Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday February 6, 2024 at 5:00 PM
Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School
685 E 182nd Street
Bronx, NY 10457
Trustees Present
Angel Audiffred, Carolyn Telesmanich, Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy, Dr. William Ursillo, James McCarthy, Jennifer Vasquez, Sr. Patricia Broderick
Trustees Absent
Guests Present
Christian Adamkiewicz, Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio, Grace Bendick, Kamlesh Singh (remote), Leslie Cruz (remote), Lynsey Bailey, Nicole Morrissey (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Roll Call was conducted by Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy.
Record Attendance
Mr. McCarthy expressed the trustee’s gratitude to Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio for stepping up
into the Principal role. With CSI’s initial assessment school’s renewal application, the board
asked a consultant to assess the state of the school independently. Those results prompted the
change in leadership. The board is pursuing compelling evidence of organizational capacity by
stepping up the sustainable systems supporting student success.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. McCarthy reviewed the sets of minutes to approve. Mr. Audiffred asked for clarity on
when the Executive Session had happened.
II. Principal's Report
The Principal’s Report was submitted by Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio. Dr. DeVivio thanked the
board for her leadership opportunity. She reported that on February 28th
, there will be the
Middle School Fair. There are 10+ schools registered to present to families. Families have been
notified. Families have also been given a list with various application information, highlighting
schools close to their homes. Applications are due on April 2nd. 50 of the 70 fifth grade families
are applying to charters. The remaining families have submitted the applications to the local
traditional public schools.
Student attendance has increased since the fall. Staff conducted attendance meetings
with conferences on February 1
st. Parents were required to sign the letter of awareness about
possible retention due to excessive absences.
ELA NYS testing for 3
rd grade is slated for April 10th – 12th. Math testing is May 7th – 9th. Science testing will occur April 9th.
On February 5th, grades 3-5 began attending afterschool programming for state test
preparation. Students will attend three days per week until testing begins. The school is also
conducting February Academy during the break from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM daily for additional
student support. Currently, there are 57 students attending.
Teacher evaluations are being conducted and will be completed by the end of the week.
Administration will be comparing teacher ratings from last year to this year, and identifying
areas of opportunity. The results will be shared with the board in March.
The design of the Discovery Class for looping in grades 2 and 3 is underway for next year.
The Dual Language Program pilot is in the works to run next year as well. The Summer PD schedule is based on evaluations, so that will be determined once those are complete. Data from interim assessments will be shared in March. The current focus is on student enrollment for next year. There are currently 55 students on the waitlist. There are currently 80 students with IEPs, and 13 are undergoing reevaluation. 11 students are getting their initial evaluation. There are 144 ELLs, and consequently, a third teacher is joining the staff to service them as of Monday. Another teacher has been hired to coteach 5th grade right now. Partnerships with Teach for America and Monroe College have been established for the teacher pipeline. The school is currently looking for a certified art teacher.
Mr. McCarthy asked if there were any questions. Ms. Vasquez asked how many students received a letter for possible retention. Dr. DeVivio said 24. Ms. Vasquez asked if there is a plan in place to support them moving forward. Dr. DeVivio said that if they attend Summer Academy, they will not be retained. Since the attendance meetings and calls have been made, students having been attending school regularly. Mr. McCarthy asked how the performance of SpEd and ELL subgroups compares to CSD#10. Ms. Bendick said that CMCCS students typically
outperform, though it varies as students move throughout the program. Sr. Patricia asked if
students typically come to CMCCS with an IEP or if they test into the program while they are already here. Ms. Bendick said it varies. Ms. Vasquez and Ms. Telesmanich congratulated Dr. DeVivio and said she is doing a great job in her new role.
III. Committee Reports
Finance Committee
Dr. Gershen-Lowy submitted the Finance Committee report. Ms. Leslie Cruz provided
and overview of the December 2023 financial report. It has mostly remained the same – no real
change from November 2023. The evident fund balance and revenue come from increased
enrollment. There is a current projected balance of $1.14M. This balance mainly comes from
the increased enrollment and IDEA funding. Expenses are projected to be $514,000. The
budgeting includes any position that hasn’t yet been filled. Savings remain with the current
vacant positions. Board expenses have increased. Classroom supplies and technology supplies
expenses have increased, essentially due to the increased enrollment. Currently, the school is
overbudget by $33,465.
Ms. Telesmanich asked about the supplies being overbudget. Ms. Cruz explained that
enrollment increased to 569 students, so there have been increased supplies expenses to
accommodate. Ms. Cruz clarified that the revenues have increased due to the increased
enrollment as well that help offset that.
Ms. Cruz presented an overview of the ARP report. The awarded amount was $1.3M
over three years, and the report shows a breakdown of the spending per year. Funds can be
carried over until September 30, 2024. The remaining amount to spend is $167,332. The
amendment has been filed and will be allocated to the grant not fulfilled. There was a variance
on classroom supplies with a vendor not fulfilled – the total amendment of $81,000 can be
allocated at the school’s discretion. Ms. Cruz reviewed the projections and spending per
Ms. Cruz clarified that, at this point in time, the Budget v. Actuals report is basically the
ARP report, so nothing new to report for Budget v. Actuals.
Dr. Gershen-Lowy asked for a copy of the Financial Policies and Procedures (FPP) manual
that does not include redlining. Ms. Cruz stated that she will send the final draft once approved.
Ms. Cruz gave an overview of what the manual is and the major changes that have been made
to the content. Members can send questions if necessary. Ms. Cruz explained that the school
will follow the FPP step-by-step for anything related to finances. The major items that have
changed include:
● Financial leadership and management with new roles
● Accounts Receivable Aging – changed amount to $20,000 – approval by board above
● Single Audit requirements – follow federal law and guidance – updated with new links
● Receiving cash – title changes
● Bids – based on new federal requirements for over $10,000, for non-federal over
$20,000 and requires three bids
● Recurring charges – annual approval is acceptable
● Check – signatures below $20,000, principal can sign; if over, the board must sign
● Disbursement Process - school is using as opposed to physical checks
● New credit card purchases – describes process
Ms. Cruz asked for any questions. Dr. DeVivio asked about the credit card limit. Ms. Cruz
explained that it applies the same as checks. With the new FPP, anything over $20,000 requires
board approval. Mr. Adamkiewicz asked about the monthly budget for credit card usage. Ms.
Cruz stated that the credit limit is $120,000 per month.
Dr. Gershen-Lowy provided updates on the Parent Association (PA) account. Since the PA
is currently dormant, Mr. Adamkiewicz will report to the board on the balance of the account.
Mr. Adamkiewicz summarized that there were fraudulent charges on the PA debit card, so since
it was compromised, the credit cards were cancelled. Now, to access the account, the
representative must go in person to the bank. All signatories have been terminated except for
the school leader. Until the PA is active again and has an official representative. Dr.Gershen-Lowy explained that monthly statements are now being sent. Ms. Vasquez asked if Ms. Jennifer Fedele was the signatory on file. Dr. Gershen-Lowy suggested changing that quickly, since she is no longer employed with the school. Mr. Adamkiewicz will make the transfer of signatories. He will update Dr. Gershen-Lowy or Mr. McCarthy to confirm once it has been completed.
Dr. Gershen-Lowy updated members on the current RFP process for new audit services.
Academic Committee
Dr. William Ursillo submitted the Academic- Sanctuary Committee and the Partner’s Report. He reviewed what was discussed at the Committee meeting. He updated the board on the 5th grade placements as essentially what Dr. DeVivio shared. In Kindergarten, 40 applications have been submitted. For Sanctuary practice, leaders are working with the Institute. The Institute is providing services and resources for the school’s sanctuary model. At the Committee meeting, Mr. Carlos Diaz gave the PA update. Dr. DeVivio shared her team’s significant gains and plan to maintain student growth, and about the Teach for America and college partnerships the school has established. CMCS has been providing resources. The Article 31 Clinician, Rayna Lowe, shared about the services being provided, and that they will likely need a second clinician to support the demand. Dr. Ursillo reminded members that the goal this year is for the agenda to be collaborative, so members should submit agenda items ahead of time.
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee did not meet.
IV. Partner's Report
CMCS Report
Dr. Ursillo shared that there have been many activities provided by the Strategies Team,
including a big Winter Wonderland program. They are working to develop Sanctuary awareness.
The satellite clinic has been seeing 13 children, with 22 pending and 43 additional referrals.
CMCS is working with the school to tackle various governance tasks, as well.
Mr. McCarthy introduced a resolution for the board to consider: Whereas Ms. Jennifer
Fedele’s dedication and stalwart leadership as Principal of Cardinal McCloskey Community
Charter School has redounded to the benefit of its students and their families, the Trustees
recognize, with great appreciation, her notable commitment and singular contribution to the
school’s mission of addressing the academic, social-emotional and developmental needs of its
students in a safe, supportive, and trauma-sensitive learning environment.
Mr. McCarthy proposed to include the resolution in the meeting minutes.