Butler Academy


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 16, 2022 at 5:30 PM

Trustees Present

'. Tyree, E. Mobley, K. Flaherty, M. Brown, M. Bunnell, S. Wilson (remote), T. Goodson Jr.

Trustees Absent

J. Shannon

Guests Present

J. Reyes

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Flaherty called a meeting of the board of trustees of Butler Academy to order on Wednesday Mar 16, 2022 at 5:35 PM.


Approve Minutes

'. Tyree made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 01-19-22.
T. Goodson Jr. seconded the motion.

Discussed what was implied with the term 'norm'.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Updates from Vice President of Operations


Enrollment updates 2021-2022 school year

Currently at 236 scholars. A few withdrew mostly due to transportation issues. Scholars are not pulled from the waitlist in the 2nd half of the school year so as not to disrupt learning.


Academic School Year 2022-2023

All seats have been filled. Two seats in kindergarten are kept open as recruitment is still ongoing. Waitlist for kindergarten is at 20. 

A few seats have opened at 5th and 6th grade. There are 44 5th and 6th graders enrolled with the expectation of natural attrition.  There are ways to accommodate extracurricular activities for scholars that desire to participate  in at the local district level. Will have a better idea as to matriculation of scholars from one grade to the next by the end of May.


There is a new Dean of Academics of the  elementary school and is currently acclimatizing to the culture of BA and academic staff so she can hit the ground running. The current Dean of Academics will move to the middle school. There is also a new special Ed teacher coming from Virginia.


COVID updates

There has not been a large change in the masking policy at the school.  Families still have the option to opt out. List of symptoms to send students home has shortened to 4 symptoms. Per CDC guidelines, contact tracing is also no longer done as case numbers have significantly decreased. 

III. Finance


Finance Summary

Reviewed January's Financial summary. February was not available until just recently.  Currently the finance team feels that  Revenue budget closely correlates with expenditures. (61% revenue to 59% of expenditures).  Will plan to set a special meeting to review the tax return that will be submitted 1st week of April.


Budget 2022-2023

There is a deficit at the end of the year so we need to bridge that gap with the development committee. 

T. Goodson Jr. made a motion to approve the budget 2022-2023.
E. Mobley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Scholar experience committee


Scholar experience updates

Would like to establish some goals by connecting with the Dean of Culture and new Dean of Academics. Would like to say more than how a scholar is performing academically, but would like to qualify socio-emotional metrics to describe whether a scholar also succeeded in that and how both contribute towards scholar experience outcomes. 


Academic updates

Anecdotally, there has been higher growth from fall to winter compared to '20-'21. Dr Reyes will send an update through email. Scholars will be doing MAP testing as soon as they come back from spring break.

V. Governance


Board expansion

A shortlist of candidates with qualifications desirable to strengthen the board has been created and efforts are underway to connect with these individuals for new board members.


President support and evaluation committee updates

VI. Development Committee


Development committee updates

School president continues to meet with a resource person in developing capacity for development. Considering hiring a full time development position.

VII. Facility


Seeking help to search for a bus for the scholars to use.

M. Bunnell volunteered to help gather more information on a bus for BA to use.

VIII. Other Business


Recent faculty development

Efforts to hire teachers and deans who align with the school's vision and mission continue as BA expands to the middle school.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Flaherty