Paul Robeson Charter School
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday November 19, 2024 at 4:00 PM
This meeting is being held in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act and is open to the public. Notices were duly posted and the meeting was advertised in The Trentonian and The Times of Trenton. Formal action will be taken.
Trustees Present
B. Blount (remote), B. Englezos (remote), E. Deprez (remote), K. Somberg (remote), T. Rebar (remote), V. Aggarwal (remote)
Trustees Absent
Guests Present
B. Falkowski (remote), C. Freyer (remote), J. Amenda (remote), K. Lamilla (remote), K. Tini (remote), S. Smith (remote), S. Spuhler (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
K. Somberg called a meeting of the board of trustees of Paul Robeson Charter School to order on Tuesday Nov 19, 2024 at 4:02 PM.
II. Discussion
Development Committee / Fundraising Update
25-26 Enrollment Decision
Facility Finance Discussion
III. Updates
Talent and Certification
Special Education Files Audit Update
IV. Acceptance of Meeting Minutes
Motion for Paul Robeson Charter School, Board of Trustees to accept the minutes from the October 1, 2024 board meeting.
V. Aggarwal made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 10-01-24.
T. Rebar seconded the motion.
The board
VOTED to approve the motion.
V. Motions for Approval
B. Blount made a motion to approve Finance items 1 through 4:
1. To approve the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Reports for September & October 2024 as per the attached.
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:232.11(a), the Paul Robeson Charter School Board of Trustees acknowledges receipt of the secretary’s certification, and after review of the monthly financial report (appropriations section) certifies that, to the best of its knowledge, as of September & October 2024, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:232.11(b), and that sufficient funds are available
to meet the school’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
2. To approve the Bills/Check List from October 2, 2024 through November 19, 2024.
3. To approve the following payrolls:
10/15/24 payroll $ 253,949.49
10/30/24 Payroll $ 256,830.43
11/15/24 Payroll $ 246,474.32
4. To approve the submission of the Annual Charter/Renaissance School Fiscal Questionnaire, as attached, to NJDOE.
B. Englezos seconded the motion.
The board
VOTED to approve the motion.
Student Field Trips
K. Somberg made a motion to approve the following Field Trips:
1. To approve the following student field trips:
Location: Liberty Science Center
Type: Academic Trip, tied to content learned in science class
Costs: $1,037 + bus, student pays $5
# of Students Attending: 78 7th graders
Date: 1/17/2025
Location: Liberty Science Center
Type: Academic Trip, STEM Week, tied to science content curriculum
Costs: $1,000
# of Students Attending: 78 8th graders
Date: May 2025
Location: Rutgers Science Explorer
Type: Academic Trip, STEM Week, STEM week content to support students in
science phenomena
Costs: $1,500
# of Students Attending: 312 students (5th-8th)
Date: 11/8/2024
Location: Franklin Institute
Type: Academic Trip, tied to content learned in science class
Costs: $435 + bus, student pays $5
# of Students Attending: 78 5th graders
Date: TBD.
V. Aggarwal seconded the motion.
The board
VOTED to approve the motion.
B. Englezos made a motion to approve the following Personnel motions:
1. To approve the following new hires:
Name: Raazul Barsainyan
Title: Building Substitute
Start Date: 3 month - November 4, 2024 – January 30, 2025 (Short term hire to cover maternity leave)
Salary: $200/day
Name: Jennifer Hart
Title: Nurse
Start Date: December 2, 2024
Salary: $--,---
2. To approve the following staff travel and PD reimbursements:
Name: Aureni Espinal & Alexa Tchuck
Cost: $325
Description: NJ Bilingual & TSOL Conference – 1 day each
Date: May 20-22
Name: Isabella Pschar
Cost: $295
Description: Specific Strategies for Teachers who work with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Date: January 15
3. To approve the following staff stipends:
Name: Elliott Lopez
Position: Wrestling Head Coach
Stipend: $3,500
Name: Joshua Saar
Position: Assistant Wrestling Coach
Stipend: $2,000
Name: Ashanti Waters
Position: Boys Basketball Coach
Stipend: $3,500
Name: Marissa Jenkins
Position: Girls Basketball Coach
Stipend: $3,500
Name: Lida Geraci
Position: Dance/Cheer Head Coach
Stipend: $3,500
Name: Madison Collabella
Position: Assistant Dance/Cheer Coach
Stipend: $2,000
Name: Marie Helms
Position: Score Keeper- work the clock, score board, and keep books for all home basketball games
Stipend: $40/hour.
E. Deprez seconded the motion.
The board
VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Blount
K. Somberg
V. Aggarwal
B. Englezos
E. Deprez
T. Rebar
Curriculum & Special Education
V. Aggarwal made a motion to approve the following curriculum purchases:
• Lumos Learning- $4,850.27 (Tutoring & Sat School for grades 3-8)
• BrainPop- $1,125 (ELL)
• EdPuzzle- $2,500 (sci, social studies, online program).
E. Deprez seconded the motion.
The board
VOTED to approve the motion.
Buildings & Grounds
E. Deprez made a motion to approve the following buildings and grounds purchases:
• Boiler – not to exceed $8,000.
T. Rebar seconded the motion.
The board
VOTED to approve the motion.
V. Aggarwal made a motion to approve the first reading of the Disposition of Assets policy, as attached.
B. Englezos seconded the motion.
The board
VOTED to approve the motion.
VI. Executive Session
It is expected that the Board will go into Executive Session.
K. Somberg made a motion to adjourn public session and open executive session - 5:17 pm.
E. Deprez seconded the motion.
The board
VOTED to approve the motion.
VII. Adjourn Executive Session and Reconvene Regular Session
Adjourn Executive Session and Reconvene Regular Session
K. Somberg made a motion to adjourn executive session and open public session - 5:20 pm.
T. Rebar seconded the motion.
The board
VOTED to approve the motion.
VIII. Closing Items
New Business
V. Aggarwal made a motion to approve the deductible of $11,799 for the payment to Greenwich.
E. Deprez seconded the motion.
The board
VOTED to approve the motion.
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:21 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
S. Spuhler
John provides the Board with a Dashboard update.