Butler Academy
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 18, 2023 at 5:30 PM
Butler Academy 710 S 5th St
Trustees Present
'. Tyree (remote), D. Buryj, J. Shannon, K. Flaherty, M. Brown, M. Bunnell, S. Wilson, T. Goodson Jr.
Trustees Absent
E. Mobley
Guests Present
Barbara Chappell, Carol Mendez, J. Reyes, V. Reyes
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve minutes
II. Updates from President/Vice President of Operations
Enrollment updates 2022-2023 school year
Academic School Calendar Year 2023-2024
This year mirrors the 1.5 day for parent-teacher day conferences instead of virtual.
Planning to see if there is still a need to offer both virtual parent-teacher conferences or only face-to-face.
III. Academic Updates
Academic update
N. Taylor presented data showing growth data first in i-Ready. All grades grew between fall and winter testing. Of note, our 6th grade class is a high-achieving group who already started performance above grade level, so there was less room for growth. Saw the most growth in phonological awareness. Least growth was with informational text, which is an area for growth at each grade level, so are pushing social studies and science reading.
In I-Ready Math, grew in each grade except 6th grade. Looking at reasons why and how to address gaps. Data show growth in concepts such as measurement, data as well as geometry.
Reminded us that an academic goal is for 75% to perform at the 75th percentile or higher by the end of their 4th year at BA.
One of the goals of the school is also to close the achievement gaps between low performing student groups and high performing student groups. Data has shown that by 2nd grade, black students have fallen in percentiles. One thought is that the 2nd grade assessment is not read to them, but the student has to read it for themselves.
By 3rd grade the gaps continue to widen and 3rd grade is retained if they do not make a minimal score. Those identified as in the lowest percentile, are advised to attend the summer reading camp.
Action items: Informs professional development needs, as well as parent teacher conferences. Allows core leadership on how to do tier 1 and tier 2 support and development. As we look at the gaps, allows the leadership team to incorporate DEI throughout the year.
Level Literacy Intervention (LLI) with Fidelity is something exciting that is going to be implemented this year which has been proven to show growth.
One question was how to bring the parents into the conversation and empower parents to help their kids at home. The capacity to do what the Academics team aim to, is limited by constantly retraining teachers.
Carol Mendez joined the team fall of last year. Has had 10 years experience in charter schools and is a 1st generation college graduate of parents of immigrant parents. During her time at BA, she has observed clear academic practices, and a deep level of resilience through challenging times like the pandemic. Has seen how unique the culture is in the school, with an emphasis on DEI and SEL. They are innovative ideas across the nation but not locally.
Friday celebration is a joy. Is supportive of year around model that has lots of support for academic success.
Grade level assistants with one or even 2 per year is not commonly seen in schools that she has been associated with and is a positive thing.
There is always room for improvement, and sees areas of growth. One particular area is the idea of consistency with everything in the building especially teachers. One thing that has been proven to help with teacher retention is having high quality instructional support. Also suggested that every decision be data driven such as not only academics, but also enrollment data for another example.
IV. Development Committee
Development committee updates
Have 42% donor retention rate. Goal was 45% have received around 3/4 of goal of pledges. There is an improvement in year to date pledges compared to last year.
There are pending proposals for academic success fund and a growth development fund for facilities.
Community outreach include GSSM congratulations video, BA hosted the Hartsville Christmas parade, had a successful career week. Continues to try to develop a development plan; build a portfolio and framework for academic success etc, standardize process for acknowledgments and reports. Deepen and expand local partnerships locally, regionally and nationally.
E-tapestry is a product tool in donor management.
Discussed Strategic priorities as well as a development calendar.
V. President Support Committee updates
Evaluation of CEO
Concluded 2021-2022 evaluation
Evaluation of Vice president of operations
Concluded 2021-2022 evaluation
VI. Governance
Board expansion
Goal to expand the board by two, but only recruited one. Encourage to ask for suggestions for future members.
Annual Review of Bylaws
Attached bylaws for trustees to review and to give feedback on.
Board On Track
Have renewed board on track contract for another two years, and encouraged each trustee to maximize the resources that it offers including documentation, training and support.
Update Each committee goals for year 2023
Board Elections
Asked each member to indicate to the board chairperson whether they have intentions to renew their term or not.
VII. Scholar experience committee
Scholar experience updates
The committee has been comparing student discipline data to what is written in the handbook. Is currently compiling data, and examples to try put descriptive terms on what the school is doing at an administrative level vs classroom level.
The committee has at least an addition to the handbook of 'possible' outcomes for disciplinary instances. Could add it to clarify existing practices. Committee is aligned with the school equity and culture model.
VIII. Finance
Finance Summary
Discussed November and December financials. Currently at 79% of budgeted expenses. Currently sitting positive, but do expect a deficit to come soon. Expect tax forms to come soon, as well as annual audit.
IX. Facility
Expansion of facilities
The facility continues to be under construction. Kitchen will be shut down last quarter of the school year while the kitchen is renovated. Trying to come up with a way to feed scholars during those 9 weeks.
X. Executive Session
Executive session
Voted to move into executive session at 731pm.
Vote to move out of executive session at 755pm
Discussed personnel concerns.
No action was taken
Closing out lottery for school year 2022-2023. Exceptions may be for siblings of those already in the school.
Application window from 2023-2024 is about to open.
Expect to see advertisements that the enrollment is about to open.
Currently at 287 scholars. Only one seat at 4th grade.
Will be increasing classroom size from 20 to 22 scholars per classroom felt it would help financially while able to maintain the culture of the school.
Discussed possibility of increasing middle school homeroom size in the future.