James Jordan Middle School Board of Trustees

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 24, 2016 at 7:00 PM PDT


JJMS Main office

Meeting Notice
This Board Meeting is open to the public. James Jordan Middle School ("School") welcomes your participation at the School's Board meetings. Participation from various locations will be possible for this meeting, this agenda shall be posted in compliance with the Brown Act at each location and the public can participate from that location. A quorum of members shall participate from inside the boundaries of our authorizing district. Other board members shall participate from the following locations with Brown Act Compliant postings.   1. 3833 Wisconsin Street, Oakland, CA 94619. 2.  12289 Mayberry Road, Spring Hill, FL 34609 3.6678 Colgate Ave, LA 90048 .
 The meeting can be heard by phone at Dial-in Number: (605) 562-0020 Meeting ID: 704-521-672

The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees ("Board") is to conduct the affairs of the School in public. We are pleased that you are in attendance and hope that you will visit these meetings often. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our School.

To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:
1. Agendas are available to all audience members at the meeting.
2. "Non-Agenda Item: Request to Speak" and "Agenda Item: Request to Speak" cards are available to all audience members who wish to speak under the general category of "Public Comments" or on any specific agenda item(s) (as applicable). a. Non-agenda items: any person may address the Board concerning any item not on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for more than 3 minutes (or 6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 20 minutes (provided that the President may grant additional time if circumstances permit). Ordinarily, Board members will not respond to such presentations and no action can be taken as the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation or calendar the issue for further discussion. Individuals may also request that a topic related to school business be placed on a future agenda and once such an item is properly agenized and publicly noticed, the Board can discuss, respond, and possibly act upon such an item. See attached Request to Speak card. b. Agenda Items: any person may address the Board concerning any item on the agenda provided that no individual presentation shall be for more than 3 minutes (6 minutes with translation) and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 30 minutes (provided that the President may grant additional time if circumstances permit). The presentation to the Board shall be made at the time a specific item is under discussion. See attached Request to Speak card.
3. When addressing the Board, speakers are requested to state their name and address and adhere to the time limits set forth herein. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes in English and 6 minutes with translation. Spanish translation will be provided by the school at every board meeting. If you need translation for another language, please contact the school 48 hours in advance to allow us to find a translator. 
4. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, the School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order to participate in Board meetings are invited to contact the Principal (alvarado@jamesjordanms.com, 818-882-2496)


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes from August 6, 2016

Please review the minutes before our meeting tonight. 

  D. Lead Teacher Report
II. Governance
  A. Fiscal Policy Manual Update
Changes to the text are highlighted in yellow. We hope for a motion to approve and accept the updated fiscal policy manual. 
  B. LAUSD Charter Transparency Resolution

The LAUSD board, with primary leadership from Ms Ratliff, has passed a resolution to compel charters to make a large number of documents available to parents, in any majority language necessary.  We plan to have our current LCAP translated during the Winter Break.  This is likely to cost $1,500 for translation.   The other documents are discussed in the attached summary. 

  C. Unpaid Lunch Bill Policy

This policy would ONLY apply to students who are not eligible for reduced price or free meals OR who have refused to fill out the application for the NSLP program.  
 The need for an Unpaid Lunch Bills Policy was motivated by a small number of families who have not taken responsibility for working with the school and who have incurred a significant debt for student lunches while ignoring invitations to meet with the school to discuss payment plans or to plead financial hardship. 

15-16 School Year Data:

  • 52 students who owed money at end of year ($.50 - $342.35)
    • Total owed = $3227.99
  • 13 students owed more than $80
    • These 13 students accounted for 77% of unpaid meals. ($2474.70)
  • 9 students owed more than $100
  • 8 students owed more than $150
  • 6 students owed more than $200
  • 4 students owed more than $250
  • 1 student owed more than $300

15-16 Budget
Federal Reimbursements - $202,246.45
State Reimbursements - $18,541.36
Food Sales - $8,662.60
Total Food Service Revenue - $229,450.41
Total Costs (Better for You only) - $276,699.82
Net Loss - ($47,249.41)

  A. September Financials
 The motion would be to approve and accept the September Financials including the cash flow, balance sheet and check register. 
  B. Small increases in Health Insurance for full time employees
In order to be more competitive for employees that stay with us for several years, we need to enhance our benefits. Our benefits do not stack up well against the District, but their generous package is not financially sound.  We want to make some small improvements.  We recommend increasing our monthly allowance to $600.  We would cover our July deductions for all employees regardless of 11 mos/12 month status so that there is cleaner accounting and a tiny bit less in deductions.  Estimated cost $ 12,000 per year. 

We hope to have a motion to approve adding this expense to our budget and that the new policy would begin immediately. 
  C. Audit Report

We are delighted to present another clean audit with no findings.  We ask the board to review these documents before the meeting. 

  A. Construction Update
V. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
  A. Sixth Grade support program

For the past two years, our 6th grade SBAC scores have been significantly lower than those of 7th and 8th grade.  We have instituted several new practices in order to provide greater support to our sixth grade. Attached you will find a summary of the actions being taken to support our students in grade 6. 

VI. CEO support
  A. Executive Coach

If any board members have resources for finding an executive coach as a support for the Executive Director, please bring the information to this meeting. 

VII. Closing Items
  A. Propose agenda items for future meetings

The board and members of the public are invited to propose items for future board meetings. 

  B. Adjourn Meeting