James Jordan Middle School Board of Trustees
Date and Time
Thursday June 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM PDT
This Board Meeting is open to the public.IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDERS FROM GOVERNOR NEWSOM, THIS BOARD MEETING WILL BE ONLINE. James Jordan Middle School ("School") welcomes your participation at the School's Board meetings.
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Join by phone(US) +1 301-715-8592
Password: 437390
The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees ("Board") is to conduct the affairs of the School in public. We are pleased that you are in attendance and hope that you will visit these meetings often. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our School.
To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:
1. Agendas are available to all audience members on the home page of www.jamesjordanms.com.
2. ONLINE Board meetings will still have time reserved for PUBLIC COMMENT. If you wish to make a public comment, expect to be limited to 3 minutes. To speak, send an email to bsmith@jamesjordanms.com with a Subject of PUBLIC COMMENT.
a. Non-agenda items: any person may address the Board concerning any item not on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for no more than 3 minutes (or 6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 20 minutes (provided that the President may grant additional time if circumstances permit). Ordinarily, Board members will not respond to such presentations and no action can be taken as the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation or calendar the issue for further discussion. Individuals may also request that a topic related to school business be placed on a future agenda and once such an item is properly agendized and publicly noticed, the Board can discuss, respond, and possibly act upon such an item.
b. Agenda Items:The presentation to the Board shall be made at the time a specific item is under discussion. Any person may address the Board concerning any item on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for no more than 3 minutes (6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 30 minutes (provided that the Board Chair may grant additional time if circumstances permit). Speakers are requested to state their name and address and adhere to the time limits set forth herein. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes in English and 6 minutes with translation. Spanish translation will be provided by the school at every board meeting. If you need translation for another language, please contact the school 48 hours in advance to allow us to find a translator.
4. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, the School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order to participate in Board meetings are invited to contact the Principal (lara@jamesjordanms.com, 818-882-2496)
zoom.us/j/96140272136?pwd=YkxDcU... (ID: 96140272136, password: 437390)
Join by phone(US) +1 301-715-8592
Password: 437390
The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees ("Board") is to conduct the affairs of the School in public. We are pleased that you are in attendance and hope that you will visit these meetings often. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our School.
To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:
1. Agendas are available to all audience members on the home page of www.jamesjordanms.com.
2. ONLINE Board meetings will still have time reserved for PUBLIC COMMENT. If you wish to make a public comment, expect to be limited to 3 minutes. To speak, send an email to bsmith@jamesjordanms.com with a Subject of PUBLIC COMMENT.
a. Non-agenda items: any person may address the Board concerning any item not on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for no more than 3 minutes (or 6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 20 minutes (provided that the President may grant additional time if circumstances permit). Ordinarily, Board members will not respond to such presentations and no action can be taken as the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation or calendar the issue for further discussion. Individuals may also request that a topic related to school business be placed on a future agenda and once such an item is properly agendized and publicly noticed, the Board can discuss, respond, and possibly act upon such an item.
b. Agenda Items:The presentation to the Board shall be made at the time a specific item is under discussion. Any person may address the Board concerning any item on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for no more than 3 minutes (6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 30 minutes (provided that the Board Chair may grant additional time if circumstances permit). Speakers are requested to state their name and address and adhere to the time limits set forth herein. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes in English and 6 minutes with translation. Spanish translation will be provided by the school at every board meeting. If you need translation for another language, please contact the school 48 hours in advance to allow us to find a translator.
4. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, the School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order to participate in Board meetings are invited to contact the Principal (lara@jamesjordanms.com, 818-882-2496)
Purpose | Presenter | Time | |||
I. | Opening Items | 7:00 PM | |||
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | ||||
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | ||||
C. | approve minutes | Approve Minutes | Bridget Smith | 5 m | |
Please review the minutes and we need to approve them if they are accurate.
Approve minutes for BOARD MEETING on May 20, 2021 | |||||
D. | Public comment: NON AGENDA ITEMS | Bridget Smith | 5 m | ||
Any person may address the Board concerning any item not on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for no more than 3 minutes (or 6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 20 minutes (provided that the President may grant additional time if circumstances permit).
Ordinarily, Board members will not respond to such presentations and no action can be taken as the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation or calendar the issue for further discussion. Individuals may also request that a topic related to school business be placed on a future agenda and once such an item is properly agendized and publicly noticed, the Board can discuss, respond, and possibly act upon such an item.
II. | Academic Achievement | 7:10 PM | |||
The pandemic has disrupted schools and it is urgent for each school to measure the academic skillls of its students and create programs to make up for the learning loss created by COVID19.
A. | Data Analysis for 2020-21 at JJMS | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 15 m | |
Looking at end of the year placement, how many students were in the basement (lowest rank 1) and how many of our students were Meet/Exceed grade level standards in each subject area? How does our June 2021 performance compare to the skills seen in our June 2019 (pre-pandemic) scores?
1. We have not seen a learning loss in ELA. 2. We have seen a small learning loss in MATH, but we are still outperforming LAUSD. Overall, our ELA meet/exceed has risen from 38% prepandemic to 49% June 2021. Our MATH meet/exceed has fallen by 5% to 52%. Which is still higher than LAUSD prepandemic showing 33.5% meet/exceed. In trying to get students out of the lowest rank (basement), we look for how much we were able to cut or shrink the basement. In ELA, a prepandemic year saw 25% of students in the basement and in June 2021 we only had 21% in the basement. LAUSD prepandemic had 32.6% of its students in the basement for ELA Unfortunately, prepandemic MATH had only 7% in the basement and June 2021 saw 12.5% at the lowest rank. Keep in mind, even prepandemic, LAUSD had 40% of its students in the basement for MATH as of June 2019, so even with 12.5% we are doing so much better than traditional schools. |
III. | Financials | 7:25 PM | |||
A. | April Financials | Vote | Evan Hodes | 5 m | |
The current financial statement closes out the month of April. The JJMS board should consider a motion to accept and approve the financials including cash flow, check register and balance sheet.
B. | Budget for 2021-22 | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 20 m | |
This budget includes the addition of a large amount of emergency COVID-19 funding.
ISSUE: Since this is the final year of California's bringing up the minimum wage, salaries have increased. Having raised the lowest salaries, JJMS plans to provide proportional increases for staff that were already earning above minimum wage. Most of the credentialed staff will see a raise well in excess of the planned 3%. The Executive Director recommends that the Board approve an increase for OnCampus leaders in an amount equal to the average increase seen by credentialed teachers. The Executive Director recommends that the attached budget should be amended to show the increase in salary for OnCampus administrators (Lara, Guerrero, Green, Albores) and that otherwise this budget should be approved by the JJMS Board. |
C. | Educational Protection Account spending plan | Vote | Evan Hodes | 5 m | |
JJMS must publicly announce its plans for setting aside and spending a certain portion of the money provided by the state.
D. | ExEd Contract for 2021-22 | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 10 m | |
JJMS has had clean audits and expert advice for several years from ExEd. Additionally, ExEd has agreed that in the coming year, JJMS will have consultation with Mike Johnston in addition to our regular partner, Evan Hodes. We also contract with ExEd for additional services, namely the upkeep of the state data base called CALPADS. During the 2020-21 school year, JJMS also had ExEd provide accounting for the various additional short term emergency funding at an additional cost of $5000. The Executive Director recommends that the JJMS Board approve both the ExEd and the additional CALPADS contracts.
IV. | Governance | 8:05 PM | |||
A. | LCAP approval and adoption with Local Indicators for CA Dashboard | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 20 m | |
The LCAP was presented and discussed at the May board meeting. The board should consider a motion to approve and adopt the LCAP for submission prior to June 30,2021.
JJMS CA Dashboard Local Indicators are presented here tonight in conjunction with the LCAP. |
B. | CLOSED SESSION: Evaluation of the Executive Director | Discuss | Bridget Smith | 30 m | |
The Board will work on completing the annual evaluation for the Executive Director.
V. | Closing Items | 8:55 PM | |||
A. | Adjourn Meeting | Vote |