Butler Academy


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 19, 2025 at 5:30 PM


701 S 5th St,

Hartsville, SC


Board Meeting
Wednesday, February 19 · 5:30 – 7:30pm
Time zone: America/New_York
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Trustees Present

A. Morris, D. Buryj (remote), E. Mobley, E. Waters, H. Hoilett-Frierson (remote), K. Flaherty, M. Bunnell, S. Wilson

Trustees Absent

C. Robinson, M. Stellingworth, S. Hill

Guests Present

J. Reyes, Lenora Lefew, V. Reyes

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Bunnell called a meeting of the board of trustees of Butler Academy to order on Wednesday Feb 19, 2025 at 5:37 PM.


Approve Minutes

E. Waters made a motion to approve the minutes from BA Board Meeting on 12-18-24.
D. Buryj seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. VP of Operations updates


Enrollment updates

Started a new enrollment period for 2025-2026 academic year. Featured on a billboard, digital and vinyl, also has a feature in VIP magazine, and school signage around town. Have 107 applicants for K-9th grade.

Guaranteed spots are 40 spots in kindergarten. Closes March 1st with a lottery March 2nd.  In progress are info sessions for prospective families. 

Did a preview day where 8th graders wore HS uniforms partnered with Lochwood studios. 

Will send communication out to families soon whether families intend to have their scholars return or not for the next academic year. 


Calendar update

M. Bunnell made a motion to approve the changes to the academic calendar 2025-2026.
S. Wilson seconded the motion.

Main change was to have the last school day of the academic year moved to June 9th instead of June 6th due to inclement weather in February.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Development


Fundraising updates

Reviewed FY 24 total donations $181,250.00 Average monthly donation is $15,104.17.

JBE representative came into the school to tour as did Leroy Robinson MD.

Reconnected with Boeing and working on their philanthropic budget for 2025.

Proposed DreamLearners program for a virtual field trip for 5th grade soon. Will let us know when they are in the area for a visit. 

There are 23 donors calendar year 2024 and 40 donors from 2023.

In the next 5 months, there will be a quarterly campaign appeal from those who have already given.  Will also be looking to national grants and not just local grants.

IV. President Updates


Upper School Development

Have two partnerships- one with Coker University for 9th grade classes. FDTIC gave a placement test for 8th graders.  2/3rds of 8th graders would qualify for dual enrollment with a recommendation.  Also met with head of dual enrollment at Coker for our incoming 9th graders.

Finalizing space for 9th grade on Coker campus.

Conversation with 8th grade families is that the high school experience is being created around them and hope to finalize scheduling in the next month.


Charter updates

Will need to revisit the charter to update the high school part. The initial one was K-4 detailed. Will need to look into researching the process of how to amend the school charter.


Federal updates and Executive orders

The school president participated on a nationwide call of charter school leaders with guidance on keeping compliant with federal and executive orders. Advice given on effective consistent messaging that is in alignment with regulations. Will continue to monitor the changing landscape and communicate if there are changes that might affect the school.

V. Governance Committee


Board Expansion

Encouraged board members to continue to update the document on potential board members.  Will also plan on meeting monthly. Next proposed meeting is March 12th.

VI. Scholar Experience


Power made Practical Immersion program

This is an initiative about engaging families at the school through the Power made Practical Immersion program to educate families about educating them on how to be meaningful advocates for the school. Spearheaded by Ms Bhatt who is passionate about family engagement. 

VII. Finance


Review Financials

Currently have 45 days cash on hand and want to focus on trying to build that up to 90 days. Are 58% of the fiscal year. Local fundings is behind at 41% of our goal for this time last year. State and federal funding is also behind.  Will start filing federal  claims and hope to see funds come in. There was a delay with the freeze at the federal level for 2 weeks but things are starting to catch up. Are above budget on instructional services, and support services. Are at 60% of total budget to date. 

S. Wilson made a motion to approve to financials. 

Seconded by E. Waters.

Motion passed.

VIII. Facility


High School plans

Reiterated by short term plans of partnering with Coker University to host HS  classes on their library campus for next year. Should be finalized in the next month.

For long term plans, there is no budget to build or lease right now. Finance committee will review numbers of what the budget might look like with full student capacity in 2028 to help guide what might be affordable for the school by then.

IX. Executive Session


Upcoming CEO/VP of Operations evaluation

Motion made to move into executive session at 734pm.


Motion to move out of executive session at 809pm


The board agrees to empower the executive committee to continue contract negotiations with the school president. 

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Bunnell