Three Rivers Charter School


Board Retreat

Date and Time

Wednesday July 28, 2021 at 4:00 PM

This Board meeting is being held virtually. The agenda provides any citizen an opportunity to directly address the Board under the section entitled “Community Comment” on any item under the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not on the agenda. The Public will be provided an opportunity to address the Board on agenda items before or during the Board’s deliberation. Each public member will have 3 minutes for comment. Members who wish to comment may use the "raise hand" option. To request a matter within the jurisdiction of the Board be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting, please submit your request in writing to the School Director or Board President at least 10 days before the scheduled meeting date.. In compliance with Government Code section 54954.2(a) Three Rivers Charter School will, on request, make agendas available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Individuals who need this agenda in an alternative format or who need a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact the school at (707) 964-1128 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. The Board reserves the right to mute or remove a member of the public for inappropriate behavior which is disruptive.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 9695 4638
Passcode: 0468


Directors Present

A. Dominguez (remote), E. Forster (remote), J. Ries (remote), J. Stickels (remote), J. Tippett (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

K. Morgan (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Stickels called a meeting of the board of directors of Three Rivers Charter School to order on Wednesday Jul 28, 2021 at 4:10 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Changes to the Agenda?

No changes

II. Community Comment


Community Comment

No community comment at this time.

III. Reports


Director's Report

K, Morgan, new Director, reported regarding variety of back to school issues.
Update provided regarding school opening plan.
Suggestion that school have a back-up plan in the case that virtual learning is required again at the beginning of 2021-22 school year--depending on county COVID status at that time.
K. Morgan will provide draft safety and re-opening plan for board review and approval.
Update provided regarding independent study requirement from the State.
Update provided regarding potential for music program and after school sports program for the upcoming school year.
TIDES program will likely be available this school year for after school.


Financial Reports

J. Tippett provided oral summary of written Treasurer's Report dated July 28, 2021.

IV. Board Retreat


Introductions & Retreat Purpose

Board member introductions.
Discussion regarding purpose of retreat--align on common goals, and organization for the school year.


Board Officers

Discussion of board members terms and offices.
J. Stickels' board term is up. He has served the maximum number of years as board member (6) and board president (4).
Board will need to find a new president. J. Tippett is willing to take on that position. 
Board will then need to find a new treasurer. Because there is no board member immediately interested in taking on the treasurer position, J. Stickels will remain on the board until a new treasurer is selected.
J. Tippett gave a summary of the responsibilities and duties of the board treasurer and a brief overview of financial functions of Charter Vision software.


Board Recruitment

Discussion regarding potential candidates to fill current board vacancies and impending board vacancies.
R.Coy may be interested in serving on the board at some time in the near or distant future. K. Morgan will consider potential candidates among new families joining the Three Rivers Charter School community in the fall.
This issue will be tabled until September 2021 board meeting.


Vote on Officer Roles

Vote will be tabled until September 2021 board meeting.


Discuss Board Priorities & Goals

Discussion regarding issue for board to focus on during the upcoming school year.
Suggestions include:
1) solidifying board positions and roles--new members and officers;
2) providing support for new director;
3) developing committees to help support director;
4) supporting director and staff in promoting academic excellence;
5) working with director to secure adequate facilities;
6) determining needed committees and solidifying committee membership within the board;

1) CEO support
2) Securing facilities
3) Solidifying board positions and new board members
4) Form committees follow through with duties and responsibilities
5) Promote/support academic excellence


Approve and Accept Board Priorities

E. Forster made a motion to approve and accept board priorities listed in previous section E.
J. Tippett seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Tippett
E. Forster
J. Ries
A. Dominguez
J. Stickels


CEO Goals for 2021-22

Discussion regarding priorities for the Director for this school year.
1) Focus on social and emotional well-being of students and staff;
2) Building school community;
3) Reaching full enrollment;
4) Complying with state and local mandates;
5) Ensuring academic support for students;
6) Continuing administrative credential (induction program).


Approve and Accept CEO Goals

J. Tippett made a motion to approve and accept CEO goals as listed in previous section G.
E. Forster seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Dominguez
J. Stickels
E. Forster
J. Tippett
J. Ries


Board Committees

Discussion regarding existing committees: 
Governance committee
Finance committee
Facilities committee
Community outreach committee

Discussion regarding what committees are needed at this point:
Governance committee
Nutritional meals development committee
Facilities committee
Finance committee
Community outreach committee

Discussion regarding board members interest to serve on needed committees:
Governance: J. Ries, chair
Nutrition: E. Forster, chair
Facilities: J. Tippett, chair; J. Stickels
Finance: (to be determined)
Community outreach: A. Dominguez, chair

Finalization of committee members for each committee will be conducted at a later meeting once out-going board members have moved on and new board members have been installed.


Vote on Committee Changes

J. Tippett made a motion to accept the changes made to committees and listed in the minutes in section I.
A. Dominguez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Ries
J. Tippett
J. Stickels
A. Dominguez
E. Forster

V. Approve Minutes


Approve Minutes

J. Ries made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 06-15-21.
A. Dominguez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Tippett
A. Dominguez
E. Forster
J. Ries
J. Stickels

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:37 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Ries