James Jordan Middle School Board of Trustees
Date and Time
Thursday April 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM PDT
This Board Meeting is open to the public.IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDERS FROM GOVERNOR NEWSOM, THIS BOARD MEETING WILL BE ONLINE. James Jordan Middle School ("School") welcomes your participation at the School's Board meetings.
zoom.us/j/96140272136?pwd=YkxDcU... (ID: 96140272136, password: 437390)
Join by phone(US) +1 301-715-8592
Password: 437390
The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees ("Board") is to conduct the affairs of the School in public. We are pleased that you are in attendance and hope that you will visit these meetings often. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our School.
To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:
1. Agendas are available to all audience members on the home page of www.jamesjordanms.com.
2. ONLINE Board meetings will still have time reserved for PUBLIC COMMENT. If you wish to make a public comment, expect to be limited to 3 minutes. To speak, send an email to bsmith@jamesjordanms.com with a Subject of PUBLIC COMMENT.
a. Non-agenda items: any person may address the Board concerning any item not on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for more than 3 minutes (or 6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 20 minutes (provided that the President may grant additional time if circumstances permit). Ordinarily, Board members will not respond to such presentations and no action can be taken as the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation or calendar the issue for further discussion. Individuals may also request that a topic related to school business be placed on a future agenda and once such an item is properly agendized and publicly noticed, the Board can discuss, respond, and possibly act upon such an item.
b. Agenda Items:The presentation to the Board shall be made at the time a specific item is under discussion. Any person may address the Board concerning any item on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for more than 3 minutes (6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 30 minutes (provided that the Board Chair may grant additional time if circumstances permit). Speakers are requested to state their name and address and adhere to the time limits set forth herein. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes in English and 6 minutes with translation. Spanish translation will be provided by the school at every board meeting. If you need translation for another language, please contact the school 48 hours in advance to allow us to find a translator.
4. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, the School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order to participate in Board meetings are invited to contact the Principal (lara@jamesjordanms.com, 818-882-2496)
zoom.us/j/96140272136?pwd=YkxDcU... (ID: 96140272136, password: 437390)
Join by phone(US) +1 301-715-8592
Password: 437390
The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees ("Board") is to conduct the affairs of the School in public. We are pleased that you are in attendance and hope that you will visit these meetings often. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our School.
To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:
1. Agendas are available to all audience members on the home page of www.jamesjordanms.com.
2. ONLINE Board meetings will still have time reserved for PUBLIC COMMENT. If you wish to make a public comment, expect to be limited to 3 minutes. To speak, send an email to bsmith@jamesjordanms.com with a Subject of PUBLIC COMMENT.
a. Non-agenda items: any person may address the Board concerning any item not on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for more than 3 minutes (or 6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 20 minutes (provided that the President may grant additional time if circumstances permit). Ordinarily, Board members will not respond to such presentations and no action can be taken as the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation or calendar the issue for further discussion. Individuals may also request that a topic related to school business be placed on a future agenda and once such an item is properly agendized and publicly noticed, the Board can discuss, respond, and possibly act upon such an item.
b. Agenda Items:The presentation to the Board shall be made at the time a specific item is under discussion. Any person may address the Board concerning any item on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for more than 3 minutes (6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 30 minutes (provided that the Board Chair may grant additional time if circumstances permit). Speakers are requested to state their name and address and adhere to the time limits set forth herein. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes in English and 6 minutes with translation. Spanish translation will be provided by the school at every board meeting. If you need translation for another language, please contact the school 48 hours in advance to allow us to find a translator.
4. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, the School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order to participate in Board meetings are invited to contact the Principal (lara@jamesjordanms.com, 818-882-2496)
Purpose | Presenter | Time | |||
I. | Opening Items | 7:00 PM | |||
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | ||||
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | ||||
C. | Take public comment | Bridget Smith | 5 m | ||
D. | approve minutes | Approve Minutes | Bridget Smith | 5 m | |
Board on Track did not record these minutes as approved by the Board. Please review the minutes and we need to approve them if they are accurate.
Approve minutes for Board Meeting on September 17, 2020 | |||||
E. | Approve minutes | Approve Minutes | Bridget Smith | 5 m | |
Approve minutes for BOARD MEETING on March 18, 2021 | |||||
F. | RECRUITING for the JJMS Board of Trustees | Vote | Bridget Smith | 10 m | |
Ponti Lambros was nominated for board membership during the Feb. 25th board meeting and he attended the Brown Act Training on that date. The board should consider a motion to give him immediate board membership.
Additionally, Shannon Belle, Rich Edelen and Anthony Cardillo are being presented for nomination at this meeting.
G. | Lead Teacher Report | James Chavez | 10 m | ||
II. | Financials | 7:35 PM | |||
A. | Financial Report | Vote | Evan Hodes | 10 m | |
The board should consider a motion to approve the February Financial Report including the cash flow, check register and balance sheet.
B. | Approve Tax forms for submission by the May deadline | Vote | Evan Hodes | 10 m | |
Review and approve tax exempt organization form 990
III. | Governance | 7:55 PM | |||
A. | Report on progress of New School project | Vote | Myranda Marsh | 20 m | |
An artistic representation of the new building will be shared during this board meeting. The various steps towards construction that have been completed include:
-Contract signed with Construction Manager, Antonio Gonzalez
-Extension of the due dilligence period of the purchase agreement.
-Notification of our current landlords
-Preliminary underwriting engagement with Self Help lenders
-Financial analysis of possible use of COVID19 funding to improve air quality in the new building
-Blueprints with detailed floor plans
-call for bids from qualified construction companies with an emphasis on planning for inclusive use of subcontractors to promote WPOC owned businesses.
B. | Consideration and approval of creation of title-holding LLC. | Vote | Bridget Smith | 15 m | |
For purposes of permitting the participation in the SB740 Charter School Facility Grant Program JJMS is considering the creation of a California Limited Liability Company, Phoenix Facilities LLC. JJMS will serve as the single member of the LLC. As a single member LLC, the LLC will be treated by the IRS and FTB as a disregarded entity. The LLC will benefit from JJMS’s tax exempt status and will be exempt from state and federal taxes on its revenue. The LLC will be subject to state-level LLC fees, but can apply for tax exemption as a title-holding entity to avoid liability for these fees. A title-holding entity is an entity that is organized for the exclusive purpose of holding title to property, collecting income therefrom, and turning over the entire amount thereof, less expenses, to an organization described in IRC Section 501(a) (i.e. JJMS). This LLC structure is a common structure used for many years by numerous charter school corporations that seek SB740 funding for rent reimbursement.
The board should consider a motion to establish the legally necessary LLC which will hold the Lanark property for the new school. The Board Chair has determined that Paola Guerrero-Reyes shall be listed as organizer and Agent for service so that the person who receives legal notices for the LLC will have no part in decisions about the use and or lease of that property. All attached documents shall be executed by Paola Guerrero-Reyes in consultation with the attorneys at YMC.
THERE WILL BE AN AGREEMENT AS TO THE DATE AND TIME FOR THE SOLE LLC MEETING, which must be held separately from any JJMS Board of Trustees meeting and will be conducted in compliance with the BROWN ACT.
C. | Public hearing: a discussion of a vaccine policy for JJMS staff for the 2021-22 school year | Discuss | Bridget Smith | 30 m | |
Dr. Cardillo of MEND clinic will present scientific information about essential role of vaccinations. The board will hear input from any of the staff who wish to contribute to the formation of a policy. The three minute public speaking policy will apply to this item. The Board Chair will take a list of stakeholders who wish to speak to this item. The Board may determine that additional time be given for speakers at this meeting or at a future board meeting. A copy of the anonymous staff survey regarding vaccine policy will be shared with everyone at this board meeting.
Resources regarding Equity in vaccination policy are available at https://www.schoolvaccinehub.org/
IV. | Closing Items | 9:00 PM | |||
A. | Adjourn Meeting | Vote |