Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 4, 2024 at 5:00 PM


Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School

685 E 182nd Street

Bronx, NY   10457



Trustees Present

Angel Audiffred (remote), Carolyn Telesmanich (remote), Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy, Dr. William Ursillo, James McCarthy, Sr. Patricia Broderick

Trustees Absent

Jennifer Vasquez

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Carolyn Telesmanich

Trustees who left before the meeting adjourned

Carolyn Telesmanich

Guests Present

Chris Monroe (remote), Christian Adamkiewicz, Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio, Leslie Cruz, CSBM (remote), Lynsey Bailey, Nicole Morrissey

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

James McCarthy called a meeting of the board of trustees of Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School to order on Tuesday Jun 4, 2024 at 5:02 PM.


Record Attendance


Approval of Agenda

Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.
Angel Audiffred seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Carolyn Telesmanich left at 5:07 PM.


Approval of May 14, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes

Mr. Jim McCarthy presented the minutes from the May 14, 2024, board meeting.

Dr. William Ursillo made a motion to to approve the minutes.
Sr. Patricia Broderick seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Principal's Report: Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio



Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio presented the Principal’s Report. 


Keynotes included:

  • Introduction of new instructional staff members for SY2425
  • Enrollment is at 480 students. The target enrollment goal is 108 and the current enrollment is 102. 
  • Summer Boost – Bloomberg Grant: 150 students are enrolled in the Summer Boost program, beginning July 1 and running for 20 days. 
  • TFA teachers will be training throughout the summer program. 
  • NYS tests for 3rd and 4th grade are complete. 5th grade computer-based tests are completed. All 5th grade students will graduate. 
  • Parents have received laptops to support summer learning. 
  • Senior Week for 5th graders is underway. Students enjoyed a family barbeque at the end of May.
  • The kindergarten dual language program will have 18 students. Parents meet next week. 
  • i-Ready final diagnostic was administered at the end of May and results will be presented at the next Academic Committee meeting. 
  • Whole school attendance has increased 2% to 88.61% from December to February. Attendance meetings are being conducted for those students with 10+ absences. 
  • The ELL program includes 144 ELL students. Ten students achieved 3 or more on the NYSESLAT exam and have been exited from the program. 
  • 85 students have an IEP, and 13 are awaiting evaluations or re-evaluation. Two speech providers are joining the staff. 
  • 9 staff have been chosen for the Core Team for Sanctuary. A needs assessment has been developed and will be shared with staff. Training set for August. 
  • Sanctuary has been written into the daily curriculum, and a rubric has been developed to measure growth. 
  • The Red Flag meeting form is available online. By February 2025, the school will be prepared for the certification visit. 
  • On Friday, the administrative team will have an EOY celebration dinner, and a team-building staff professional development session will be at the Escape Room. 
  • The final diagnostic tests for ELA and math show scores trending in the right direction. 
  • The new website will launch at the end of June. An example of the parent view for the new website was shown. 
  • NYS test scores show that CMCCA ranks higher than other schools in District 10, with a 68% in ELA and 67% in math.
Carolyn Telesmanich arrived at 5:15 PM.

III. Committee Reports


Finance Committee: Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy

Dr. Gershen-Lowy submitted the Finance Committee report and reviewed the highlights of the committee meeting. The PA account balance is $4200. Ms. Leslie Cruz reviewed the recent monthly financial reports. She is changing the language to “net assets” instead of “surplus” on the future reports. The recommendation of the committee is to continue with BDO and request a new partner for audits moving forward. 


Ms. Cruz reviewed the summary of the SY25 budget. Income expected, including all grants, is $12.36M. The budget document shows variances from SY24 to SY25. The Miscellaneous line item is significantly less because of the CSP grant. The attorney has yet to provide an update. The CSP funds will remain on this year’s books. 


Academic Committee: Dr. Bill Ursillo

There was no Academic Committee meeting this month, and thus there is no report to review. 



Governance Committee: Mr. Jim McCarthy

There was no Governance Committee meeting this month, and thus there is no report to review. 


IV. Action Items


July Board Meeting Conflict

James McCarthy made a motion to cancel the July board meeting due to conflict with the NCSC Conference.
Sr. Patricia Broderick seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FY25 Budget Approval

Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy made a motion to approve the SY25 budget.
Dr. William Ursillo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Finance Committee Discussion - Money Market

Dr. Gershen-Lowy will continue working on the details of opening the Money Market account. 

V. Partner's Report: Dr. Bill Ursillo


CMCS Report

Dr. Ursillo provided the CMCS Partner’s Report. CMCS and CMCCS met with representatives from the Sanctuary Institute. There are still six consult days to use. The team discussed training and modules to be used, anticipating approximately 100 participants, in preparation for the certification visit. Mr. Adamkiewicz is the chair of the core team and will provide agendas and notes for evidence. 

Moving forward, Fortunata DiMarco’s role will shift to focus on the school and supporting the core team. Ibet Hernandez will focus on supporting families with Sanctuary. Another clinician will be added for next year. There are currently 28 students enrolled at the clinic, with 55 referrals from the school staff. Two CMCS employees are supporting CMCCS with governance tasks. A renewed MOU for CMCS and CMCCS is to come.

VI. New Business


The CMCCS Board Self-E valuation

The CMCCS board self-evaluation is due annually. An example from last year was reviewed. 


VII. Public Comment


There was no public comment.


Executive Sessions

James McCarthy made a motion to enter an executive session to discuss a contract issue.
Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy seconded the motion.

The Directors invited Nicole Morrissey, Lynsey Bailey, and Mary Anne DeVivio to join. 


Executive session began at 5:39 PM.


The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

James McCarthy made a motion to Mr. McCarthy made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was duly seconded.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:48 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Nicole Morrissey