James Jordan Middle School Board of Trustees


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday June 19, 2014 at 6:00 PM


James Jordan Middle School

Trustees Present

F. Macauley (remote), J. Boafo, J. LaBarbera (remote), J. Stoneburner, V. Gandarilla

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

F. Macauley

Guests Present

J. Green, J. Norman, M. Alvarado, M. Marsh (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Stoneburner called a meeting of the board of trustees of James Jordan Middle School Board of Trustees to order on Thursday Jun 19, 2014 at 5:39 PM.


Approve Minutes

J. LaBarbera made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 04-22-14 Board Meeting on 04-22-14.
V. Gandarilla seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Gandarilla-aye Stoneburner-aye Norman-aye.

II. Consent Items


Approve the Spring Consolidated Application

J. LaBarbera made a motion to approve the spring consolidated application.
V. Gandarilla seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.


Final Draft of LCAP

J. LaBarbera made a motion to approve the final draft of LCAP.
V. Gandarilla seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.


Common Core Spending Plan

J. LaBarbera made a motion to to approve the Common Core Spending Plan.
V. Gandarilla seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.


Plan for spending funds held by State of CA in our EPA account

J. LaBarbera made a motion to to approve plan for spending funds held by State of CA in our EPA account.
V. Gandarilla seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.

III. Governance


New Board Members

J. Stoneburner made a motion to place Janice Boafo and Lonnie Yancsurak with membership activated as soon as they are physically present at the board meeting.
V. Gandarilla seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.


Election of a Board Secretary

V. Gandarilla made a motion to approve Jessica Labarbera as Board Secretary.
J. Stoneburner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.


Renewal of JJMS Charter

J. Stoneburner made a motion to delegate to the Executive Director in consultation with our attorney, the determination of which portions of required language to include in our renewal petition.
V. Gandarilla seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.


Strategic Planning: Executive Director position

J. Stoneburner made a motion to increase the position of executive Director to 75% with proportional increase in compensations retroactive to June 1, 2014.
J. LaBarbera seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.
F. Macauley arrived.


Need to replace HVAC immediately and landlord has limited resources

J. Boafo made a motion to approve this framework for handling the HVAC problem and delegate the details of the amounts to be negotiated by the school leaders and the Church Elder council.
V. Gandarilla seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Boafo- aye Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.

IV. Finance


May Financial Report

J. LaBarbera made a motion to approve the financial report including the balance sheet, check register, variance analysis and income statement.
J. Stoneburner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Boafo- aye Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.


Budget for 2014-15

V. Gandarilla made a motion to approve and adopt the 2014-2015 budget as presented.
J. LaBarbera seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Boafo- aye Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.

V. CEO Support And Eval


Assignment of roles for Executive Director Evaluation

J. Boafo made a motion to approve the board should delegate the information gathering for this process to Fathia Macauley and John Stoneburner who will coordinate the evaluation.
J. Stoneburner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Boafo- aye Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

J. Stoneburner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m.
J. Boafo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Boafo- aye Gandarilla- aye Labarbera- aye Stoneburner- aye.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:43 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Dominguez