Three Rivers Charter School

Annual Board Retreat

Date and Time

Sunday July 7, 2019 at 12:00 PM PDT


Community First Credit Union, 147 N. Franklin St., Fort Bragg, CA 95437


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Community Comment

Any community comments for the board? Each person commenting has 3 minutes to state an opinion or make a statement.

  D. Approve Minutes

Approve minutes.

    Approve minutes for Regular Board Meeting on June 18, 2019
  E. Approve and Accept Terms of ConApp

Discuss and Approve ConApp

  F. Director's Report
Bring board Up-To-Date on the Facilities Status; Nutritional Meal Program; Smarter Balanced Scores
II. BoardMeet / Three Rivers Retreat
  A. Board Retreat Purpose
The Board cannot govern properly unless everyone is aligned on the priorities, objectives and strategies for next year. This Retreat's purpose is to align the Board on 3-5 priorities; who is responsible for what and when it should be completed?
  B. CEO 19-20 Goals
Refer to evaluation and discuss earlier discussed possible goals (Obtaining New Property, Mentoring Assist Dir, Improving Diversity, and raising Smarter Balanced Scores)
  C. Approve CEO Goals

Approve and accept CEO Goals.

  D. Review Board Self-Evaluation

Discuss Self-Evaluation

  E. Review Committees
Review need, purpose and objectives of each committee:
    * Governance
    *Academic Excellence
    *Nutritional Meal Committee (Terminate?)
    *CEO Support (Part of Governance Committee?)
  F. Vote on Committee Changes
  G. Setting 3-5 Board Priorities for 19-20 School Year
  • Review Board Self-Assessment  
  • Answer the following questions:
    • What does the board do well? 
    • What needs to be improved? 
  • Agree on your 3 – 5 priorities for the year ahead
  H. Accept Priorities and Goals for Next Yer
 Accept priorities.
  I. Debrief & Next Steps
The full board will agree on what next steps are required.

Each board member will be asked to share-out their key takeaways from the retreat.
III. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting