Wonderful College Prep Academy


March WCPA Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 21, 2024 at 4:00 PM


Lost Hills Campus

14848 Lamberson Ave

Lost Hills, CA 93249

Room: College Center


Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills

Room: College Center (High School Campus Entrance)
14848 Lamberson Ave, Lost Hills, CA 93249 


Teleconference Location (Ed. Code § 47604.1)
Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano Campus)

Room: Large Conference Room
2070 Veneto Street, Delano, CA 93215  


Virtual Meeting Information:


Meeting ID: 869 7517 2851
Passcode: 238170

Dial-in Information:
(669) 900-9128

Meeting ID: 869 7517 2851
Passcode: 238170

Directors Present

E. Unruh, K. Tomono, S. Mohamed, V. Reynolds

Directors Absent

I. Valdez

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

V. Reynolds

Guests Present

A. Bresson, D. Rizo, E. Hernandez, J. King, L. Sanchez, M. Palomo, M. Romero, N. Vijeila, R. Phillips

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Mohamed called a meeting of the board of directors of Wonderful College Prep Academy to order on Thursday Mar 21, 2024 at 4:05 PM.


Flag Salute

Board Chair Mohamed led in the flag salute.


Record Attendance


Changes to Agenda

Board Chair Mohamed asked the Board to consider a vote to move the following agenda items: Regular Agenda Items II-A & B to be presented after Agenda Items II-C&D.

V. Reynolds made a motion to move the following agenda items: Regular Agenda Items II-A & B to be presented after Agenda Items II-C & D.
K. Tomono seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
I. Valdez
S. Mohamed
V. Reynolds
K. Tomono


Board Study Session

Elizabeth Gadbaw, Legal Council presented the Annual Board Training during the board study session.



Public Comments

No public comments were made during this meeting.

The Board of Directors reviewed Regular Agenda Item II-C & D at this time, per the Board's motion to change the agenda.

II. Regular Agenda - Academics


Information Item: Discussion of WCPA- Lost Hills Instructional Pilot

Megan Palomo, Chief Academic Officer, presented an update on the progress made for the Lost Hills Instructional Pilot to the board. 


Information Item: Discussion of Attendance & Chronic Absenteeism Overview

Jen King, Director of Student Services presented an update to the board on student attendance and chronic absenteeism for the 2023-2024 school year and provided intervention steps taken to support student attendance.


Action Item: Approval of Revised WCPA Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Plan – Delano

E. Unruh made a motion to approve the revised WCPA Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Plan for Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano).
K. Tomono seconded the motion.

Megan Palomo, Chief Academic Officer presented the updated Expanded Learning Opportunity Plan for the Delano campus. This ELO-P Plan includes WCPA’s use of the funding to provide Expanded Learning Opportunities throughout the school year both after school and during breaks (Fall Break and Spring Break), and WCPA’s Summer Academy. Revisions to this plan include: (1) Funding for external partners to offer enrichment opportunities during Summer Academy; (2) Updated ELOP-funded programs based on current practice; (3) Addition of funding for spaces and facilities-related expenses to support programmatic needs related to the program; (4) Purchase of play-based materials to support programmatic needs related to programming during after-school sessions.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
V. Reynolds
I. Valdez
S. Mohamed
K. Tomono
E. Unruh


Action Item: Approval of Revised WCPA Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Plan – Lost Hills

V. Reynolds made a motion to approve the WCPA Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Plan for Wonderful College Prep Academy – Lost Hills.
K. Tomono seconded the motion.

Megan Palomo, Chief Academic Officer presented the updated Expanded Learning Opportunity Plan for the Lost Hills campus. This ELO-P Plan includes WCPA’s use of the funding to provide Expanded Learning Opportunities throughout the school year both after school and during breaks (Fall Break and Spring Break), and WCPA’s Summer Academy. Revisions to this plan include: (1) Funding for external partners to offer enrichment opportunities during Summer Academy; (2) Updated ELOP-funded programs based on current practice; (3) Addition of funding for spaces and facilities-related expenses to support programmatic needs related to the program; (4) Purchase of play-based materials to support programmatic needs related to programming during after-school sessions.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Tomono
V. Reynolds
E. Unruh
I. Valdez
S. Mohamed


Action Item: Approval of Agreement No. 2023/24-13 between Elevo (Coast 2 Coast Coaching, Inc) and Wonderful College Prep Academy for Expanded Learning Summer Enrichment Program - Delano

E. Unruh made a motion to approve the selection of Coast 2 Coast Coaching, Inc. dba Elevo as summer program provider and authorize Chief Business Officer or designee to negotiate and enter into the contract with Elevo (Coast 2 Coast Coaching, Inc) on substantially similar terms to the terms presented.
V. Reynolds seconded the motion.

Megan Palomo, Chief Academic Officer presented the agreement with Elevo. Elevo will partner with WCPA to offer summer enrichment programming during the 2024 Summer Academy Program to students at the WCPA Delano campus. Main contract terms include: (1) Total cost for the program will not exceed $260,000 and will be funded through the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) grant; (2) 5-week program will serve grades TK-7 for approximately 300 students at the Delano campus; (3) Services may include, but are not limited to, summer camp programming in arts, sports, social-emotional skills building and other enrichment areas, student supervision, student attendance accounting, and related grant reporting information; (4) Elevo will provide all staffing for the duration of the summer programming (with the required ELOP staff to student ratios of 10:1 for TK/K and 20:1 for 1st – 7th grade), as well as provide key impact reports and communications, such as attendance tracking, family communications, and participation tracking.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
V. Reynolds
E. Unruh
I. Valdez
K. Tomono
S. Mohamed


Action Item: Approval of Agreement No. 2023/24-14 between Elevo (Coast 2 Coast Coaching, Inc) and Wonderful College Prep Academy for Expanded Learning Summer Enrichment Program - Lost Hills

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the selection of Coast 2 Coast Coaching, Inc. dba Elevo as summer program provider and authorize Chief Business Officer or designee to negotiate and enter into the contract with Elevo (Coast 2 Coast Coaching, Inc) on substantially similar terms to the terms presented.
V. Reynolds seconded the motion.

Megan Palomo, Chief Academic Officer presented the agreement with Elevo. Elevo will partner with WCPA to offer summer enrichment programming during the 2024 Summer Academy Program to students at the WCPA Lost Hills campus. Main contract terms include: (1) Total cost for the program will not exceed $170,000 and will be funded through the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) grant; (2) 5-week program will serve grades TK-7 for approximately 180 students at the Lost Hills campus; (3) Services may include, but are not limited to, summer camp programming in arts, sports, social-emotional skills building and other enrichment areas, student supervision, student attendance accounting, and related grant reporting information; (4) Elevo will provide all staffing for the duration of the summer programming (with the required ELOP staff to student ratios of 10:1 for TK/K and 20:1 for 1st – 7th grade), as well as provide key impact reports and communications, such as attendance tracking, family communications, and participation tracking.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Tomono
E. Unruh
I. Valdez
V. Reynolds
S. Mohamed
V. Reynolds left at 4:49 PM.

III. Regular Agenda - Business, Finance & Operations


Information Item: Monthly Business Report - Delano

Mike Romero, Chief Business Officer presented the updated monthly business report for the Delano Campus.


Information Item: Monthly Business Report - Lost Hills

Mike Romero, Chief Business Officer presented the updated monthly business report for the Lost Hills Campus.

IV. Regular Agenda - Policies and Compliance


Action Item: Approval of Revised 2023-24 Family and Student Handbook for Delano and Lost Hills

E. Unruh made a motion to approve the revised 2023-24 Family and Student Handbook for Delano and Lost Hills.
K. Tomono seconded the motion.

Mike Romero, Chief Business Officer, presented the updates to the Student and Family Handbook that included legal updates to the attendance policy to include the following excused absences: (1)  Religious retreat (up to one day per semester); (2) Funeral services or grieving the death of an immediate family member or a person considered to be “immediate family” by the parent/guardian (up to five days per incident); (3) Victim services, grief support, or safety planning or actions to increase the safety of the student, an immediate family member, or a person considered to be “immediate family” by the parent/guardian (up to three days per incident); (4) Additional updates to the attendance policy based on current practice.


The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Valdez
V. Reynolds
E. Unruh
K. Tomono
S. Mohamed


Information Item: WCPA - Lost Hills Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Accreditation Team Visit and Visiting Committee Report

Lupe Sanchez, Executive Director of Programming & Partnerships presented an update regarding the WASC Accreditation Team Visit and an update on the Visiting Committee Report. 


Information Item: WCPA - Lost Hills Charter Petition Renewal Update

Lupe Sanchez, Executive Director of Programming & Partnerships presented an update regarding the Lost Hills Charter Petition Renewal. Per the California Department of Education announced the charter renewal track as the "Middle Track" for the petition renewal.

V. Communications


Superintendent's Report

Superintendent Aguilar presented a brief updates on recent and upcoming student and schoolwide events.


Other Business

No other business was discussed at this meeting.

VI. Consent Agenda


Review and Approve: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of February 26, 2024

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the minutes from February WCPA Board of Directors Meeting on 02-26-24.
E. Unruh seconded the motion.

Consent Agenda Items VI A-C were presented and approved as one motion.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Tomono
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed
V. Reynolds
I. Valdez


Action Item: Ratification of Delano February 2024 Vendor Payments

K. Tomono made a motion to to approve Consent Item A-C as presented.
E. Unruh seconded the motion.

Consent Agenda Items VI A-C were presented and approved as one motion.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Valdez
K. Tomono
S. Mohamed
E. Unruh
V. Reynolds


Action Item: Ratification of Lost Hills February 2024 Vendor Payments

K. Tomono made a motion to to approve Consent Item A-C as presented.
E. Unruh seconded the motion.

Consent Agenda Items VI A-C were presented and approved as one motion.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mohamed
I. Valdez
V. Reynolds
E. Unruh
K. Tomono


Information Item: Attendance & Enrollment Update - Delano

No action taken on this information item. 


Information Item: Attendance & Enrollment Update - Lost Hills

No action taken on this information item. 

VII. Board Comments


Board Comments

No comments were made by the Board of Directors.

VIII. Future Meetings


Future Meetings

Thursday, May 23, 2024; 5:00pm I Delano Campus

Thursday, June 20, 2024; 5:00pm I Lost Hills Campus 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

K. Tomono made a motion to adjourn the March Board of Directors meeting.
E. Unruh seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
V. Reynolds
I. Valdez
K. Tomono
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed


I certify that I am the Board Secretary of Wonderful College Prep Academy, a
California non-profit public benefit corporation; that these are the minutes of the
regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on March 21, 2024.

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:38 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Sanchez