James Jordan Middle School Board of Trustees


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 11, 2018 at 7:00 PM


7911 Winnetka Ave
This Board Meeting is open to the public. James Jordan Middle School ("School") welcomes your participation at the School's Board meetings. Participation from various locations will be possible for this meeting, this agenda shall be posted in compliance with the Brown Act at each location and the public can participate from that location. A quorum of members shall participate from inside the boundaries of our authorizing district including remote participation from the following locations which will have appropriate agenda posting and public access in compliance with the Brown Act:  800 S. Figueroa St #1000 LA 90017

The meeting can be heard by phone at Dial-in Number: (515) 739-1030    Meeting ID: 704-521-672
The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees ("Board") is to conduct the affairs of the School in public. We are pleased that you are in attendance and hope that you will visit these meetings often. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our School.

To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:
1. Agendas are available to all audience members at the meeting.
2. "Non-Agenda Item: Request to Speak" and "Agenda Item: Request to Speak" cards are available to all audience members who wish to speak under the general category of "Public Comments" or on any specific agenda item(s) (as applicable). a. Non-agenda items: any person may address the Board concerning any item not on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for more than 3 minutes (or 6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 20 minutes (provided that the President may grant additional time if circumstances permit). Ordinarily, Board members will not respond to such presentations and no action can be taken as the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation or calendar the issue for further discussion. Individuals may also request that a topic related to school business be placed on a future agenda and once such an item is properly agenized and publicly noticed, the Board can discuss, respond, and possibly act upon such an item. See attached Request to Speak card. b. Agenda Items: any person may address the Board concerning any item on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for more than 3 minutes (6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 30 minutes (provided that the President may grant additional time if circumstances permit). The presentation to the Board shall be made at the time a specific item is under discussion. See attached Request to Speak card.
3. When addressing the Board, speakers are requested to state their name and address and adhere to the time limits set forth herein. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes in English and 6 minutes with translation. Spanish translation will be provided by the school at every board meeting. If you need translation for another language, please contact the school 48 hours in advance to allow us to find a translator. 
4. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, the School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order to participate in Board meetings are invited to contact the Principal (alvarado@jamesjordanms.com, 818-882-2496)

Trustees Present

A. Bierman, B. Smith, C. Quinteros, J. Boafo, J. LaBarbera, M. Antone (remote), M. Malone, V. Brown

Trustees Absent

M. Avila

Non Voting Members Present

M. Alvarado

Guests Present

A. Miranda, Alvaro Pineda, J. Green, M. Johnston (remote), M. Marsh, Samantha Griego, Tara Risner

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Boafo called a meeting of the board of trustees of James Jordan Middle School Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Dec 11, 2018 at 7:14 PM.


Approve Minutes

M. Malone made a motion to approve minutes from the Regular meeting of the JJMS Board of Trustees on 11-27-18 Regular meeting of the JJMS Board of Trustees on 11-27-18.
V. Brown seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Avila
V. Brown
J. LaBarbera
M. Malone
B. Smith
A. Bierman
J. Boafo
C. Quinteros
M. Antone


Report from Grade Level Leads

Mr. Pineda has described and invited the board to the Winter Festival and Staff Potluck on December 14th, 2018. 

Ms. Quinteros has requested a reminder for further school events. 

Ms. A has updated the board on the sports of JJMS. 




Review of the Annual Audit

Mr. Johnson presented the audit and there are no findings. There has been no findings over the past few years, which is exemplary. We have had positive net operating results. 
J. LaBarbera made a motion to approve the Annual Audit as presented.
B. Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Boafo
B. Smith
M. Antone
A. Bierman
C. Quinteros
V. Brown
M. Avila
J. LaBarbera
M. Malone


Options for three year budget adjustments

- LaBarbera expressed concerns about freezing ED salary. 
- Dr. Marsh has met with a grant expert for the next year. 
- Dr. Marsh wants to speak to Ms. A about adding students to JJMS.
- Johnston stated that fiscal impact for one student at this point of the year is less than $5,000. 
- Ms. A announced that a parent has donated the $5,000 needed for culmination costs. 
- Board agrees not to cut travel/conferences cut. 
- Dr. Marsh explained that Ms. Cruz is 99% compliant on her review and that she was not part of the mistake. Therefore, only Ms. Alvarado, Ms. Lara and Mr. Albores are to receive the cut on Admin bonuses.
- Dr. Marsh explained she will loose around the same amount of money with her ED salary freeze as the admins in their admin bonuses cut 
- Dr. Marsh explained that Admin bonus is subject to performance. 
- Malone compared this admin bonus cut to the rule that when teachers get a write-up, they can´t receive bonuses. 
- Dr. Marsh confirmed that the admin´s mistake consequece is comparable to a write-up
- LaBarbera expressed her preference for the proposal on row 6 on the spreadsheet
- Board has stated that they want to have a future agenda item to discuss the rubric and criteria for admin bonuses. 
C. Quinteros made a motion to accept line 6 in the JJMS Cut Scenerios document: Freeze ED Salary through 6/30/21 & Cut Admin bonuses to $15,000 in the current year.
M. Malone seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
V. Brown
C. Quinteros
M. Antone
J. LaBarbera
B. Smith
M. Malone
A. Bierman
J. Boafo
M. Avila

III. Governance


CLOSED SESSION: Public Employee Performance Evaluation Title: Executive Director/Founder

Quinteros calls for a closed session.


LAUSD Compliance Monitoring Checklist

Dr. Marsh presented each Compliance Requirement on the LAUSD Compliance Monitoring and Certification of Board Compliance Review checklist and the Board certified each requirement. 
J. LaBarbera made a motion to have the President sign on behalf of the board.
M. Malone seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. LaBarbera
M. Malone
M. Antone
B. Smith
A. Bierman
J. Boafo
M. Avila
V. Brown
C. Quinteros

IV. Closing Items



Date: March 1, 2019 8AM - 12PM 
An email with the preliminary plan will be sent out.


Adjourn Meeting

B. Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
J. Boafo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Avila
A. Bierman
J. LaBarbera
M. Antone
C. Quinteros
J. Boafo
V. Brown
B. Smith
M. Malone
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Miranda