Empower College Prep

Governing Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday March 11, 2019 at 4:30 PM MST


2411 West Colter Street
Address: 2411 West Colter Street. 
Number to call in: 7127704700 x 558890
Notice of Public Meeting can be found at: 
5757 North Central Ave and 2411 Colter Street, Front Office 



I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Governing Board Meeting on January 14, 2019
II. Vote: Approve addition of grades K-2 and enrollment cap expansion from 915 to as high as 1200
  A. Approve addition of grades K-2 and enrollment cap expansion from 915 to as high as 1200


Whereas: Empower College Prep's mission is to empower every child to succeed in college, and
Whereas: In pursuit of this mission, Empower College Prep has been and A-rated school and seeks to be an A rated school that qualifies for results-based funding, and
Whereas: Enrolling students later in their academic career hinders our ability to prepare students for college and attain results-based funding to adequately resource our school to fulfill its mission, and
Whereas: Our facilities can accommodate grades K-12.

Therefore, let it be resolved that Empower College Prep amends its charter to serve grades K-12 by adding grades K-2 to its existing charter, and increase the enrollment capacity from 915 to as high as 1200.

III. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting