Empower College Prep

July Board Meeting

Date and Time

Friday July 15, 2022 at 4:30 PM MST


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Section Number Topic Number Details Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:30 PM
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Kevin Erickson 1 m
  B. Record Attendance and Guests   Kevin Erickson 2 m
  C. Approve July Minutes Approve Minutes Kevin Erickson 2 m
II. Voting Items 4:35 PM
  A. Vote to approve HS Scholar Handbook Vote Brian Holman 2 m

The Board annually approves the Scholar and Family Handbook. This year, the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools reviewed and required several changes. These were all made and approved by the ASBCS. The only other changes were the school calendar, which still has the same 186 days as previous years and as required by the charter. 

  B. Vote to approve ESMS Scholar Handbook Vote Brian Holman 2 m

The Board annually approves the Scholar and Family Handbook. This year, the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools reviewed and required several changes. These were all made and approved by the ASBCS. The only other changes were the school calendar, which still has the same 186 days as previous years and as required by the charter. 

  C. Vote to approve Employee Handbook Vote Angela Eich 2 m

The Board annually approves the Employee Handbook, which is attached along with the Summary of Changes. 

  D. Vote to approve FY23 Budget Vote Angela Eich 2 m
  E. Vote to approve ED Contract Vote Kevin Erickson 5 m

The Executive Director's contract was through June 30th, 2022. The contract is very similar to previous contracts and will continue through June 30th, 2025. 

  F. Vote to approve GMP Vote Brian Holman 10 m

The general contractor has provided a GMP that is 20% (800K) higher than the amount estimated by the architect in February prior to construction drawings. This was received Monday and was originally on the Board calendar to approve in August. Due to inflation, the market for construction, and supply line challenges, the GMP may increase if not signed by Friday, as some subcontractors are only guaranteeing pricing for 5-day windows.


The Senior Management Team has determined the capital expense can be achieved while still maintaining 60 days of cash on hand, due largely to the $900K influx of revenue from Summer Camp, $430K from the A For Arizona grant to build out the curriculum and platform for future campuses, and increase in per pupil funding in the state budget, all of which were also absent from the budget and cash projections previously discussed and reflected in the budget approved in May, July 1st, and in this meeting. 


The Senior Management Team is seeking approval to enter into the contract for the $3.9M stated, resulting in an overall project cost (including architect fees, FFE, etc.) of $4.4M, which is 800K greater than the amount previously approved. 


The Senior Management Team also acknowledges this is a significant increase and respects the likely decision to table this until more time is available to discuss it. This is the reason for the addition of a meeting later in July. 



III. New Business 4:58 PM
  A. Discuss and share feedback regarding the Board calendar Discuss Brian Holman 5 m
IV. Executive Session to discuss personnel contracts
V. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote