Maine Arts Academy
Maine Arts Academy Board of Trustees Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday December 11, 2024 at 11:30 AM
Maine Arts Academy
310 Cony Road
Augusta, Maine
Directors Present
A. Hughes (remote), A. Landry (remote), L. Warner (remote), M. Thomas (remote), S. Gilbert (remote), T. Rector (remote)
Directors Absent
J. Townsend
Guests Present
Cory King, H. King (remote), R. Merrill (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes from November 6, 2024 Board Meeting
II. Administrative Report/Facilities Report/Board President Report
Leak in shower wall
Middle School Classrooms
Cory King shared that the architect approved classroom expansion. Heather King added that lighting is the only item needed for the middle school classrooms.
Charter Commission Business Meeting
Linda Warner stated that the Commission discussed their strategic plan at their meeting. Maine Arts Academy reviewed its strategic goals and nearly all of the goals have been met. Ms. Warner will inquire about the possibility of recording meetings for board members who are not available to attend. Ms. Warner reported that Heather King shared announcements from MeAA with the Charter Commission during the meeting. Ms. Warner shared that the Charter Commission is looking into gaining more financial independence as an organization.
III. Committee Reports
Academic Excellence Committee
Linda Warner, Board Chair, reported on work being done by the committee.
Development Committee
Linda Warner, Committee Chair, reported on work being done by the committee.
Finance Committee
Tim Rector, Committee Chair, reported on work being done by the committee.
Governance Committee
Drew Landry, Committee Chair, reported on work being done by the committee.
IV. Additions and Adjustments
Sherry Gilbert stated that she was pleased to see there was ballet included in the dance performance. Ms. Gilbert shared that she was pleased by the acting, however Ms. Gilbert was offended by the language and the profanity included in the play. Heather King stated that school plays in the past have always contained adult content. Mitchell Thomas stated that the administrators should regulate the content and indicated his preference that the Board not be responsible for monitoring performance content. Linda Warner indicated her preference that the Board not be responsible for monitoring performance content as well.
V. Old Business
Board Meeting Times
Sherry Gilbert stated that daytime board meetings are not convenient for her. Mitchell Thomas proposed the idea of breakfast meetings. Board members decided to schedule the next meeting at 8:00am on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
VI. Other Business
Community Meal
On Christmas Eve day, Maine Arts Academy is offering a community dinner at the school.
The leak has been repaired.