Empower College Prep
Program Committee Meeting
Date and Time
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
II. | Academic | |
A. | Sharing Gold Nuggets | |
Each member will share a success they have had and the lesson they learned (or applied) that they consider to be potentially valuable for others.
B. | ECP Graduate Profile and Yearly Target Outcomes | |
Natalie will provide a draft of the ECP Graduate Profile and Yearly Target Outcomes that culminate in the ECP Grad Profile for the committee to review and share feedback. At the end of the first semester, the high school will provide a report on the status of 2020 Class relative to these targets. This will be delivered to the Board during the first week of January. |
C. | Yearly Proficiency Rates | |
Brian will provide a draft of the yearly proficiency rates with rationale by grade for each year from FY18-FY27 for the committee to review and share feedback. |
D. | Internship Program | |
Natalie will share work done to date on the Internship Program and seek feedback from the group about topics for the Task Force to consider in developing an action plan for the Internship Program, which will be reviewed at the November Program Committee meeting. |
E. | AP Courses | |
Sarah informs the Program Committee about the weight that AP courses receive in students' GPA with rationale for the decision. |
F. | Wrap Up | |
Each member shares their tasks to complete for the next meeting relative to the Program Committee Tasks and potentially develops a draft of the agenda for the next meeting. |
III. | Other Business | |
IV. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |