supports are necessary from the school to support the Sanctuary model. Additional students are opting into therapy, and a new clinician is


Mr. McCarthy asked if there are other charter schools who are implementing the Sanctuary model in order to compare data. Awhile back, there was a school visit to a NJ school to observe their classroom setup that supported the Sanctuary model. As the CMCS representative, Dr.Ursillo explained that this is a model for trauma-informed practices, but it is much more than that. Members discussed the efficacy of the Sanctuary model in a school setting. Dr. DeVivio shared that the school social workers are looking for a PBIS/restorative program to implement. Dr. Ursillo confirmed that the two programs do align.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:41 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Nicole Morrissey
Documents used during the meeting
  • CMCCS Minutes_February 6.2024.DRAFT.docx
  • Principal Report3.6.24.docx
  • CMCCS.Finance Cmte Meeting Minutes_2.15.24.docx
  • CMCCS Monthly Report Jan 2024 V1..pdf
  • PTA January 24 Bank Rec.pdf
  • CMCCS.Academic Cmte Minutes_2.15.24.docx
  • Governance Committee Mtg Report - 2.13.14.docx
  • CMCS-CMCCSPartnerReportJMarch2024RGL.docx