Wonderful College Prep Academy


August WCPA Board of Directors Meeting - Rescheduled

Date and Time

Wednesday August 28, 2024 at 5:00 PM


Delano Campus

2070 Veneto St

Delano, CA 93215

Room: Yoga Studio (South Campus Entrance)


Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano Campus)

Room: Yoga Studio (South Campus Entrance)
2070 Veneto Street, Delano, CA 93215

Teleconference Location (Ed. Code § 47604.1)
Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills

Room: College Center (Secondary School Campus Entrance)
14848 Lamberson Ave, Lost Hills, CA 93249


Virtual Meeting Information:

Meeting ID: 830 9243 8175
Passcode: 627493

Dial-in Information:
(669) 900-9128

Meeting ID: 830 9243 8175
Passcode: 627493

Directors Present

E. Unruh, G. Adame, I. Valdez, K. Tomono, S. Mohamed, V. Reynolds

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

I. Valdez

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

K. Tomono

Guests Present

E. Hernandez, J. Aguilar, L. Sanchez, M. Morillo, M. Palomo, M. Romero, R. Phillips, Y. Ramirez

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Mohamed called a meeting of the board of directors of Wonderful College Prep Academy to order on Wednesday Aug 28, 2024 at 5:06 PM.


Flag Salute

Board Chair Mohamed led in the flag salute.


Record Attendance


Changes to Agenda

K. Tomono made a motion to move the following agenda items: Regular Agenda III-A and Consent Agenda Item XI-D to be presented at our next scheduled Board Meeting, September 26, 2024.
V. Reynolds seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Tomono
V. Reynolds
E. Unruh
I. Valdez
S. Mohamed
I. Valdez arrived at 5:13 PM.


Public Comments

Brandon Manning, provided a public comment via Zoom regarding the opportunity for WCPA to leverage services to provide an online uniform retailer for student uniforms. Mr. Manning noted that WCPA does not have an apparent online option for families and extended his services. Board Chair Mohamed thanked him for his comment and asked for Mr. Manning to contact Chief Business Officer Romero to continue exploring this idea.

II. Public Hearing


Amended Independent Study Policy for Delano and Lost Hills

Executive Director of Programming and Partnerships, Lupe Sanchez presented the draft Amended Independent Study Policy for Delano and Lost Hills.

The Public Hearing closed at 5:18pm. No comments were made from the public at this time.

III. Regular Agenda


Action Item: Appointment of Victoria Casales as Board Member

Item was removed from the agenda for consideration.


Action Item: Appointment of Gabriel Adame as Board Member

E. Unruh made a motion to approve the appointment of Gabriel Adame as Board Member.
V. Reynolds seconded the motion.

Mr. Adame is an active member of the Kern County community and serves as President and CEO of Youth 2 Leaders Education Foundation, a nonprofit organization working to help low-income and underrepresented students plan and pay for college. Previously, Mr. Adame served as Director of Marketing and Development for the United Way of Kern County.  

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
K. Tomono
I. Valdez
V. Reynolds
S. Mohamed

Board Chair Mohamed stated that the Board would move into Closed Session to discuss Closed Session Agenda Items IV. A, B, C and D. Board Chair Mohamed stated that he would need to recuse from Closed Session Agenda Items IV. A and B. He is an employee of The Wonderful Company, which is indirectly related to Educational Leasing LLC, a party to both lease agreementsBoard Chair Mohamed stated that he did not participate, negotiate, and was not involved in the lease agreements in any way.


For purposes of Closed Session Agenda Items IV. A and B, Board Member Unruh was appointed Chairperson pro tem and led the discussion and vote for these items. 

E. Unruh made a motion to move to Closed Session at 5:26pm.
V. Reynolds seconded the motion.

Board Chair Mohamed left the room at 5:26pm. Board Chair Mohamed did not join the Closed Session for Agenda Items IV. A and B.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mohamed
V. Reynolds
G. Adame
E. Unruh
K. Tomono
I. Valdez

Superintendent Jorge Aguilar and Chief Business Officer Mike Romero joined the Board of Directors in Closed Session at 5:26pm.

IV. Closed Session


Conference with Real Property Negotiator; Gov’t Code § 54956.8; Property: 2070 Veneto Street, Delano, CA 93215; Agency Negotiator: Chief Business Officer, Mike Romero; Negotiating Party: Educational Leasing LLC; Under Negotiation: Price and terms


Conference with Real Property Negotiator; Gov’t Code § 54956.8; Property: 14848 Lamberson Ave, Lost Hills, CA 93249; Agency Negotiator: Chief Business Officer, Mike Romero; Negotiating Party: Educational Leasing LLC; Under Negotiation: Price and terms


Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov’t. Code § 54596.9(d)(2) – Three (3)

Board Chair Mohamed joined the Board of Directors in Closed Session after the conclusion of the discussion and vote on Closed Session Agenda Items IV. A and B at 5:35pm.


Conference with Labor Negotiator; Gov’t. Code §54957.6

The Board of Directors returned from Closed Session at 5:58pm and reported out on the following votes.

V. Open Session


Conference with Real Property Negotiator; Gov’t Code § 54956.8; Property: 2070 Veneto Street, Delano, CA 93215; Agency Negotiator: Chief Business Officer, Mike Romero; Negotiating Party: Educational Leasing LLC; Under Negotiation: Price and terms

Board Member Unruh reported that the Board of Directors reviewed the rent amount for the Delano property and made a finding that the rent is below fair market value. Board Member Unruh stated that the Board approved the lease agreement for the Delano campus for the 2024-25 school year.

E. Unruh made a motion to to approve the lease agreement for the Delano campus for the 2024-25 school year.
V. Reynolds seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Valdez
E. Unruh
V. Reynolds
S. Mohamed
G. Adame
K. Tomono


Conference with Real Property Negotiator; Gov’t Code § 54956.8; Property: 14848 Lamberson Ave, Lost Hills, CA 93249; Agency Negotiator: Chief Business Officer, Mike Romero; Negotiating Party: Educational Leasing LLC; Under Negotiation: Price and terms

Board Member Unruh reported that the Board of Directors reviewed the rent amount for the Lost Hills property and made a finding that the rent is below fair market value. Board Member Unruh stated that the Board approved the lease agreement for the Lost Hills campus for the 2024-25 school year.

I. Valdez made a motion to to approve the lease agreement for the Lost Hills campus for the 2024-25 school year.
K. Tomono seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
V. Reynolds
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed
G. Adame
I. Valdez
K. Tomono

VI. Regular Agenda


Action Item: Oral Recommendation and Approval of Salary and/or Fringe Benefits of Superintendent

I. Valdez made a motion to approve the oral recommendation regarding salary and/or fringe benefits for the Superintendent.
V. Reynolds seconded the motion.

Board Chair Mohamed presented the Superintendent’s compensation. Board Chair Mohamed stated that under the agreement, the Superintendent will receive a 2% cost of living adjustment (COLA) and a target bonus of 5% of the base salary prorated from the start date. Board Chair Mohamed stated that the Board reviewed the compensation data of similarly situated Superintendents and Executive Directors in school districts and charter schools in California and the Board determined that the compensation is just and reasonable.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mohamed
V. Reynolds
K. Tomono
I. Valdez
G. Adame
E. Unruh

VII. Regular Agenda - Academics


Information Item: 2023-24 Student Achievement Data Review

Chief Academic Officer Megan Palomo provided an End of Year Academic update, focusing on NWEA student progress on Math and ELA from the 2023-2024 school year.

VIII. Regular Agenda - Business, Finance & Operations


Information Item: Monthly Business Report for June & July 2024 - Delano

Chief Business Officer, Mike Romero presented the updated monthly business report for the months of June and July for the Delano Campus.


Information Item: Monthly Business Report for June & July 2024 - Lost Hills

Chief Business Officer, Mike Romero presented the updated monthly business report for the months of June and July for the Delano Campus.


Action Item: Approval of Amended WCPA Fiscal Policies and Procedures

E. Unruh made a motion to approve the amended WCPA Fiscal Policies and Procedures.
I. Valdez seconded the motion.

Chief Business Officer Romero presented the request to amend the Fiscal Policies and Procedures for the 2024-2025 school year. The main revisions to the policy include the following: (1) Addition of prepaid expense card provisions (PEX Card); (2) Updates to the Pre-Approved Vendors List.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
V. Reynolds
S. Mohamed
E. Unruh
K. Tomono
G. Adame
I. Valdez


Action Item: Approval of Vendor Invoices for Modular Addition (Pro-Fab Construction Inc., Wise Electric & Communication, Inc., Turman Construction Company, Inc., Lattis Networks, LLC)

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the vendor invoices for the Modular Addition (Pro-Fab Construction Inc., Wise Electric & Communication, Inc., Turman Construction Company, Inc., Lattis Networks, LLC).
G. Adame seconded the motion.

Chief Facilities Officer Morillo presented the request for approval of the invoices listed below for the addition of 8 modulars (5 classrooms, 2 restrooms, and 1 multi-purpose room) to the WCPA Delano campus.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Tomono
V. Reynolds
I. Valdez
G. Adame
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed

IX. Regular Agenda - Policies and Compliance


Information Item: 2024 KCSOS Williams Act Visit - Delano and Lost Hills

Executive Director of Programming and Partnerships, Lupe Sanchez presented an update on the KCSOS Williams Act visits for Delano and Lost Hills.


Information Item: 2023-2024 KCSOS Oversight Report - Delano and Lost Hills

Chief Business Officer Mike Romero presented an update on the 2023-2024 KCSOS Oversight Reports for Delano and Lost Hills.


Action Item: Approval of Resolution No. 2024/25-01 Authorizing the Submission of the Charter Renewal Petition for Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills to the Kern County Board of Education

E. Unruh made a motion to approve Resolution No. 2024/25-01 authorizing the submission of the Charter Renewal Petition for Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills to the Kern County Board of Education.
V. Reynolds seconded the motion.

Executive Director of Programming and Partnerships, Lupe Sanchez, presented the resolution approving the submission of the Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills charter renewal petition to the Kern County Board of Education. Ms. Sanchez presented the charter renewal petition, budget for the renewal term, and related documents. The Board of Directors adopted the resolution approving the charter renewal petition, including the budget, and authorizing the submission of the charter renewal petition to the Kern County Board of Education.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Adame
V. Reynolds
I. Valdez
E. Unruh
K. Tomono
S. Mohamed


Action Item: Approval of 2024-2025 Wonderful College Prep Academy Employee Handbook for Delano and Lost Hills

I. Valdez made a motion to approve the 2024-2025 Wonderful College Prep Academy Employee Handbook for Delano and Lost Hills.
G. Adame seconded the motion.

Chief Business Officer Mike Romero presented the request for approval of the updated 2024-2025 WCPA Employee Handbook. The updates to the handbook include the following:

(1) Personal Appearance/Standards of Dress for Staff Members; (2) WCPA Mileage and Other Expense Reimbursements; (3) Sick Leave Policy; (4) Title IX Information; (5) Reproductive Loss Leave; (6) Other legal updates; (7) Non-substantive changes.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
V. Reynolds
S. Mohamed
G. Adame
K. Tomono
I. Valdez
E. Unruh
K. Tomono left at 7:22 PM.


Action Item: Approval of 2024-2025 Wonderful College Prep Academy Student and Family Handbook for Delano and Lost Hills

E. Unruh made a motion to approve the 2024-2025 Wonderful College Prep Academy Student and Family Handbook for Delano and Lost Hills.
V. Reynolds seconded the motion.

Executive Director of Partnerships & Programming Lupe Sanchez presented the request for approval of the updated 2024-2025 Student and Family  Handbook. The updates to the handbook include the following: (1) Updates to ensure policies reflect current practice at WCPA; (2) Updates to Elementary homework and grading policies; (3) Inclusion of Secondary School Cell Phone Policy; (4) Updates to Title IX language; (5) Addition of Accessibility to Sex-Segregated Facilities, Programs, and Activities in compliance with California law; (6) Legal updates; (7) Non-substantive changes

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed
V. Reynolds
K. Tomono
I. Valdez
G. Adame


Action Item: Approval of the Amended Independent Study Policy for Delano and Lost Hills

V. Reynolds made a motion to approve the amended Independent Study Policy for Delano and Lost Hills.
G. Adame seconded the motion.

Executive Director of Partnerships & Programming Lupe Sanchez presented the request for approval of the amended short-term independent study policy (the “Policy”). The Policy includes updates to reflect current practice and legal updates from the K-12 Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill (SB 153). Specifically, the Policy includes the following updates: (1) Removal of COVID-19 language as it is already covered in the general basis for independent study under the Policy; (2)  “Short-term independent study” changed to 15 school days or fewer (from 14 school days or fewer); (3) The written agreement may be signed any time during the school year in which the short-term independent study program takes place; (4) Revised language regarding independent study provided due to full or partial school closure due to emergency conditions.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mohamed
E. Unruh
K. Tomono
I. Valdez
G. Adame
V. Reynolds


Action Item: Approval of the Amended Wonderful College Prep Academy Title IX Sex-Based Nondiscrimination Policies and Grievance Procedures for Delano and Lost Hills

I. Valdez made a motion to approve the amended Wonderful College Prep Academy Title IX Sex-Based Nondiscrimination Policies and Grievance Procedures for Delano and Lost Hills.
V. Reynolds seconded the motion.

Executive Director of Partnerships & Programming Lupe Sanchez presented the request for approve the updated Title IX Sex-Based Nondiscrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures for both the Delano and Lost Hills schools to incorporate the following legal changes: (1) Clarity in defining discrimination covered by Title IX to include discrimination on the basis of sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity; (2) Broadening the definition of sex-based harassment and standard for school’s response; (3) Additional protections for pregnant and parenting students and staff; (4) Expanded scope of complaints subject to grievance procedures to cover all complaints of discrimination on the basis of sex in the school’s education programs or activities; (5) Training requirements for all employees; (6) Changes in the requirements for the Title IX team and procedural requirements.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
V. Reynolds
G. Adame
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed
I. Valdez
K. Tomono


Action Item: Approval of 2025-26 Open Enrollment Cycles - Delano and Lost Hills

E. Unruh made a motion to approve the 2025-26 Open Enrollment Cycles for Delano and Lost Hills.
I. Valdez seconded the motion.

Executive Director of Partnerships & Programming Lupe Sanchez presented the request for approve the 2025-2026 Open Enrollment and Public Random Drawing dates for both WCPA Delano and Lost Hills.


The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Adame
V. Reynolds
I. Valdez
K. Tomono
S. Mohamed
E. Unruh


Action Item: Ratification of California Community Schools Partnership Program Implementation Plans - Delano and Lost Hills

I. Valdez made a motion to ratify the California Community Schools Partnership Program Implementation Plans for Delano and Lost Hills.
G. Adame seconded the motion.

Executive Director of Partnerships & Programming Lupe Sanchez presented the request to ratify the California Community Schools Partnership Program Implementation Plans for both the Delano and Lost Hills campuses. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
K. Tomono
G. Adame
S. Mohamed
I. Valdez
V. Reynolds


Action Item: Approval of Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) Credential Policies Pursuant to Education Code Section 48000(g) - Delano and Lost Hills

E. Unruh made a motion to approve the Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) Credential Policies Pursuant to Education Code Section 48000(g) for Delano and Lost Hills.
I. Valdez seconded the motion.

Chief Business Officer Mike Romero presented the request for approval of the Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Credential Policies, which explain the requirements for teachers in a WCPA TK classroom. Education Code Section 48000(g)(4) specifies that credentialed teachers who are first assigned to a TK classroom after July 1, 2015, have, by August 1, 2025, one of the following: (1) At least 24 units in early childhood education, childhood development, or both; (2) Professional experience in a classroom setting with preschool age children meeting the criteria established by WCPA’s Board of Directors that is comparable to the 24 units of education described in subparagraph (1); (3) A child development teacher permit, or an early childhood education specialist credential, issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Tomono
G. Adame
V. Reynolds
I. Valdez
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed


Action Item: Approval of Amended Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) Planning & Implementation Grant Plans for Wonderful College Prep Academy - Delano and Lost Hills

I. Valdez made a motion to approve amended Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) Planning & Implementation Grant Plans for Wonderful College Prep Academy - Delano and Lost Hills.
G. Adame seconded the motion.

Chief Business Officer Mike Romero presented the request to approve the revision to the Universal Prekindergarten (“UPK”) Planning and Implementation Grant Plans (“UPK Plans”) for both the WCPA Delano and WCPA Lost Hills schools.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Valdez
S. Mohamed
E. Unruh
V. Reynolds
K. Tomono
G. Adame


Action Item: Approval of Resolution No. 2024/25-02 Authorizing Teacher Instruction Pursuant to Education Code Section 44256(b)

V. Reynolds made a motion to approve Resolution No. 2024/25-02 Authorizing Teacher Instruction Pursuant to Education Code Section 44256(b).
I. Valdez seconded the motion.

Chief Business Officer Mike Romero presented the request for approval of Resolution No. 2024/25-02 authorizing teacher instruction pursuant to Education Code Section 44256(b) in order to allow the holder of a Multiple Subject or Standard Elementary credential to be authorized to teach any subject in a departmentalized classroom below grade 9 if the teacher has completed twelve semester units, or six upper division or graduate units, of coursework at a regionally accredited institution of higher education in the subject to be taught.


The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed
G. Adame
K. Tomono
I. Valdez
V. Reynolds


Action Item: Approval of Amended 2024 California School Dashboard Local Indicators Teacher Assignment Monitoring Outcomes (TAMO) – Delano and Lost Hills

I. Valdez made a motion to approve amended 2024 California School Dashboard Local Indicators Teacher Assignment Monitoring Outcomes (TAMO) – Delano and Lost Hills.
G. Adame seconded the motion.

Executive Director of Partnerships & Programming Lupe Sanchez presented the request for approve the amended 2022-23 California School Dashboard (“Dashboard”) Local Indicators Teacher Assignment Monitoring Outcomes (“TAMO”) for both the Delano and Lost Hills schools. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mohamed
E. Unruh
K. Tomono
I. Valdez
V. Reynolds
G. Adame

Board Chair Mohamed stated that he would need to recuse from Regular Agenda Item IX-N. He is an employee of The Wonderful Company, which is a party to the charitable pledges. Board Chair Mohamed stated that he did not participate, negotiate, and was not involved in the charitable pledge agreements in any way.

For purposes of Regular Agenda Item IX-N, Board Member Unruh was appointed Chairperson pro tem and led the discussion and vote for these items. 

Board Chair Mohamed left the room at 7:37pm. Board Chair Mohamed did not join the discussion for Regular Agenda Item IX-N.


Action Item: Approval of Charitable Pledge Agreement No. 2024/25-01 and Agreement No. 2024/25-02 between The Wonderful Company and Wonderful College Prep Academy for the Career Pathways Program for Delano and Lost Hills

G. Adame made a motion to approve Charitable Pledge Agreement No. 2024/25-01 and Agreement No. 2024/25-02 between The Wonderful Company and Wonderful College Prep Academy for the Career Pathways Program for Delano and Lost Hills.
I. Valdez seconded the motion.

Chief Business Officer Mike Romero submitted the request for approval of the pledge agreements with The Wonderful Company for the Wonderful Career Pathways program for both the Delano and Lost Hills campuses.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
K. Tomono
V. Reynolds
I. Valdez
G. Adame
S. Mohamed

X. Communications


Superintendent's Report

Superintendent Aguilar presented a brief updates on recent and upcoming student and schoolwide events.


Other Business

No other business was discussed at this meeting.

XI. Consent Agenda


Review and Approve: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of June 20, 2024

I. Valdez made a motion to approve the minutes from June WCPA Board of Directors Meeting on 06-20-24.
G. Adame seconded the motion.

Consent Agenda Items XI A-C were presented and approved as one motion. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
I. Valdez
K. Tomono
G. Adame
S. Mohamed
V. Reynolds


Action Item: Ratification of Delano June and July 2024 Vendor Payments

I. Valdez made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items XI A-C as presented.
G. Adame seconded the motion.

Consent Agenda Items XI A-C were presented and approved as one motion. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Valdez
G. Adame
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed
V. Reynolds
K. Tomono


Action Item: Ratification of Lost Hills June and July 2024 Vendor Payments

I. Valdez made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items XI A-C as presented.
G. Adame seconded the motion.

Consent Agenda Items XI A-C were presented and approved as one motion. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Tomono
E. Unruh
G. Adame
V. Reynolds
S. Mohamed
I. Valdez


Action Item: Approval of Amended Food Services Department Procurement Procedures

Item was removed from the agenda for consideration.


Information Item: Resignation of Nanci Villasana as Board Member effective July 23, 2024

No action was taken on this information item.


Information Item: Attendance & Enrollment Update - Delano

No action was taken on this information item.


Information Item: Attendance & Enrollment Update - Lost Hills

No action was taken on this information item.

XII. Board Comments


Board Comments

Board Chair Mohamed thanked Board Member Reynolds for her service to the board and presented her with a plaque in appreciation and recognition for her service.

XIII. Future Meetings


Future Meetings

Thursday, September 26, 2024; 5:00pm | Delano Campus

Thursday, October 24, 2024; 10:00am | Lost Hills Campus | Board Workshop & Regular Board Meeting

Thursday, December 12, 2024; 5:00pm | Delano Campus

XIV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

I certify that I am the Board Secretary of Wonderful College Prep Academy, a California non-profit public benefit corporation; that these are the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on August 28, 2024.

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Sanchez
I. Valdez made a motion to adjourn the August Board of Directors Meeting.
G. Adame seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mohamed
G. Adame
K. Tomono
E. Unruh
I. Valdez
V. Reynolds