Empower College Prep

Governing Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday August 13, 2018 at 4:30 PM MST


Empower College Prep, 2411 W. Colter St., Phoenix, AZ 85015


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
This will include a time to meet Cindy Daniels, prospective Board member. 
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on July 10, 2018
II. Reports
  A. ED Report
Topics will include enrollment for 2018/19, student attrition in HS & ES, teacher attrition, 7th grade move, adjustment to the org chart affecting responsibilities related to development and marketing, and teacher salaries.

  B. Board Chair Report
Topics will include discussion and vote on strategic priorities for 2018/19, review / approve retreat objectives.
  C. Finance Committee
Topics include a summary of the draft EOY financials for FY18 and a summary of the significant changes to FY19 budget based on enrollment.
  D. Facilities Committee
Topics include a detailed timeline showing when Board will approve elements of the project - master plan, arch design of this build out, project budget, cash flow projection, enrollment forecast, etc.
III. Vote
  A. Board membership update

Two Board members, Jared Van Arsdale and Andrew Collins, have expressed their intent to no longer serve on the Governing Board of Empower College Prep during the 2018-19 school year. 

Therefore, the Governing Board accepts their resignation and supports the removal of Jared Van Arsdale and Andrew Collins from Empower College Prep's Governing Board and Corporate Board. 


  B. Approval of mission
Whereas Empower College Prep recently revised its mission, and
Whereas the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools has notified all schools changes in mission statements are required to be voted on by the schools Governing Board and submitted to the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools for acceptance. 

Therefore, let it be resolved that the mission of Empower College Prep will be:
"To prepare scholars to succeed in college, solve real-world problems, and maximize their impact in the world."
  C. Approval of school name
Empower College Prep recently changed the name of its high school campus from Empower Collegiate Academy to Empower College Prep High School. 

The Arizona State Board for Charter School recently notified all charter schools that changes in name required offical approval of the school's Governing Board and acceptance by the ASBCS. 

Therefore, let it be resolved that the name of Empower College Prep's school operating at 2411 W. Colter St. be Empower College Prep High School. 
  D. Handbook approval
The attached handbook has been revised by the leadership team and reviewed by legal counsel. 

The recommendation is to approve the handbook included here. 
  E. Reimbursement Resolution

Whereas: Upon closing bond financing Empower College Prep is legally eligible to reimburse pre-paid expenses related to the bond, and

Whereas: Reimbursing pre-paid expenses related to the bond requires action in a public meeting of the Governing Board expressing the intent to engage in bond financing and reimburse pre-paid expenses, and

Whereas: The school's underwriter, Ziegler, has provided the language for this resolution that has also been reviewed by our borrower's counsel, Dane Fernandes of Kutak Rock. 

Therefore, let it be resolved that Empower College Prep's Governing Board approves the reimbursement resolution attached here. 

  F. Executive Session

Topics include CEO Evaluation.

IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting