Empower College Prep

Governing Board Meeting

Annual Retreat

Date and Time

Wednesday August 21, 2024 at 12:00 PM MST


2411 W. Colter St.

Phoenix, AZ 85015


Building F

Notice of Public Meeting can be found at: 
2411 West Colter Street 

Virtual Meeting Brian Holman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Section Number Topic Number Details Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 12:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Kevin Erickson 1 m
  B. Record Attendance and Guests   Kevin Erickson 2 m
  C. Review and approve meeting minutes Approve Minutes Kevin Erickson 1 m
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting - July on July 10, 2024  
  D. Review and approve revised meeting minutes (June 24th) Vote Brian Holman 1 m

Based on the information from the Open Meeting Law training, the June 24th and July 10th meeting minutes need to be updated as follows:


June 24th

Angela Ortega was a presenter but not listed as a present guest. 

Meeting should be renamed to board meeting instead of board retreat meeting. 

Will need to be re-approved 



  E. Call to the Public   Brian Holman 1 m

Board members meet a prospective Board member who has been an integral part of the school's founding and history. 

II. Voting Items 12:06 PM
  A. Approve New Board Member Esly Montenegro Vote Brian Holman 2 m

Whereas: Esly Montenegro has been introduced to the Governing Board and invited to join the Board pending the completion of documents required by the authorizer (Arizona State Board for Charter Schools), and

Whereas: Esly Montenegro has completed these documents, and 

Whereas: The authorizer requires a Board vote to change the composition of the Governing Boards for the School/Corporation


Therefore, let it be resolved that: The Empower College Prep Governing Board approve Esly Montenegro as a member of the Governing/Corporate Board.

  B. Approve removal of Board Member Cindy Daniels Vote Brian Holman 2 m

Whereas: Cindy Daniels has been absent from Board meetings for a prolonged time due to various personal issues, and

Whereas: Cindy Daniels has requested to be removed from the Governing Board, and 

Whereas: The authorizer (Arizona State Board for Charter Schools) requires Board approval for any additions to or removals from the Empower College Prep Governing/Corporate Board. 


Therefore, let it be resolved that: Empower College Prep Governing Board remove Cindy Daniels from the Governing/Corporate Board. 

III. Lunch, Building Community and Context 12:10 PM

Lunch will be served at noon. 


Participants will engage in three conversations during this portion of the retreat, and the initial administrative and voting items will be completed.



  A. Guest Presentation - Building Community Context Discuss Brian Holman 45 m

During lunch, Kelly Powell (Senior Vice President for Research, Arizona Charter Schools Association) will present and discuss data about the changing demographics, performance, and operators in the education landscape that includes district, charter, and private operators. 



  B. Community-Building Conversation Discuss Brian Holman 45 m

During lunch, participants will share and discuss their reflections about the following prompt:


"What is one of the greatest risks you have taken, what hindered you from taking the risk initially, what ultimately compelled you to take the risk, what are lessons learned (affirmations and regrets), and how do you approach risks differently now?" This could be a business / professional risk or a personal risk. 





  C. Building Organization Context Discuss Brian Holman 20 m

Executive Director Brian Holman will facilitate discussion around the school's historic and recent performance and changes in demographics. 

IV. Replication and Expansion 2:00 PM
  A. Replication and Expansion Discuss Brian Holman 90 m

Over the past two years, the Governing Board and Senior Management Team have expressed desire and commitment to serve additional students in additional communities, including the establishment of brick/mortar operations similar to Colter. 


Various factors have delayed the execution of replicating, including but not limited to identifying leadership, changes in leadership, succession planning, building infrastructure and adjacent operations, determining the growth strategy and location, changing market with the influx of ESA's and decrease of public school students, and lack of consensus around an operating and capital plan for a new site. 


In order to ensure continuous forward progress, we will achieve the following during this time:


1) Criteria for replicating and expanding -- what factors are required to be true in order to pursue replication/expansion. 


The linked article is recommended pre-reading for this topic:




2) Leadership strategy/approach


3) Criteria for Founding Principal


4) Selection process and timeline (including but not limited to market analysis, growth strategy, facility acquisition, cash considerations, etc.)



V. Committees and Scheduling 3:30 PM
  A. Confirm date/time of regularly scheduled Board meetings and strategic topics Discuss Brian Holman 30 m
VI. Closing Items 4:00 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote