Three Rivers Charter School


Annual Board Retreat

Date and Time

Sunday July 7, 2019 at 12:00 PM


Community First Credit Union, 147 N. Franklin St., Fort Bragg, CA 95437

Directors Present

A. Friscia, I. Saldana, J. Ries, J. Stickels, J. Tippett, J. Tyler, M. Wasco

Directors Absent


Guests Present

K. Morgan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Stickels called a meeting to order on Sunday Jul 7, 2019 at 12:09 PM.


Community Comment



Approve Minutes

I. Saldana made a motion to approve minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on 06-18-19 Regular Board Meeting on 06-18-19.
J. Tyler seconded the motion.
The team VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve and Accept Terms of ConApp

J. Tyler made a motion to Accept and approve Conapp.
M. Wasco seconded the motion.
The team VOTED to approve the motion.


Director's Report

Roger reviewed his report, providing an update on the Facilities Project, meal program, initial SBAC results and the demographic diversity results for the 19-20 school year.

II. BoardMeet / Three Rivers Retreat


Board Retreat Purpose

Roger reviewed the purpose and objective of the retreat. 


CEO 19-20 Goals

The board discussed the goals for the CEO for the 19-20 school year. These included:
1. Obtaining new property and continuing the development of the property for relocation of the current facilities
2. Continuing the mentoring of the Assistant Director and the internship of Rana Adams.
3. Continuing the improvement of our SBAC scores as outlined in the TRCS-FBUSD MOU
4. Continuing the improvement of our student population diversity as outlined in the TRCS-FBUSD MOU


Approve CEO Goals

J. Ries made a motion to To accept goals.
J. Tippett seconded the motion.
The team VOTED to approve the motion.


Review Board Self-Evaluation

Jaime reviewed the results of the board self-evaluation. They discussed their performance  and what they feel they could do to strengthen what they are doing well and improve areas that need improvement.


Review Committees

All of the existng committees were discussed including their purpose, if they are needed or should be terminated, and what new committees are needed. The overall consensus was the following:
* Add a Finance Committee (members to include Jade Tippett (chair) and Jody Stickels.) Its purpose is to oversee the management of the finances of the school including fundraising if needed.
*Add an ad-hoc committee to work on Community Outreach - Members are Isabel Saldana (chair) and  Amanda Friscia. It's prupose is to identify opportunities for the Board to do outreach actions that would aid in the positive PR of the school and assist in creating more diversity in the school.
*Governance Committee - Keep in place. Members would include Jaime Ries (chair) and Jennifer Tyler. Its purpose is to focus on the development of the Board by reviewing protocol and policies, providing training for the Board, over-seeing the annual self-assessment and the review and evaluation of the CEO. 
*Academic Excellence Committee - Keep in place. Members would include Michael Wasco (chair) and Amanda Friscia. The purpose is to review key data points that will lead to improvement in the management and academics of the school with the CEO and to bring that information to the Board for possible action.
* Facilities Committee - Keep in place. Members are Jennifer Tyler (chair) and Jody Stickels. It's purpose is to oversee the procurement of the new property and its development. 


Approve Changes to the Governance Committee

J. Tippett made a motion to To make Jaime Ries the chair and add Jennifer Tyler to the committee.
M. Wasco seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Changes to the Academic Excellence Committee

J. Tyler made a motion to To accept the changes to the Academic Excellence Committee including removing Jade Tippett and Isabel Saldana from the committee and replace them with Michael Wasco (chair) and Amanda Friscia.
J. Tippett seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Changes to the Facilities Committee

J. Ries made a motion to Keep the Facilities Committee in place and to make Jennifer Tyler the chairperson.
A. Friscia seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Changes to the Nutritional Meal Program Committee

J. Tippett made a motion to Terminate the Nutritional Meal Program.
J. Ries seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve the Addition of the Finance Committee

J. Tyler made a motion to Create a Finance Committe with Jade Tippett (chair) and Jody Stickels.
J. Ries seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Add a Community Outreach Ad-Hoc Committe

J. Ries made a motion to Create a Community Outreach ad-hoc ommittee with members Isabel Saldana (chair) and Amanda Friscia.
M. Wasco seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Setting 3-5 Board Priorities for 19-20 School Year

The priorities for the Board for the 19-20 school year are:
1. Support CEO in the school's purchasing, procurement, and development of the new school site.
2. Focus on and meet the requirements of the TRCS-FBUSD MOU
3. Obtain training as required
4. Support the Community Outreach Committee including making personal appearances at various public events or meetings.


Accept Priorities and Goals for Next Year

J. Ries made a motion to Accept the priorities for the 19-20 school year. The priorities for the Board for the 19-20 school year are: 1. Support CEO in the school's purchasing, procurement, and development of the new school site. 2. Focus on and meet the requirements of the TRCS-FBUSD MOU 3. Obtain training as required 4. Support the Community Outreach Committee including making personal appearances at various public events or meetings.
J. Tyler seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Debrief & Next Steps

Immediate action items to complete include:
*Reviewing and creating job descriptions for the Board
*Create a facilities procurement and evelopment time ine
*Review data prepared by the CEO
*Create and implement a financial over-sight procedure
*Develop an emergency CEO succession plan
*Look into and obtain training for Board


III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

All actions are completed.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:14 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Morgan