Cardinal McCloskey Community Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday October 3, 2023 at 5:00 PM
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Trustees Present
Angel Audiffred, Dr. Reva Gershen-Lowy, James McCarthy, Jennifer Vasquez, Sr. Patricia Broderick
Trustees Absent
Dr. William Ursillo
Guests Present
Christian Adamkiewicz
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by James McCarthy and duly seconded to accept the agenda as presented. The motion was carried unanimously.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Mr. Angel Audiffred and duly seconded to accept the minutes of the September 12, 2023, board meeting. The motion was carried unanimously.
Mr. Audiffred requested clarity on approving both sets of minutes at the previous board meeting. A motion was made to amend the September 12th minutes to include “duly seconded” under section 3.0. The motion passed unanimously.
II. Principal's Report
The Principal Report was submitted by Ms. Jennifer Fedele. Ms. Fedele gave an Accountability Plan Progress Report overview. The instructional model was changed based on last year’s SUNY visit and other feedback. The following goals were reviewed and data was presented:
Goal 1: 75% of students in second year will perform at or above proficiency in ELA. Both growth measures were met on the internal i-Ready assessment results.
Goal 2: 75% of students in second year will perform at or above proficiency in math. Both growth measures were met on the internal i-Ready assessment results.
Goal 3: 75% of students in second year will perform at or above proficiency in science in grade 5. Last year, there was no fifth grade to test. This year, the test will be administered for the first time to 5th grade.
Goal 4: ESSA standing has not been released yet, but predicting good standing.
III. CAO's Report
The CAO’s Report was submitted by Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio. Dr. DeVivio reviewed absences, lateness, and behavioral incidents. The data includes students with IEPS and nurse visits. Mr. McCarthy asked if there is any analysis as to whether the numbers are “normal.” Dr. DeVivio explained that the numbers are typical for September. Ms. Jennifer Vasquez asked if incidents are broken down by severity. These numbers are all inclusive, but Dr. DeVivio reported there is nothing currently more than a minor incident. ADA is at 85%. Student attrition is 4.97%. Enrollment is at 482 students. There are 144 ELL students and 91 students with IEPs. FRL is 90% of the student body.
Dr. DeVivio provided a staffing update. 23 of 28 teachers are certified, and the others are pending. Current staff vacancies include art, PE, SPED, and TAs. College pipeline connections have been established with TFA, Monroe, and Fordham.
Dr. DeVivio reviewed the formal teacher observation process. Lessons are shared among grade levels. There are five levels on the evaluation for standing. Lesson plan reviews occur one week prior with a standardized feedback form.
Dr. DeVivio reviewed the annual assessment calendar. Data is analyzed within a week of administering each assessment. This year, the team has started a rigid test prep for 4th and 5th grade with i-Ready-aligned standards. Preparation includes a “math mad minute” for those grades to hopefully boost scores with better automation.
Mr. Audiffred asked what WIDA is. Ms. Grace Bendick explained its ELL connection and purpose.
IV. Committee Reports
Finance Committee
Dr. Gershen-Lowy submitted the Finance Committee report. Ms. Leslie Cruz reviewed the August financial report. The Bloomberg grant final report documentation has been submitted, reporting the total revenue and expenses throughout the Summer Boost programming. The final payment is expected to come in October.
Ms. Cruz reviewed the budget v. actuals. Most items are on budget – keynotes include revenue, specifically IDEA supplemental payments from FY20. ESSER II and ARP have been reconciled and are on track. ESSER II was spent through 9/30. The final report is in progress to send to the state. ESSER II final payments should come through in the following months, completing the funding. The Summer Boost program was underspent. Open positions show savings. Some items were spent earlier than anticipated.
Ms. Cruz updated members on the audit process. The second open item list was sent, and the auditors sent an updated, much smaller list. Once uploaded to their portal, a draft will be sent to review. The team will send it to the internal team for another review. The Finance Committee will review it at the October meeting. Once approved, a list will be sent to the school for the necessary documents to meet November deadline.
A PA has not been established yet. The PA account balance was reviewed. There have been no transactions since FY23. The team is revising the bylaws and will address them at the next Finance Committee meeting. Regarding the lease assistance application, the paperwork was sent over to the lawyer, and the Finance Committee will be making recommendations to the full board for approval.
Dr. Gershen-Lowy presented a recommendation from the Finance Committee to the full board to amend the lease to include facility costs. Mr. McCarthy motioned to accept the recommendation of the Finance Committee, and it was duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Dr. Gershen-Lowy presented a recommendation from the Finance Committee to the full board to put out an RFP for audit services.
Dr. Gershen-Lowy made a motion to put out an RFP for audit services, and it was duly seconded. The motion carried and the Finance committee approved.
Mr. Audiffred asked if there is a plan to reengage the PA. Ms. Fedele explained the steps the school has taken. Dr. Gershen-Lowy asked who will modify the bylaws. Ms. Fedele and Ms. Vasquez will amend. Mr. McCarthy asked that the bylaws be shared with board once amended for its acceptance.
Academic Committee
William Ursillo had submitted the Academic/Sanctuary Committee and the Partner’s Report. Dr. Gershen-Lowy reviewed the information in his absence. A request for modification to the Academic Committee report was made: Dr. Gershen-Lowy was an excused absence. Ms. Fedele spoke about serving SPED students and their services. She reviewed the RTI processes. Ms. Fedele reported on the ELA and math assessment embargo. The goals for next school year include new member recruitment and comprehensive reports and feedback. A Growth for Success Policy will be added to the agenda for the next board meeting in November.
Governance Committee
Mr. McCarthy submitted the Governance Committee report. He mentioned to Mr. Adamkiewicz that electric signage could be established outside. The current banners also need to be replaced.
Ad Hoc Renewal Committee
Mr. Audiffred reported this is still on standby. Ms. McCarthy reported that the public meeting as part of CSI renewal might be virtual as CSD10 has been doing it virtually. He plans to contact one of the leaders about what they have in mind. Dr. Gershen-Lowy asked about the process and timeline. Ms. McCarthy reported there is paperwork due, then an interview, a visit, and a town hall component. More information is to come
V. Discussion Items
Building-level safety plan
Ms. Fedele reviewed the building-wide safety plan. This is not published and is confidential information from the public in order to maximize the safety of the students and staff. “Go Bags” are available should there be an emergency. Ms. Fedele reviewed the components of sheltering off-site, on-site, and various drills that are practiced. A nearby location has been established as the safe place should there be an evacuation. Various safety drills include code blue, fire drills, shelter drills, etc. Mr. Adamkiewicz has reviewed all plans with the staff.
District-wide safety plan
Ms. Fedele reviewed the district-wide safety plans to prevent violence, maximize skills, and create a safer environment. They have been distributed to community members. Copies are available throughout the school. There are also assessments on drills to provide feedback. The school is working with the neighbors in the building to accommodate all drills and optimize safety for all parties.
Mr. Audiffred asked how to communicate with families should there be an off-site evacuation. Ms. Fedele explained that the ERT has six members. Ms. Vasquez asked if they are the same members as the crisis team. Ms. Fedele explained the school safety team. Ms. Vasquez asked how many staff members are CPR certified. Mr. Adamkiewicz proposes approximately 16 or 80 staff members.
VI. Action Items
School-Wide/District Safety Plans
Mr. McCarthy acknowledged the receipt of the school-wide and district safety plan. A motion was made by Ms.Vasquez and duly seconded to approve the building-level and district-wide safety plans as reported by Ms. Fedele. The motion was approved unanimously.
VII. Partner's Report
CMCS Report
The CMCS and charter school are working well together – the Strategies for Success team at CMCS met with students recently. Each student received a notebook and will keep a personal journal throughout the school year. K-2 students drew pictures about their feelings. Grades 3-5 wrote goals for doing well this school year.
The clinic received approval from OMH and opened yesterday. It will be ready to meet students soon. Ms. Vasquez asked if parents have access to student accounts online. Ms. Fedele said yes, they have access to scores, but they are embargoed from the public.
VIII. New Business
New Business
There was no new business to discuss.
IX. Public Comment
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
X. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Mr. McCarthy made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was duly seconded. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 PM.
The board welcomed guest Carolyn Telesmanich, potential board member.