James Jordan Middle School Board of Trustees


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday April 15, 2013 at 7:30 PM


JJMS - Executive Directors Office

Trustees Present

J. Munsch, J. Shelton, N. Shah

Trustees Absent

K. Myles

Guests Present

A. Peterson, J. Norman, K. Martin, L. Toribe, M. Alvarado, M. Marsh

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Shelton called a meeting of the board of trustees of James Jordan Middle School Board of Trustees to order on Monday Apr 15, 2013 at 7:42 PM.


Approve Minutes

Corrections to the previous Board Meeting minutes on January 28, 2013 Action Item: 990 Tax Return Third button down on the second page. Keep the word than and drop the word then. Add the word that to the following sentence: This is a public document that shows were the money comes from and where it goes. Action Item: Increase of Credit Card and Line of Credit Change the word result to resolve. Correct sentence should be: Be as resolve the board will accept and approve the application for an increased line of credit and credit card from California Credit Union. Executive Director Report: In the proposed Lease we specified that in consideration of the fact that they allowed us to slowly raise the rent over the course of three or four years. We also promise them that should we experience an increase in the level of state funding there will be a percentage match increase in the rent for those years.
J. Munsch made a motion to Dr. Munch moves to approve and accept the minutes of the previous meeting with corrections.
N. Shah seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Proposal to extend immediate membership on the board to Vicki Andrews.

o Victoria Andrews not present for this meeting. o Victoria has served as the principal at West Valley Christian Academy. o She was the principal of the place where JJMS will be moving. o Her school closed after forty one years of servicing to the community. o She knows the history of the school. o Dr. Marsh proposes to vote Ms. Andrews to the board upon her physical presence to a board meeting. o President Judy Shelton moves to accept Victoria Andrews membership to the board activated upon her physical presence at a board meeting.
J. Shelton made a motion to President Judy Shelton moves motion to accept Victoria Andrews as a Board Member with her voting rights and membership.
J. Munsch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Proposal to extend membership to John Stoneburner as soon as he is physically present

He is a professor at Loyola Marymount University He has experience in Special Education. He is a support provider for Teach for America Board Question: What interest you to be on the Board? John wants to build an understanding of how schools run and how they meet to make decisions to support their Special Education populations. John is very excited to be part of the JJMS Board member.
J. Shelton made a motion to President Judy moves that the board accept John Stoneburner as a member of the JJMS Board Trustees with his voting rights. Mr. Stoneburner was present so his rights were activated immediately.
N. Shah seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. ExED Report


Action Item: Move to approve Vicenti, Lloyd, Stutzman Audit Contract

This is the third year with VLS. Which stands for Vicenti, Lloyd, Stutzman Dr. Marsh is recommending to use this organization Dr. Marsh asked if the board approved that VLS be our audit firm.
A. Peterson made a motion to Dr. Munsch makes move to accept the contract as presented by VLS.
J. Shelton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Action Item: Vote to approve and accept February Financial Report

Jessica goes over the Financial Dashboard (February 2013) The school’s cash balance is projected to be $179K Overall the revenue is ahead of budget by about forty six thousand. On the expenses side there some variances are used in the ASES program which is the afterschool program More teachers are being use for the afterschool program. The other variances are related to the move to the new location. We added about twenty two thousand to the furniture and moving expenses to the new site. Budgeted average ADA for FY12-13 is 254.30 based on an enrollment of 264 students and 95% attendance rate.
J. Shelton made a motion to President Judy Shelton moves motion to accept February Financials presented by ExED including Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Check Register.
N. Shah seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Action Item: ExED Contract

Dr. Marsh requested to the board that she would like to continue the contract with ExEd until June 30, 2015. Judy Shelton requested to hear the loan options first. Dr. Marsh explains the different loans and how each one works. Judy Shelton requested more information about loans and line. Also timelines for both. Shelton asked the board if they are available to meet to further discuss this. Board decides to meet again by phone to discuss the loan. A vote is made by the board to approve a resolution. JJMS Board of Trustee must approve the loan documents the language in the laon documents as a condition of the loan going forward.
J. Shelton made a motion to Judy Shelton moves that the board accepts resolution as presented.
J. Munsch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Executive Director Report


Contract to have student teachers

Dr. Marsh would like to form a relationship with Cal State Northridge to formally accept a student teacher agreement. The student has been working with Mr. Lopez our 7th grade English teacher.
J. Munsch made a motion to Dr. Munsch makes motion to approve contract for student teacher at JJMS.
J. Shelton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Request for timetable for Evaluation of Executive Director

Dr. Marsh is asking that the board if possible to set a time to evaluate her.

IV. CEO Support And Eval


Present Lead Teacher Report

Recruitment has been very successful. JJMS has met our recruitment goal for 6th grade. We have eighteen 6th grade students on the waiting list for next year. CST testing is coming up in May. This year a large group of students attended Magic Mountain field trip. This will help to motivate the kids to do well on their test. Teachers are very excited about moving to the new site. The move is planning to be on Memorial weekend. Mr. Lopez is happy to hear that there is a waiting list for next year.

V. Closing Items


Schedule Next Board Meeting


Adjourn Meeting

Proposed date for Next Scheduled Regular Board Meeting Date: Monday May 13, 2013 at 6:00pm
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Toribe