Butler Academy


BA Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday December 18, 2024 at 5:30 PM


Butler academy

710 S 5th St

Hartsville, SC


BA Board Meeting
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 · 5:30 – 7:30pm
Time zone: America/New_York
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Trustees Present

A. Morris, C. Robinson (remote), D. Buryj, E. Waters, H. Hoilett-Frierson, K. Flaherty, M. Bunnell, M. Stellingworth (remote), S. Hill, S. Wilson

Trustees Absent

E. Mobley

Guests Present

V. Reyes, lefew@butleracademy.us

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Bunnell called a meeting of the board of trustees of Butler Academy to order on Wednesday Dec 18, 2024 at 5:32 PM.


Approve Minutes

D. Buryj made a motion to approve the minutes from BA Board Meeting on 10-16-24.
A. Morris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. VP of Operations updates


Enrollment updates

Will open the 2025-2026 academic enrollment in Jan that closes March. K-4 classes are still full and still has a wait list of 100. 

Started to analyze the attrition data. Most common reason appeared to be desire to return to their school zone. The 2nd reason was relocation out of the area. 

Most common reason to return to their zoned school was 'unspecified', 2nd reason was the school schedule. Other reasons were family separation, closer to home, switched to a school mom teaches at, or unhappy with BA.  Will try to keep this topic on the board calendar for the fall of every year.

III. Development


Updates from the VP of Development

Reviewed the submitted grants and the amounts asked for and the relationships formed.  Most answers to grant applications will be given spring of 2025.  Also starting to look at corporate relations as far as Florence. Also growing a list of individual relations and supporters. 

Robinson Ventures volunteered a dollar for dollar match for any dollar donated by a board member up to $2500. There is also a donor database using E-Tapestry.

Asked for a number of donors to be updated to the board.

IV. President Updates


2025-2026 Academic Calendar

M. Bunnell made a motion to approve the 2025-2026 Academic calendar pending changes discussed during the board meeting.
E. Waters seconded the motion.

Shortening the spring break has added a week of instructional time may be beneficial before state testing. The longer summer also allows more rest and time to transition from one year to the next academic year.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Winter MAP and I-Ready results

When discussing fall to winter testing data, wanted to underscore the themes of percentile, placement and projections.

MAP percentiles for Kindergarten: There was an increase in those above the 60th to 100th percentile from only 47% to 60% in reading.  There was also a growth from 56% to 67% in Math.


In first grade, there was a reversal and a decrease in reading and math. The provost did remind us that nationally, this is a common trend to see. The instructional team is looking to use this data to inform instruction in the 2nd half of the school year. 


In DCSD K-2 MAP is given. At BA, we are given 2-5 MAP where the scholars are read to vs the scholar has to read the test.


With regards placement, in Kindergarten, 47% of scholars moved up in math, and 53% moved in reading.  In 1st grade, 39% improved in math and 34% improved in reading. No longer seeing any scholar 2 grades level below grade level.  In 2nd grade there was a 22% improvement in math and a 45% improvement in reading. 


Looking at Reading 3rd through 5th grade, 53% at 3rd grade meet or exceeds which is the highest the school has ever seen.  48% are at 'meets or exceeds' and at 5th grade, 40% are projected to be at 'meets or exceeds' grade level.  One of the factors is likely that 50% of the teachers are new to BA.


Looking at Math projections, 3rd grade is at 49% meet or exceeds, 4th grade is 46% meet or exceeds and 5th grade has 39% at meet or exceeds. 

Reading 6th grade 53%, 7th at 53% and 8th grade at 49% at meets or exceeds grade level.

Math: 36%, 7th grade 34%, 8th grade 37% are at meet or exceeds.

Next steps: will use data to reshape small groups and intensify weekly data meetings. 


The board recognized and applauded the academic team for continuing to give our scholars grade level work and the time and effort on a scholar level. 

V. Governance Committee


Board Expansion

Updated the board on conversations with a potential community member to help with recruitment of future board members. Plan to do a board assessment soon and in the spring, will gather feedback from each board member regarding the board, its composition and its future strategies. It was shard that the Charter school act will likely be revisited in 2025.  Invited the board to add names to the list of future potential board members. 

C. Robinson made a motion to approve the amended by-laws.
A. Morris seconded the motion.

Made changes to the bylaws to add term limits and stagger limits. Will forward to the district. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Updates from the District

Shared documents that the district liason wanted to be shared with the board.  Reminded that the district would need to be updated about any off-campus facility use for the high school.

VI. Finance


Review Financials

Cash on hand is sitting at 51 days, goal is 90 days. 

Long term liabilities are coming down which indicates debt is going down. 

Currently sitting at 39% of local funding for revenue. Total revenue is at 39% for the fiscal year. Reflects that some of this is that the school hasn't billed for certain things yet. 

Under expenditures, personnel is right on budget for the year as well. Supplies are running a little higher than budget which is typical as supplied are typically bought up front then will slow down.


Motion to approve September, Oct and November Financials made by S. Wilson, seconded by E. Waters. Motion passed.


VII. Facility


High School plans

Short term plan: having conversations with Coker for 4 or 5 classrooms. With regards to long term planning, there is urgency with fund raising to build high school on-campus facility. Facility committee plans to meet again soon and engage in conversations with our land lord.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Bunnell