James Jordan Middle School Board of Trustees
Board Meeting
Date and Time
7911 Winnetka Ave, Winnetka CA 91306
teleconference continues under AB 361 because California public health officials
continue to declare that a state of emergency, requiring social distancing measures, still
exists in Calfornia, particularly in Los Angeles County. James Jordan Middle School
("School") welcomes your participation at the School's Board meetings.
+16468769923,,84542354836#,,,,*42668767# US (New York)
+16699006833,,84542354836#,,,,*42668767# US (San Jose)
The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees ("Board") is to conduct the
affairs of the School in public. We are pleased that you are in attendance and hope that
you will visit these meetings often. Your participation assures us of continuing community
interest in our School.
To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, the following
guidelines are provided:
1. Agendas are available to all audience members on the home page of
2. ONLINE Board meetings will still have time reserved for PUBLIC COMMENT. If you
wish to make a public comment, expect to be limited to 3 minutes. To speak, send an
email to bsmith@jamesjordanms.com with a Subject of PUBLIC COMMENT.
a. Non-agenda items: any person may address the Board concerning any item not on the
agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for no more than 3 minutes (or 6
minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 20 minutes
(provided that the President may grant additional time if circumstances permit).
Ordinarily, Board members will not respond to such presentations and no action can be
taken as the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. However, the
Board may give direction to staff following a presentation or calendar the issue for further
discussion. Individuals may also request that a topic related to school business be placed
the Board can discuss, respond, and possibly act upon such an item.
b. Agenda Items:The presentation to the Board shall be made at the time a specific item
is under discussion. Any person may address the Board concerning any item on the
agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for no more than 3 minutes (6
minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 30 minutes
(provided that the Board Chair may grant additional time if circumstances permit).
Speakers are requested to state their name and address and adhere to the time limits
set forth herein. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes in English and 6 minutes with
translation. Spanish translation will be provided by the school at every board meeting. If
you need translation for another language, please contact the school 48 hours in
advance to allow us to find a translator.
4. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, the
School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with
disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in
order to participate in Board meetings are invited to contact the Principal
(lara@jamesjordanms.com, 818-882-2496)
Purpose | Presenter | Time | |||
I. | Opening Items | 7:00 PM | |||
A. | Record Attendance | 2 m | |||
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | 1 m | |||
C. | Approve Minutes | Approve Minutes | 2 m | ||
Approve minutes for Board Meeting on May 19, 2022 | |||||
D. | Determination of need for online board meetings | Vote | Bridget Smith | 5 m | |
A state of emergency still exists in California. In addition, the board of JJMS is aware of the recommendations from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health regarding limiting virus exposure when feasible. The board should consider a motion to hold all board meetings online for the next 30 days. |
E. | Lead Teacher Report | 15 m | |||
II. | Financials | 7:25 PM | |||
A. | Preliminary Budget for 2022-23 school year | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 15 m | |
The following budget is prepared before the final vote on the state budget by the legislature. The board should consider a motion to approve this budget for JJMS for the 2022-23. If there are substantial changes after June 30, an updated budget will be presented for Board approval at the August meeting. |
B. | EPA spending Plan | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 5 m | |
The board should consider a motion to approve the EPA spending plan as presented. |
III. | Governance | 7:45 PM | |||
A. | Minor change in leadership structure | FYI | Myranda Marsh | 5 m | |
Begining on June 1, 2022, the current position of "Director of Operations" will be changed to "Chief Operations Officer" with a commensurate raise in salary. This represents the responsiblity for the new campus and the loan processing and SB740 reimbursements and a deeper involvment in the long term budgeting process. https://www.betterteam.com/coo-job-description defines this position as "A COO, or chief operations officer, oversees a company’s business operations and reports to the CEO. A COO ensures the company has effective operational and financial procedures in place. "
This increase in responsibility is a strong capacity-building move in the long-term planning for succession of leadership at JJMS.
This change also allows JJMS to reserve the term "Director" to mean an essential leadership position that does not reach the level of being part of the Administrative Team. |
B. | LCAP Approval | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 10 m | |
At the May board meeting, JJMS leaders presented a preliminary draft of the LCAP for board review and input. The board should consider a motion to approve the LCAP attached here for submission to various state, federal, county and district authorities as mandated by law and charter authorization. |
C. | Local Indicators for CA dashboard | Discuss | Myranda Marsh | 10 m | |
D. | Declaration of Need | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 5 m | |
The CA Teacher Credentialing Commission allows a school to request emergency permits when an sufficient number of fully qualified educators cannot be found or hired. JJMS has advertised our credentialed positions on Indeed.com, TalentEd.com, and EdJoin. We have participated in two local educational job fairs. We continue to commit to an internal career ladder that means talented members of our classified staff are encourage to pursue teaching and thus are employed with permits or University Intern credentials. We must file this Declaration of Need each year to certify that we are not able to find enough fully credentialed staff. |
E. | Local Area Option board approvals | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 5 m | |
In accordance with Ed Code (§44258.2) the Board delegates to the Principal/Ex. Dir. the authority to employ the holder of a single subject teaching credential, with his or her consent, to teach classes in grades 6 to 8, inclusive, in a JJMS middle school, if he or she has a minimum of 12 semester units, or six upper division or graduate units, of coursework at an accredited institution in the subject to which he or she is assigned. And also in accordance with EC §44256(b) the Board delegates to the principal and the Ex. Dir. the authority to employ holder of a multiple subject teaching credential to teach any subject in departmentalized classes to a given class or group of students below grade 9, provided that the teacher has completed at least 12 semester units, or six upper division or graduate units, of coursework at an accredited institution in each subject to be taught. Such assignment shall be with the teacher's consent.
The following educators (SEID numbers) will be authorized for departmental teaching in 2022-23 under the above policy. .
Sohail Bhatri(1696693314) holds Preliminary SS Science and will be authorized to teach Math. Griselda Lara (6874983932) holds a Clear Multiple Subject with SS Math authorization and will be authorized to teach ELA. Paola Guerrero (6910746871) holds a Clear Multiple Subject and will be authorized to teach Math or ELA Moanikeala Antone (4081185466) holds a Clear Multiple Subject credential and will be authorized to teach Math and Social Studies/History. Justin Klippel (7861414543) holds a Clear Multiple Subject Credential and will be authorized to teach ELA and Social Studies/History. |
F. | Academic Calendar for 2022-23 | Vote | Griselda Lara | 5 m | |
The JJMS Leadership will present the academic calendar for 2022-23 for board approval |
G. | FISCAL POLICY MANUAL UPDATE | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 5 m | |
FISCAL POLICY question: LAUSD needs clarification on the expense reimbursement policy below.
The Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer and Principal may incur school-related expenses without pre-approval. |
H. | Student Vaccine Mandate for 2022-23 | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 5 m | |
The Executive Director recommends that JJMS suspend the student vaccine mandate for school year 2022-23 to align with the State of California and the LAUSD decision to put off enforcing student vaccination for COVID-19. |
I. | Proposed teaching permits for staff entering credential programs | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 10 m | |
JJMS has advertised for credentialed teachers on Indeed.com, Handshake (university websites), EdJoin and TalentEd. We interviewed 6 credentialed candidates that were not suitable and 3 candidates received job offers from JJMS that were declined by the candidate.
The following people have been employed by JJMS for at least one year as paraprofessionals. These people have shown above average talent for classroom teaching. ALL of these employees have presented us with acceptance into a credential program. However, they will not be University Intern eligible by the first day of school, so we need to apply for short term permits to cover the early part of the year until their University Intern Credentials are approved by the California Commision on Teacher Credentialing. Approval is likely to appear by October of 2022.
The board should consider a motion to approve supporting the following permit applications for the 2022-23 school year.
Stephanie Romero is being presented for a Provisional Intern Permit for Single Subject ELA. Frances Mac is being presented for a Short Term Staff permit for Multiple Subjects. Diana Argueta is being presented for a Provisional Intern Permit for Multiple Subjects. Ayne Nieto is being presented for a Provisional Intern Permit for Multiple Subjects. Javier Ramirez is being presented for a Short Term Staff Permit for Multiple Subjects. |
J. | Board consideration of additional parcel acquisition adjacent to new building | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 5 m | |
The Brown Act requires that a public school declare in open session if it is considering the possibility of acquiring property. This is not a commitment to purchase, but rather a public statement that the following agents can begin discussions.
The board should consider a motion to enter closed session for the purpose of hearing information related to a possible purchase of land with the parcel and agents specified in this agenda.
JJMS shall identify its negotiators, the real property or real properties which the negotiations may concern, and the person or persons with whom its negotiators may negotiate. Property: APN 2103-009-015 JJMS Agency negotiator:Myranda S. Marsh, Dan Morrar of InSite Negotiating parties: Varuzh Alex Patatanyan, owner Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment |
K. | CLOSED SESSION: REAL ESTATE NEGOTIATIONS 8:30-9pm | Discuss | Myranda Marsh | 20 m | |
This closed session may be moved in the agenda to ensure that it takes place at 8:30pm PST so that all agents can be present.
Property: APN 2103-009-015 Agency negotiator:Myranda S. Marsh, Dan Morrar of InSite Negotiating parties: Varuzh Alex Patatanyan Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment |
L. | Open session to report any action taken in closed session for real estate negotiations | Vote | Bridget Smith | 5 m | |
The board can choose to give the Executive Director Myranda Marsh the authority to negotiate and make all decisions relevant to this potential purchase with no further board action needed.
Or, the JJMS Board could vote to authorize non-binding negotiation and then convene a Special Board meeting in July to receive further information and vote on whether or not to proceed. |
M. | CLOSED SESSION: personnel evaluation CEO/Executive Director Myranda Marsh | Discuss | Bridget Smith | 30 m | |
Board will work on the annual evaluation for the Executive Director, Myranda Marsh. |
N. | OPEN SESSION returns to set compensation for the Executive Director | Vote | Bridget Smith | 10 m | |
If any action was taken during the closed session, it will be reported at this time.
The Brown Act requires that the compensation for the Executive Director be set during an open session of a regular board meeting. For reference, on campus JJMS certificated staff (Adminitrators and teachers) received a 5% raise for the 2022-23 year beginning July 1. Additionally, on campus JJMS administrators will receive a $10,000 bonus in the June 30 paycheck as recognition for superior performance during the 2021-22 school year. |
IV. | Closing Items | 9:55 PM | |||
A. | Adjourn Meeting | Vote |