Empower College Prep
Governing Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday August 21, 2024 at 12:00 PM
2411 W. Colter St.
Phoenix, AZ 85015
Building F
2411 West Colter Street
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Trustees Present
K. Erickson, P. Welborn, S. Inman
Trustees Absent
B. Adams Bressler, C. Daniels
Ex Officio Members Present
B. Holman
Non Voting Members Present
B. Holman
Guests Present
A. Ortega, C. Goodkind, D. Dillman, Esly Montenegro
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
Review and approve meeting minutes
Roll Call | |
P. Welborn |
B. Adams Bressler |
S. Inman |
C. Daniels |
K. Erickson |
Review and approve revised meeting minutes (June 24th)
Roll Call | |
K. Erickson |
C. Daniels |
P. Welborn |
B. Adams Bressler |
S. Inman |
Call to the Public
II. Voting Items
Approve New Board Member Esly Montenegro
Roll Call | |
P. Welborn |
K. Erickson |
B. Adams Bressler |
C. Daniels |
S. Inman |
Approve removal of Board Member Cindy Daniels
Roll Call | |
C. Daniels |
S. Inman |
K. Erickson |
B. Adams Bressler |
P. Welborn |
III. Lunch, Building Community and Context
Guest Presentation - Building Community Context
Community-Building Conversation
Question: What are the EL populations at neighboring district schools and charter schools?
Question: What is our student retention rate of students starting at Empower in 3rd grade and staying all the way through high school?
Building Organization Context
ED presented and Board discussed organizational history of enrollment, academic performance, and financial performance.
Growing EL population, surpassing 50% this year, drew significant attention and consensus reached to explore strategies around this. Responses to consider include marketing responses, policy responses (i.e. promotion and graduation requirements), and instructional approaches.
Consistent growth, attaining over 80% of available points from SGP metric, was celebrated and encouraged to be part of marketing materials.
Strong financial performance recognized.
In the past 3 years, organization has:
-navigated COVID,
-grown enrollment above bond projections (1085 vs. 1055) despite declining enrollment in AZ and increased competition (PUHSD magnet schools, ESA's, etc.),
-maintained strong K-12 academic performance in learning growth, graduation rate, university acceptance, college-going rate, and degree/cert completion rate for first graduating class
-maintained strong staff stability (80%+ each year),
-opened a preschool,
-started a bus company,
-tested replication markets and strategies, and
-codified curriculum and practices through establishing playbooks and Learning Management System.
IV. Replication and Expansion
Replication and Expansion
Question: Why should we replicate?
Primary reason stated was demand / need for schools facilitating children from low-income communities to go to and succeed in college
Also ability, as evident by academic outcomes (listed above)
Stable staff
Financial stability (including growing enrollment before taking on debt)
Establishing systems (curriculum and LMS, now playbooks also)
Question: What are the best methodologies to replicate/expand?
Various models and markets mentioned, including various starting points and consdieration of hub spoke model or sites sharing facilities.
Also discussed leveraging SGP in marketing material.
Priorities were shared to do so in a way that:
1) Replicated leaders
2) Grew Board
3) Deepened community impact
4) Minimized disruption to existing operations
Parameters for next school included
1) Maricopa County
2) Includes high school (maybe K-12, maybe 6-12, maybe 9-12, etc.)
3) Serves low-income community
4) Is values and mission-aligned
5) Serves an adequte number of students to be financially viable while considering cultural and academic requirements for success in Year 1
Board asked ED to provide timeline, selection process for school leaders, outline for central replicaiton team, and financial model (including marketing, facility, incubating staff, etc.) and offered more frequent meetings to support in replication process.
Presentation by Kelly Powell from Arizona Charter School Association regarding enrollment and performance trends in charter, district, and private schools in Arizona.
Discussion highlighted impact of ESA's projected to be similar to current impact, not expected to grow a great deal
Similarly, total number of charters has been pretty flat in recent history with only bout 10-15 opening/closing each year
Certain communities do have greater need for charter high schools due to existing K-8's with no high school