Empower College Prep

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday November 8, 2021 at 4:30 PM MST


2411 West Colter Street 
Phoenix, AZ 85015
* notice can be found on campus in the front office
Notice of Public Meeting can be found at: 
2411 West Colter Street 

Virtual Meeting Brian Holman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Attendance and Guests
  C. Approve October Minutes
II. Voting Items
  A. Approve Annual Financial Audit
Attached is the Annual Financial Audit, still in Draft form, that needs to be submitted to investors by November 15th. The auditor has included a list of items that still need to be reviewed before it is finalized and sent. We are asking for the Board to approve the financial audit in its draft form and then permit the school to submit the final audit by the Nov. 15th deadline and re-submit it to the Board in December.


  B. Approve Opening of Brokerage Account to Receive Stock Donations
Whereas: Donors of Empower College Prep have asked if they could donate stock to the school, and
Whereas: The school does not currently have the ability to receive such donations, and
Whereas: UMB Bank, which holds the school's bond funds, has the capacity to provide a brokerage account to the school to allow it ot accept stock donations, and
Whereas: The Executive Director agreement requires Board approval to open new accounts


Therefore, let it be resolved: Empower College Prep's Executive Director is herby authorized to open a brokerage account to receive stock donations.


  C. Approve allocation of project funds to be used to complete wall on south perimeter of property, 3rd classroom in cafeteria, and any additional expenses beyond 650K in existing projects approved.
  D. Approve allocation of up to $200K for architectural drawings for preschool w/ 2nd story for flexible learning space
III. Strategic Planning
  A. Discuss and develop strategic plan, specifically the intended us of ESSER 3 funds and pursuing opening a preschool.
This item continues the strategic planning conversation from last month and focuses on the intended use of ESSER 3 funds and pursuing opening a preschool.
IV. Reports
  A. Senior Management Team Report
V. Executive Session to discuss ED performance and compensation
VI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting