Three Rivers Charter School


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 12, 2023 at 5:30 PM


This Board Meeting is being held in person at Three Rivers Charter School 1211 Del Mar Dr., Fort Bragg, CA, in the Jr. High Classroom. 


Meeting attendees may also join virtually using the Google Meet link provided. 

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The agenda provides any citizen an opportunity to directly address the Board under the section entitled “Community Comment” on any item under the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not on the agenda. The Public will be provided an opportunity to address the Board on agenda items before or during the Board’s deliberation. Each public member will have 3 minutes for comment. 


To request a matter within the jurisdiction of the Board be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting, please submit your request in writing to the School Director or Board President at least 10 days before the scheduled meeting date. In compliance with Government Code section 54954.2(a) Three Rivers Charter School will, on request, make agendas available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Individuals who need this agenda in an alternative format or who need a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact the school at (707) 964-1128 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. The Board reserves the right to mute or remove a member of the public for inappropriate behavior which is disruptive.

Directors Present

A. Dominguez, D. Vogele, J. Hoyt, J. Ries, R. Coy

Directors Absent

L. Norman

Guests Present

K. Morgan, Maria Gibson, Mary Makela, FBUSD Board

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order


Record Attendance


Community Comment

II. Reports


Student Representative Report

Student body President is not yet present. This item is tabled until the end of the meeting.


Teacher Reports

Teachers Reports are attached in the meeting packet. Mrs. Gibson is present and gave an update on her class.

K Morgan reports that classes are starting NWEA testing.


Director's Report

Open enrollment for employee benefits: there will be a special board meeting at some point in the future to approve the contract for benefits.  It must be approved by the board before the portal can open for employees to choose their benefits. K Morgan would like to propose increasing the contribution that TRCS makes to employees benefits by 15%.  The fiscal impact of this from now to the end of the year is approximately $6000.


Facility Improvement Project Update: Request for Proposals for Contractors is being looked over by legal and should be ready soon.  R. Coy clarified that there was a timeframe from Mendocino College that TRCS spend a certain amount on the project in the first year (July 2023-July 2024).


Enrollment: Two students will join our school in January, bringing our enrollment to 83 students.


November PTN Success: the meeting went really well.  We were able to Zoom with Violet in Uganda. 


ELOP Update:  The first Saturday Academy was a lot of fun.  The thought is to have 6 more Saturday Academies, once per month.  

Sue Magoo from the Noyo Center is joining the Tides program on Fridays.


Events and Activities: 

December First Friday REACH Assembly: Boundaries was the theme.  Students also made holiday cards that will go out with the Chistmas dinners offered by the Lions Club.


Family Dance and Cultural Potluck: There was a lot of wonderful food over 100 people present.


New MCOE Environmental Ed. pilot program: our 5-6 grade class is the pilot group, an environmentalist will be coming to the class in Jan/Feb and there will be a field trip involved.


Science fair is coming up Jan 24.  3rd - 8th grade are doing their projects for school, and students who win from each class will go on to participate in the County Science Fair


Fundraiser Update:  Sees Candy: $1000, Change Challenge: $600




Financial Report

J Hoyt reported on the Treasurer's Report that is included in the packet. 

K Morgan noted that under Unrestricted Net Assets, is listed as zero last year, and $816,657 for this year, and the reason for that is that money is specifically for the building project. 

III. Discussion and Action Items


Approve Minutes

J. Hoyt made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 11-14-23.
A. Dominguez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Accept 2022-23 Audit Report

J. Hoyt made a motion to Accept 2022-23 Audit Report.
R. Coy seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


First Interim Budget

R. Coy made a motion to Accept first interim budget.
J. Hoyt seconded the motion.

Budget Narrative is included in the packet.

LCFF Revenue is down because our enrollment is lower than projected.

On future budgets, we will use a more realistic number for enrollment projected.

Typo: Federal Revenue *increased* by $55,989

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve submission for Employee Retention Credit (ERC)

Paying the company up front is concerning to several board members. K Morgan will check on the deferred payment and will check with CSMC if other schools have been receiving ERC payments already.  This will be discussed/voted on in our special meeting or January's meeting.


Approve revised Employee Sick Leave Policy

A. Dominguez made a motion to Approve updated sick leave policy.
J. Hoyt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve revised ELO-P Plan

R. Coy made a motion to Approve Revised ELOP Plan.
J. Hoyt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve TIDES discipline policy

A. Dominguez made a motion to Approve Tides Discipline Policy with modifications.
J. Hoyt seconded the motion.

There have been up to 44 students at the Tides Program.  

This new policy has come out of staff brainstorming and made use of Kudos policies.

K. Morgan will clarify the language around "warnings" and what constitutes a written warning.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:44 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Ries